
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

A good day...

Walked a new path. Got surprised by a big field appearing in the deep forest. :! Stretched with help from trees, put my hands on a damp tree trunk. It felt good to "touch wood". 

Sat on the green bench and joined some granny squares. The sun came out for a bit. Started a red border on the row of granny squares. What will it become?

Got a letter from a dear blog friend. The kind with a handwritten address and many beautiful stamps on. Thank you dear Camilla over at Nåni by Smillas Design, for sending me the most adorable pattern of a kitty to sew AND a charm pack of pretty fabric. You made my day. Truly, you did!

Played with 2,5 inch squares on my design wall... Bright v. light... Scrappy it is. Scrappy pillows they will becomes. I think. Or maybe parts of a scrappy quilt... Haven't made up my mind yet.

Made a quiche with broccoli and Gruyere cheese. My first quiche ever. It was a success. Later we had roasted lamb, mashed potatoes and veg from the garden for dinner. Yum!

Spent some time doing homework with my boy. It was painful but we got through it. After he crawled up in my lap and refused to let go. "I need a hug Mama!"... Kärlek [Love]

Finished my secret crochet WiP, but had to unravel it as I made a big mistake. Chatted with my man after kids gone to bed and corrected some of my crochet mistakes.

Surfed blog world a bit. Checked my inbox. I see you like to play with fabric too! YAY! It feels good to know you are just as nuts, obsessed and passionate about fabric as me... No "normal" person understands me as well as you do! Seriously... Thank you for all your sweet messages. You are truly the best.

Now I am off to bed. Will read a page or two in a Swedish novel. It has been a good day. Very good indeed... What about your day? Just a normal day kind of like mine? Or do you have any big Ta Daahs up your sleeve to share maybe? I want to see! I want to see!

Night night... don't let the bed bugs bite...



  1. but aren't 'normal people' the ones who fondle fabric and play with yarn? I'm sure we are! Lol.

  2. Yes, such a beautiful feeling to stay in touch with Nature...I love it, too!!
    Your granny squares are lovely, I adore the grey background and the red border together: just perfect!!! I have "troubles" with Tobia's homeworks almost every day: I force myself to be patient and a sweet mamma....and you know what? Even Tobia rewards me with big hugs, saying "I don't know why, but I do feel the urge to do it!"....<3
    Enjoy your week, xxx Ale

  3. Pretty normal today! Yesterday I sewed a little pink tote bag..a mini market bag and decided to have a giveaway today as I don't have any more little girls to give to and the fabric was just sitting in my cupboard begging to be used.

  4. Vilken skog!! Mycket finare än våra tallar och granar! Jättefin bild.
    Tack för snälla ord, det är roligt att göra någon glad, även om det inte är med så mycket.
    Virkningen ser jättefin ut, men vad ska det bli? Halsduk?
    Kram på dig!

  5. You've just described the perfect day! Ada :)

  6. Så härligt det låter!!!!
    Vilken underbar dag!

    Du är tyggalning, jag är garngalning! Och att surfa runt på nätet är farligt ibland! Man hittar så mycket fint man vill köpa/göra/fixa/trixa!

    Ha en bra dag!

  7. Oh, that does look like a good day to me!!
    Great colours,

  8. well done for making time to stretch out and breathe in the woods. I do this sometimes too! I must look strange. The kitty design is gorgeous and all your fabric, inspiring! Heather x


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