
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Sunday glimpses

All the laundry is done and the heat wave is staying for another day. The strawberries are teeny tiny at this point but with the most intense flavor. Almost like wild strawberries. They are not as many as at the beginning of the summer and I am not sure for how much longer these plants will continue to produce. This morning there were just enough for my breakfast cereal.

I am back to reading. Haven't been reading in years. Have never been a great reader ever actually, but this Swedish debut novel is hard to put aside... It made me stay up til midnight last night and to put my plans on sewing aside while kids still are in bed this morning.

While kids insisted on starting their Sunday with the movie Chipmunks 3 this morning (for the 8th or 9th time now!!! Is it really that good? a mother wonder...) I took my chance and pieced my last squares for my Mama's Quilt. I am planning to embroider our names in the white squares, me and my 4 brother's names that is... And then I need a border of the blue and white stripy fabric there on the chair and for a binding... Well, I haven't really decided yet.

I managed to do some tidy up in my crafty space last night but still there are WiP's hanging and lying around everywhere. I find the fabric pieces hung over chair backs and cupboard doors to pretty to fold up and put away so they will have to stay.

Tonight I'll make a simple and light dinner with all the veggies from the garden... Maybe grilled chicken with a potato and ruccola salad, fresh baby carrots as the kids love the best raw, and yummy green beans drizzled with Extra Virgin Olive Oil... Maybe something like that... Happiness it is to harvest your own vegetables and make dinner plans out of what the day has to offer.

And now it is time for some swimming. I am not sure if it will be the busy outdoor pool in the village close by, or if we actually might go down to the Geneva lake and hang out for the afternoon. Time will tell. A lazy Sunday tend to unfold as it passes by and I really like that. What are you up to?


PS Carol! I got the fabric. Will list it my shop today or tomorrow.


  1. it seems a peaceful and quiet good!!!
    xxx Alessandra

  2. It sounds like a perfect way to spend your Sunday.
    hugs to you,

  3. Sounds like you have a lovely day planned! Your dinner menu is going to be yummy. I love the idea of embroidering your names on your quilt. My husband has a family quilt with names embroidered that both his grandmothers worked on, it is very special. Enjoy your day!

  4. Hi Annette, glad your getting back in the swing of things. Swimming sounds good, I'm missing my weekly swim at the moment, pools too busy for relaxing swim! I'm supposed to be filling some some forms which I've been putting off, so I better go and do them ! Heather

  5. hello Annette, looks like you have a lovley craft space and sounds like a good day planned at the lake..across the ocean here in BC we are having a picnic today at our lake..from Canada to Switzerland with ❤

  6. What a lovely day!! Such a sweet patchwork quilt and pretty fabrics!! Have a beautiful day! xo Heather

  7. Beautiful post! I love your quilt and all your pictures are delightful! I too love to see fabrics around me and often have some hanging up or in little bundles....they look so pretty.
    Have a happy day!
    Helen x

  8. Sounds like a restful Sunday. Looking forward to seeing your quilt complete, it is pretty so far. Take care, Heather

  9. This is such a gorgeous post full of colour, craft, homeliness and lovely homegrown food.
    Have a wonderful weekend,
    Anne xx

  10. I clicked myself to your "IKEA Pello Quilt" and I so want to make one, and I don`t even own one of those chairs. Really nice. Your blog is great by the way, it`s one of my favorites right now. I used your description for the daisy squares and since I`ve used it for a couple of projects, there so nice.


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