
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Paper piecing - another obsession???

I never NEVER thought I would even give it a try. I really really REALLY did not think this type of crafts would be for someone like me. And how wrong was I...???

I've seen paper pieced hexagons in blog land forever... Admired them and quickly brushed them off as too fiddly. And it wasn't until I found Clare over at Selfsewn (earlier known as Summerfete, update her in your blogroll if you have missed that she has changed her blog name and URL) that something weird happened to me. My set of mind changed.

Clare's Summer Of Love Quilt
Clare makes the most beautiful quilts only using the traditional English Paper Piecing technique. This one to the left is one of my big time favorites.

She prefers paper piecing because she loves the control of the work and because she can do it everywhere. She has a tutorial over the basics and after months of looking at this tutorial I took the big leap. I became a doer and just did it.

It is not hard. It is not fiddly. It is wonderful. It is like crochet. You  can do it anywhere. And now when spring is knocking on the front door I don't feel like sitting inside by the sewing machine anymore. This is perfect! Well, it is time consuming. It takes longer time than machine piecing but I am in no rush. Let it take its time.

I have only started. Made myself a hexagon template. Traced hexagons on old bank statements... Cut them out... Pinned pieces of gorgeous lolly scraps to the paper pieces and cut around with 1/4 inch sewing allowance, tacked the fabric to the paper and slip stitched the hexagons together carefully... Cute! Wonderful. Me happy! A perfect project to bring along on the upcoming mini break in Barcelona.

Jay will work on his motorcycle and race, I will sip tea and do paper piecing alternating with this new crochet project in my hands. So, sorry but I won't have time to update the walking this week girls.

Come Walk With Me - Week 4
A quick one regarding the walking this week as I am so busy. Next week we weigh in and do a measure update. Exciting right? Or maybe not... However, we still have the chance to make those numbers go down a bit. So lets make a special effort this week. Push it a little bit further. A little bit more walking every day. You will be surprised what an extra 15 minutes a day will do to your waist line in one week. :D Lets do it girls. Go go go! Walk like you've never walked before! Find a new route. Walk a bit faster. Walk up and down a hill. Walk in the rain for 15 minutes. Leave the dog at home. Park the car far away from the grocery store entrance. Walk all the way through the village and turn around to go to the post office. Just add those small extra steps to it. We can do this.

I also want to encourage you all to visit Gill over at Gilly Flower to experience her blog walk. She took pictures on one of her walks last week and it was such great fun to walk with her. It felt like I was there for real. I great post. don't miss out on it and why don't you do the same? Take photos of your walk, reflect about nature. It is exploding everywhere right now. This is the perfect time for a nice looooooong walk. Enjoy. Stay focused. I'll be back by the end of the week. Until then Come Walk With Me!



  1. Oh this post is nudging me to make hexagons. I copied a template a few weeks ago and it's been sitting on my desk staring at me ever since. I may have to give this a go! Yours look great! Have fun in Barcelona :) We are having rain here all week again. I'm going to have to cover myself in plastic bags when I go for a walk!!!!!!

  2. Yay Hooray for you!
    It's great isnt it?
    I love to think of you in Barcelona sewing, you must take photos!
    I am starting a new beginners hex quilt a long next week, looks like you've got a head start.


  3. Just loving those hexies! Its nice to have a hand sewn project on the go to pick up and sit anywhere with, to like you, carry around and even take on holiday!
    Have a great time in Barcelona, hope you get lots of sewing and walking done, and thanks for the mention!

    Gill xx

  4. I have hexagon and crochet by hand. It's portable and very, very addictive! Welcome to Spain and happy estay in Barcelona!

  5. i've only ever paper pieced my is slow but that's never worried me because i just love the's so soothing and satisfying all at the same time..i'm looking forward to seeing what you make..and enjoy your holiday annette..

  6. Hi from a new follower! So glad I found your lovely blog. I started paper piercing hexagons last year and have made a couple of cushion covers. It's funny cos I blogged about them yesterday - well about cushion covers - but my post has a couple of photos of my hexagon covers - I'd love your feedback if you have a chance to take a peek :) Maggie xx

  7. I like your hexies , it is very satisfying isn't it ?? I like to fill boxes with them, but I ave yet to sew them together ..LOL Clare encouraged me with paper piecing as well, and she does make beautiful quilts..

  8. I just wanted to say hello i have popped over from Gillyflowers blog after reading her post about the lovely vintage fabrics you sent her. You have a lovely blog and make some gorgeous things. I love patchwork it really is addictive at times. I to have made a hexagon quilt i made it all by hand then only bit of sewing by machine was the quilting and edging it. You can view it on my blog if you would like to. Enjoy the rest of your week and happy sewing, dee ;-)


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