
Sunday, June 24, 2012

My Tilda Quilt NO 1 - VOILA!

She is finished. My Tilda Quilt NO 1.

She is made from 30 10"/25cm squares.  Most of the fabric is from Tilda by Tone Finnanger. For a special My Rose Valley twist, I have added one of my big time favorite vintage sheets (can you guess which one???) and a couple of other nice prints from my stash.

I love her. I adore her. She is so cuddly because her backing is made from fleece only. She is quilted with diagonal lines (using masking tape as guide lines, see here...) making a fresh tipped over square pattern. This was a bit of an experiment as haven't quilted fleece before... I wasn't sure if it would work but it turned out absolutely great!

♥ TIPS ♥: Spray baste the 2 layered quilt and pin a lot as fleece tend to stretch and move otherwise. And also I let go a little bit on the tension of the upper thread. That really helped.

The binding was machine stitched with mitered corners and I have to say I am starting to get really good at the binding part now :D. I still remember my very first quilting project and how I struggled, cursed and almost ended up in tears...

The blanket measures 55" x 47"/ 140cm x 120cm. A perfect size to cuddle up in under or spread out for a picnic. Pretty much the same size as My Summer House Quilt. She is such a sweetie. Almost to sweet for me. Honestly. I am not really this much pastel or pretty... But my small girls are. :D

Now I am preparing for Tilda Quilt No 2. In blues. You remember my blue Tilda stash???

♥ Annette ♥


  1. Beautiful, beautiful and beautiful. Lovely colors and it looks so cozy.

  2. Oh, it is GORGEOUS!!! Well done :)

  3. This is so pretty Annette!! The stitched binding is perfect!! Sometimes you just have to make something girly-girl!! I have a few Tilda books and totally LOVE her style!! Can't wait to see your "blue" quilt :) Happy Sunday xoxo Debbie

  4. Hello Annette,
    I just love your quilt. Thank you for explaining how you do the stitching (using the masking tape). My little stash of fabrics is growing and soon I will be able to start on my quilt as well.
    You have inspired me once again...
    Have a great new week,

    1. My pleasure to share! Thanks for popping in and good luck with your project! ♥ Annette ♥

  5. Tilda yay yay I like it !

  6. That is so lovely - your choice of fabrics is stunning. One day I will finish a quilt, I will!

    1. It is not hard at all. Just do it! And you will never stop...
      ♥ Annette ♥

  7. Super fin, men inte lika fin som den jag och Rickard fick ; ) Jag älskar min, under sommaren flyttar den med ner till stugan, kram !!!!!

    1. Gulle som besöker här! Vad huarligt att filten h¨nager med!!! Jag lycklig! :D Kärleken svämmar över.
      ♥ Annette ♥

  8. Oh Annette, that is absolutely gorgeous! Such beautiful colours!
    Victoria xx

  9. Oh it's lovely Annette, wish it were mine!

  10. Wow, she is great!!! Quilt blanket... I´ll never learn it...

  11. I am very much taken with this quilt. It is amazing. You are amazing!

    1. Oh! I am stretching my back and raising my head now. Thank you! ♥♥♥
      ♥ Annette ♥

  12. Very pretty Annette. I like the fleece idea for the backing, I will have to try that!

  13. Undrar om inte den här är den vackraste av alla filtar du har gjort.

    1. Oj då! Verkligen? Vänta tills du ser nästa. Den kommer att vara en real hit! Kram!
      ♥ Annette ♥

  14. oh it's lovely Annette. I think I can tell which is your favourite fabric! Well done, x

  15. Är på semester och har helt missat detta täcke. Fantastiskt fint!! Väldigt snygg kantning måste jag säga. Sen den randiga virkningen ser jättefin ut, vilket roligt projekt att göra tillsammans. Mina påbörjade virkningar har åkt fram, vi är på husvagnsemester, helt perfekt pyssel, får se om jag hinner klart med nåt bara. Men oj så kul det är. Nu ser jag fotboll och dricker rosé.

    1. Tack Camilla! Vad härligt med husvagnssemester. Vi har börjat småprata om att campa med husvagn. Vi finns ju mitt i Europa med typ äventyr inom räckhåll i alla riktningar. Kanske nästa år.

      Låter super truper med virkningen som kommit med, fobollen Italien vann eller? Tyckte jag hörde tutor från den italienska familjen nedåt gatan sent igår kväll...)och rosén. Kan det bli bättre.

      Piper över till dig nu för att se vad som hänt på sistone.

      Kram o ha en bra semester!
      ♥ Annette ♥


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