
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Garden report

I have been neglecting the garden totally. Well to be completely honest I am a plant killer of high degree and anything I touch from the flora dies within seconds (or at least days after me forgetting to water and care and love...) But Jay loves the garden and I am very happy to show you that his passion now is starting to give us produce.

We have salad. Ruccola and normal salad. No more buying salad in the store for the next 6 months or so. The Ruccola we eat plain as a salad or cook with pastas, potatoes or just plain as it is, like spinach. It is delicious!

And red beets and carrots are showing up with their small teeny tiny leaves above the ground.

Strawberries are in bloom.

Ooops! Not just in bloom! They carry fruit!!!! Already! Please please please, don't give us bad weather now... I don't want them to die.

And I have planted my geraniums in pots. And I was beautifully accompanied by the cows' bell orchestra just a step away. I love having the cows right outside my door step.

This year I am going to plant some seeds. Flower seeds. I have decided to become better with the greens. To be more careful and nurturing. Successful. Concentrate Annette. Concentrate and don't forget to water the plants. "I can grow plants. I don't have to be a plant killer. " The mantra has to be repeated over and over again and maybe, just maybe - I will be successful.

The cows now leave for the night and walk up the hill (it is funny how they have their inner clock set and walk up the hill every day at the same time, 5 pm sharp.) See you again another day.



  1. Vilket härligt trädgårdsland! Jag äter mängder med grönsaker och köper mycket ekologiskt och närproducerat och att odla själv hade vart så roligt!

  2. Holy Macaroni! How big is your veggy plot!? Green with envy here!!! I'd love to have a plot next to the cows - all that cow poo would be great for the garden! Make sure you get your spade in there and gather it all up! Your plants will love you forever for it!!! :)

  3. Severe garden size envy here lol! :-) You will get some great harvests out of there and your flowers will bring you great joy, even more because of the effort you put into them. And your cows are just plain cute :-)

  4. Oh, så härligt med ett så stort eget trädgårdsland! :-) Blir spännande att se vad du odlar där i sommar!

  5. Men hallå, du får inte visa upp jordgubbar nu! :-) Löven har ju inte ens slagit ut här! Jag skulle också vilja ha en sådan där trädgård, men jag hatar att sköta om sånt. När jag blir rik ska jag ha en trädgårdsmästare som sköter min trädgård

    Spännande med en Give away, inte behöver du vara orolig för det du ger, jag tror inte du ger bort något som skulle kunna vara i dåligt skick. men jag förstår då du har många som läser din blogg att du vill att det ska vara nåt speciellt.

    Ha det bra!

  6. Yep we are eating salad now too.

    Do the cows really take themselves off?
    I always wondered how they know?

  7. Dear Summerfete,
    That is true! I've been watching and I've noticed that there is like a "lead cow". She takes off and starts moooohing loudly and within a couple of minutes they are all on their way up on the top of the hill, 5 pm sharp. I am not sure if they get special food up top or what but about an hour later they all come down again to stay for the night underneath the apple trees.

    In the morning it is the same. When I take a shower at 5.45am they all are sleeping under the trees, at 6 am when I dry my hair I see them all getting up to walk up the hill in a row. At 7 am when I leave for work they are all coming down again... Funny.

    Take care. Annette

  8. Thats great!
    You can use the cows as a timer!

    ps. how lovely to see such things from your window.

    But hang on!! My bedroom as a child looked out onto fields with cows! They were milk cows, I think the farmer used to call them though..or maybe not!!

  9. There is nothing like home grown produce...wonderful! Enjoy xx

  10. Det är roligt att ha eget land! Tyvärr är jag ingen odlare, dvs jag ogillar att rensa, gallra, vattna osv men älskar att skörda! :) Finns inget bättre än att ta med sig korgen ut och plocka in lite grönt, lök och potatis till middagen.Lycka till med blommorna!

  11. Tänk om jag orkade göra ett grönsaksland som ni har men man måste va på plats och sköta om det och det är ju man inte.Jag får nöja mig med att ha lite persilja, gräslök, vitlök och basilika hemma i stan.


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