
Saturday, January 7, 2012

I got the monkey bug...

Hi darlings!
What great response on my last post. :D I guess I am not the only one loving the roses and cozies... Thank you so much ladies. It has been very helpful to read your comments and so much fun to brainstorm with you. I have made a decision. And I will show you a sample very soon. Just figuring out how to make this block. I can tell you I am challenging myself a little bit, taking my quilting to another level... Not toooo advanced but a teeny tiny bit more advanced than just squares. And I am loving it!!! Maybe I will be able to take some snap shots tomorrow. :D

So, what happened? Well, I guess I got the monkey bug... I had an event at work before Christmas. A little Quilt Show, showing my baby quilts for all the other girls.  I whipped up this Funky Monkey Quilt to add to the variety as the pieces had been cut and has been ready to be pieced for a long time.

I sold 4 quilts and received 1 customized order so that was good fun. :D Not that I am planning to turn myself into a quilting machine or anything but I am glad that the blankets I have made during my first year making quilts, are ending up comforting small newborns all over the place instead of just lying on my shelf at home. It has been a great learning journey to make all these baby quilts.
I fell head over heals for this monkey print last spring and I have only been waiting to use it. Originally this was meant to be for my friend Hanna's babygirl Lea, but when Lea arrived she seemed to be more of a floral girl than a funky chick so I made her this quilt instead,  Lea's Quilt. And now this quilt is a lonely quilt looking for a funky baby girl to use her.

You can find this quilt in My Etsy Shop together with my Groovy Monkey Quilt in turquoise and red. I am a sucker for monkeys, that is just the way it is...



  1. Åh, vilka fina lapptäcken! Det var faktiskt jättelänge sen jag sydde ett lapptäcke, men nu blev jag riktigt sugen igen. :-)

  2. Very nice Quilting!!!

  3. Hi :)
    I been following ur blog for quite long, even if I never sewed, I love all ur posts full of colour and joy!!!
    Now finally I bought a used sewing machine and started trying out this lovely precious art :P
    Im portuguese but I live in Sweden for almost 4 yeasr now.
    So today I finally took some courage to post and tell you about me and also to ask for ur help... What stores here u can advice me to look for? I went to panduro but everythibng is really too expensive there and not much to choose from...

    Thank you


    Catarina Appelgren

  4. Vilket gulligt lapptäcke! Aporna är verkligen söta! Är jättesugen på att sy ett täcke själv, men jag vet inte riktigt vad jag ska fodra det med. Vad brukar du använda för foder?
    Kram Malin

  5. Tack för dina råd om hur man ska fodra ett lapptäcke. Ska nog prova med att sy ihop det med ett fleecetyg. Det lät enklast att börja med.
    Kram Malin
    PS:Visst skrev jag en kommentar om din söta apquilt igår, nu finns den inte med längre.Jag tycker iallafall att den är helt underbar. DS

  6. your blog is very beautiful. I am a beginner crochet hello monia


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