
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

♥♥♥ Tilda fabric...♥♥♥

I found a box with Tilda left overs from my Wedding Quilt today when I organized my stash a bit.

Ready cut 10" squares... I quickly found some other fabrics to accompany. Can you guess which ones?

I can feel a new Tilda Quilt coming on... Although I already have my blue Tilda stash waiting for me... Maybe it will become  abit of Tilda mania around here. :D I like that! ♥♥♥

I adore Tilda fabric. They make me feel at home. Back to my roots. Scandinavian into the bones. It doesn't matter how many continents I have lived in, how much influence the world of fabric has on me... When it comes down to it -  I am a simple Swedish girl.

I don't adore the price... but this is like treating yourself for an extra expensive body lotion or a super expensive cafe latte in a fancy coffee shop... So well worth it.

I just can't get enough of this... Can you?



  1. I love Tilda!
    Tilda Mania sounds like fun to me!

  2. fabric galore!! love it!
    xxx Alessandra

  3. Oh lush!
    I've not heard of Tilda?

  4. So pretty!! I discovered Tilda a few years ago and was instantly smitten! I wish her fabric was available here! Happy quilting!!! Let the Tilda Mania begin :) xoxo Debbie

  5. I have never seen Tilda fabric in person. But I adore seeing it on your blog. :0)
    I am having a little give a way and still time to sign up. :0)

  6. Completely loving your fabric stash! I like Tilda too and have a little collection of it myself but can't bring myself to use it as its too lovely!

  7. Hello Annette,
    These Tilda fabrics are so lovely. I just bought some a few days ago to match the fabrics I recently bought from you. Together they will make a very nice quilt, I hope. Never made one before so this is quite a challenge for me...
    I hope you have a great evening,

  8. tilda tyger är underbara! Ska bli kul att se vad det blir för fint! kram från oss

  9. I love Tilda too, I have most of her books . I cant get the fabric because I dont know where to get it ..I live in New Jersey USA



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