
Saturday, March 17, 2012


Sometimes I wake up in blues... Like today. Most of all I just want to hide myself under my blanket and wish this day to be gone. I always wonder where it comes from. What was the trigger? I was feeling so great last night. :D

Most of the time it is stress. And today I feel stressed. It is Carneval in our village. High expectations from kids to dress up right. Weather changed so quickly that all winter clothes needs to be taken away and all spring clothes to be taken out... And with that comes the big inventory of kids clothing as they have grown so much since last year... The house is a mess after a winter full of weekend trips to the Alps and I am not sure of where to start.

Next weekend I am leaving our kids with a babysitter for 3 days... My dear Jay and I have booked a very much longed for get away to Barcelona, but leaving the kids makes me all nervous. We have had major problems with our childminder causing emergency pick ups and having to storm out of the office unplanned at work. Not so popular around my colleagues and supervisors... We are in the process of finding a new childminder - pronto... Not an easy task. So it is stress... The garden needs attention, kids are like the cats in March - all over the place and all funny in the head. Joyful and crazy happy but also a bit hyperactive if you ask me... And I am not sure how to kick the blue heart into a red color today.

I might just start with taking a long walk, cry a bit and get it all out of my system. Then take a long hot shower. Hang out in my crafty corner a bit, folding and touching all colorful fabric. And hopefully I will be in great form after lunch again, ready to tackle the Carneval. And hopefully this post will be replaced by something joyful and happy instead later today. That is what I aim for. I want this to be a blissful place but sometimes I do fall into that big black hole...

Do you get the blues like this sometimes? What do you do to kick it off? What is your trigger? Maybe you don't even know your trigger... I am sure I am not alone about this, right? Tell me I am not alone. Well, time for that walk. I am going to walk against the wind... Just to face that blues and give it a big punch right on his nose. And then I am going to walk all over him with my head up high and come home with the wind in my back instead. What do you think about that?



  1. You are SO NOT ALONE! Sounds like your plate is terribly full - and as Moms, we tend to take it ALL ON! And tell ourselves we're failures if we don't get it all done immediately! One task at a time...and breathe. Whatever isn't done will be waiting later - even a month from now. Just remember, you are a human "being"...and not a human "doing". Try to "be". The "dos" will fall into place in good time. Carneval...don't forget to try to find some joy in the whole event. There'll come a day that your kids no longer care about it all - but their memories will be of the times like today. One thing at a Hugs, Annette (aka Petunia Pill)

  2. My best way to get him away...
    go outside, see the nature, come calm - but that works not always. So i wait - i wait until it´s over. There´s often no other way.

  3. Of course you're not alone! I think for me the best way to get rid of it is to get out in the garden, even if I don't feel like it, and get digging - the endorphins from the hard work help, and there's nothing like that smell of the earth to make you feel (truly!) grounded again. And you always find wonderful things you hadn't noticed, like tiny seedlings, or buds, or ladybirds. Hope the wind's blown away the blues!
    Jane x

  4. You are definitely not alone, Annette. You put this feeling very eloquently into words. For me it happens when I am overwhelmed with having too many things to do and not sure where to start. Or how to make a dent in it all. It usually helps when a priority shows itself and I see where to begin. Then once I've accomplished something I feel loads better. I never ever get it all done, but I do learn to be OK with that- until the next time I feel overwhelmed. I hope your walk is healing for you today!

  5. You're not alone, Annette! xxx

    I think the getting out and walking it off is absolutely the right thing to do. I often start a walk feeling pants then find after half an hour or so my state of mind is lifted.

    If that fails I find eating a whole easter egg to myself helps too. :-)

    Henny x

  6. Ta pá dej skorna och gá, gá tills det lättar. Lyssna pá skön musik och andas djupt. Sen láter du inte en enda negativ tanke komma in. Lek med tanken, byt de negativa mot det positiva. Snart är du som alltid.
    (fast man fár ha bláa dagar ibland.)
    Kramar i massor.
    P.S hade du kommit lite närmare Málaga hade sókt upp dej, Barcelona är lite för lángt, tyvärr.

  7. I think that trip to Barcelona is going to do you some good. As moms we put a lot of pressure on ourselves to make sure everything runs along smoothly. Sounds like you have a lot of worries on your mind. I usually like to take it all out of my head and write it down. I make lots of lists :) Everything will eventually get done and magically fall into place. Hugs to you!

  8. oh annette i do feel for are not on your own..i've had depression for a long time which is usually managed with medication but recently it had to be increased after i had a really low 3 months..i hope the walk helped..and a break away with your husband sounds wonderful..i just hope you can enjoy it though with your child minding concerns at the back of your mind..hugs..jane x

  9. I know exactly what it feels like...sometimes it's just too much that is frustrating, too many things that aren't going the right way. For me the triggers are: a messy flat after I cleared up the day before for "hours" :)
    or plans that don't work out the way I imagined! And often it is just the "hormones" that mess everything up. Hope you feel better, now and have a all the better Sunday! Oh, and as I guessed - the time to walk was ever so short this week, no running, no swimming...I think maybe 30 minutes walking altogether. Not very much and I look forward to next week where i will have time to walk again!

  10. You are not alone, and I do hope you start to feel better throughout the day. Too much to do, too little time to do it, and the expectations we all have of ourselves can leave anybody feeling blue. Sending you a hug.

  11. You are in good company. Though, admittedly, my bluesy states seem to stem mostly from pregnancy hormones lately. I hope your walk helped to clear your head, and you returned in a happier frame of mind. If not, you will get another go at it tomorrow. Hugs sent across the ocean!

  12. I hate having lots to do, that's when I feel like just going to bed. If I HAVE to do it then that's when I feel stressed - from outside pressure. If it is just up to me then I do no more than is reasonable and try not to stress about it.

    Sometimes, we just have days when it's all got to happen and we know it and there is nothing we can do but get on with it. If life is like that too often then I have to change things no matter what as I can't be doing with that for too long. Sometimes life just sucks for no reason at all and I stomp about scowling for a while until I get bored with myself. If things are really just not nice, I go for a walk to my happy place in a park that I love. The walking and the birds and the sky and plants and flowers put me back into a place of peace.

  13. You are so not alone. I am actually feeling like that right now - so I'm glad to know that I am not alone. It comes on very suddenly for me, with no warning and most of the time, no trigger that I can think of. I just feel blah, frustrated, irritated and sad. It's a horrible feeling, but you just have to push through and be kind to yourself until it's over, because it most certainly will be over and you'll be back to your self before you know it :)

  14. Dear Annette, I wake up this morning with the blues too. The trigger is again bad pain in the back, but then everything else seems a problem, and without solution.
    Luckily my children are all grown up, but I remember how difficult it was to find someone to look after the 4 of them. Someone not only willing but reliable.
    I went for a long walk, now I am going to dye some silk. Let's hope that the rest of the day will be better, right now I am in a very dark hole.

  15. Try dinner with candlelight to get the kids to quiet used to work for mine. Read it somewhere and it relaxed us all.. ..


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