
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Natural Patchwork - a book review

Hi darlings. As promised a while ago I today have a full book review of Natural Patchwork by Suzuko Koseki.
I got myself this book for Christmas, ordered it on Amazon. My kids gently wrapped it up before I had a chance to see anything else but the cover. The cover itself is gorgeous isn't it? And it really reflects the contents of this book. It is just as gorgeous on the inside!!!

The author Suzuko Koseki tells us the story on how she started patchwork as a little girl. How her grandma used to save every piece of fabric from her clothes to curtains, table cloths etc and carefully took care of every inch of it, making beautiful and functional patchwork items. There are nice and delicate illustrations, written step by step instructions and even pictures at times to guide you through a project. Sometimes I find the instructions and illustrations a bit confusing but maybe that is because I don't really have an experienced eye. They are also kind of small, maybe because they should fit in with the light and spacious graphic design...

The photos are amazing. I fell head over heals for the Scrappy Slippers that I gave a go a while ago, totally winging it. I wasn't to successful at the time but will give them another try soon as now have the right scale of the pattern. I love them so much and my kids are begging me to make them Scrappy Slippers to wear at school.

Because of copyright matters I won't show you to much but some samples from the 26 different projects in this book doesn't hurt, does it? Love these place mats. These are actually hand pieced and hand quilted and there is a whole section with photos showing you step by step how to hand sew squares together. How I adore the vintage style fabrics she uses and the Japanese perfection...

And this quilt is to die for!!!! But O M G how much work would it be to make a quilt like this. The squares are actually made from diagonal strips which gives the squares a completely new dimension.

The hot pads a really cute and I love the scrappy style she uses throughout the book. All and all I adore this book. I can flick through the pages over and over again. But I have to admit I won't try out all her projects as the difficulty level some times is above my own abilities. But for anyone who wants inspiration, eye candy and to dream on in the world of Japanese perfection this is a book to own. I so do not regret buying this book. It will be treasured for a long long time.

Natural Patchwork
Suzuko Koseki
Price approx: 16-20 £
I give this book: +



  1. Naw, jag gár i "lapp-tankar" kikar i ládorna med tygbitar , funderar och funderar pá vad jag ska göra först av alla otaliga projekt.
    Boken ser helt underbar ut. Och Amazon är fantastiskt!!
    Idag ska jag nog göra mej ett par náldynor. Lagom stort projekt.
    Var hittar du dina fina knappnálar. Antar att dom är lite större, fór att kunna användas till quilting?
    Vi fá se om katten láter mej sy och virka. Hon är mycket intresserad av tyg och garn. Vi kommer att ha kul ihop, eller inte?

  2. Such a beautiful book, so very tempting!
    I love the baby shoes, I would like them for myself.

  3. Oh boy, I am a sucker for a good crafty book. Thanks for sharing the photos. To think it can be mine with just one little click on Amazon. Hmmm......

  4. I'm so glad you shared this with us, it looks a great book and one that I shall add to my wish list on amazon - I have been too greedy this last month buying books and old favourite dvds so shall have to wait a while now.

    Gill xx

  5. I have this book and really need to dive into some of the projects. Soon I hope. :)

  6. Just a quick comment to say I bought this book ( I couldnt wait!)and am very happy with it! Already working on something from it, although it will probably take a while!

    Thanks for recommending it Annette.

    Have a great day

    Gill xx

  7. What a lovely and colorful blog you have! I'm very much enjoying the beautiful pictures! Great work, all of it!


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