
Thursday, September 6, 2012

Cutting is a messy business

I am cutting 2,5" inch squares. Not for any specific reason. I am just doing it. Because it is pretty. Later I will organize these squares into piles and put them in a box or something but for now they are making me happy just being there.

Cutting is a messy business for me. Fabric scraps in piles, ready cut squares spread all over the place, fabric pieces lying around.

Displaying books on my cutting table is a good way to get inspired. Right now it is the Homespun Style by Selina Lake and L'ateliér de Tilda by Tone Finnanger that I can't get enough of.

However. My cutting table is messy. It is a wonder no accidents have appeared yet. Like cutting into my WiP that is only gently pushed to the side or that some of those 2,5" squares don't get bleeding cuts from my cutter... Or my fingers for that matter...

How about you. Are you an organized cutter or a messy one?

Well, time to take a short brisk walk before picking up kids at school. I've been walking a lot lately. More about that another time.



  1. Messy cutter! However I do find cutting, ironing and stacking fat quarters worryingly addictive! Ada :)

  2. Hi tell you the truth I have nicked myself twice with the cutter this week..before this only once or twice in a couple of years! They were just little cuts, but they bled and that's just what you don't want on your fabric so I tied up my finger with a yellow polka dotted scrap of fabric..hehe!

  3. I'm glad it helped, Annette :)

    Your blog is such a wonderful source of inspiration--making me wish I had some more fabrics here on vacation and my sewing machine, I'm getting so in the mood to try making my own quilt (but in larger squares to start!!!) I did bring some, though, and am having fun at doing a little hexagon paper piecing :)))

    Take care :)xxx

  4. All those squares are so bright and cheerful, they make me want to pick them up and play around with arranging them, and I don't even sew!
    Hugs, I am off for a walk, too.

  5. ....My two working tables are too messy to cut fabric squares at the moment....I would love to, but I have to clean all my mess....I love my mess, so I do not clean....shame on me???
    xxxx Alessandra

  6. Looks so pretty!! I am a messy! It seems more inspirational to me to see things all around!! I can't wait to see what you" ll make!

  7. What a lovely way to spend a few hours!! I am MESSY! But then I have to clean it all up before I start on something else :) YAY for walking!!! I bet you feel fabulous! xoxo Debbie

  8. I love your fabrics.....very cheerful!! I can be both messy and neat....just depends, I guess.

  9. It looks very pretty, busy and inspiring! and very like my own cutting table too....I quite like a bit of mess when it's all about crafting :)
    Helen x


  11. I so agree! I am a messy cutter! But I wouldn't have it any other way! Love your fabrics! Stephanie :)

  12. Love your squares. I have books open on my table to inspire me too!

  13. Such a pretty pile of fabric! I am a messy cutter, but that is part of the fun! xo Heather

  14. Ha ha... this post made me chuckle - I'm glad I'm not the only messy crafter!! So many crafters I see on blogs seem to work in an immaculate fashion - I always seem to be surrounded with bits and pieces whatever I'm doing. I've been astonished how messy my craftiness gets since I've started blogging earlier this year and when I try to take a photo, trying to get the mess out of the shot is a bit of a mission!! Yours is an inspiring, creative mess tho - so good on you!! J9 x

  15. I am moderately messy ! When there are many WIPs on, I feel I might want to get into any of them at any instant, so it is better if they are out and ready to get crafted.

    I am a first timer to your blog, saw the image in pinterest. Very nice. I too am into many kinds of crafts and needlework.

  16. Oh, I hate cuting fabric with a passion. I always wish I could just *snap* my fingers and then tadaaa everything would be in the shape I need it to be. 'Cause I love the sewing part! I always cute my fabric on a open space on our living roon floor. Drives my husband bonkers ;-)


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