
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Just talking... and some crochet

The summer is reaching its end. The chilly air has arrived. The mornings are getting dark. Last Saturday we spent on the beach. I think it was our last beach day for the season. The kids are playing a lot on the swings in the apple tree and I am being very patient and slow moving in general... It feels like I am waiting for something to happen.

I am picking tomatoes every other day and the dinner menus are mostly containing anything with zucchini or chard, leek, potatoes and carrots... A lot of soups are made. I few last berries has been gulped with my morning cereal...

It has been cloudy and rainy. The other day I took a long walk in the woods on my own. In the rain. The good thing about walks in the woods when it is raining is that you actually don't get wet as the crowns of the trees protects you and functions like umbrellas. It was a pleasant walk. My mind got wild with ideas. Creative ideas. Setting up goals. Plan for the future.

I am crocheting granny squares. Sewing in ends. I am not sure for what... Maybe they will be just squares without purpose as I tend to start on small projects very often without finishing them. But it is soothing. I love the colors. I love the yarn. Some of you have asked me about yarn, where do I buy my yarn? Well, I'll make a separate post about that another day.

Today we will go to the Circus. I am looking forward to that. Sugar candy, popcorn and shining magic sticks in the dark seating area. And I am making pillows. Yes, more pillows. They are so much fun to do. I am sending off some fabric to ETSY-buyers and planning to re-stock my shop. I think you will like it. :D

What are you guys doing on a weird "in-between" Saturday? September is so NOT my month of the year... I can't wait until October arrives. Right now I am not sure of wearing socks or not. If I do, I get to hot. If I don't, I am to cold. If I make a salad for lunch it feels wrong, but if I make a stew it feels a little bit to heavy... If I chose to dry my laundry outside it starts to rain. If I hang it inside the sun comes out... No, October is more stable. He knows what he wants. I am waiting with anticipation.



  1. Annette I just love your blog :) well Im working on my " x-mas blanket";postID=6894100920172605010
    and getting for puppies to be born this weekend.
    Have a nice week-end

  2. hey, i just love your grannys :-)
    what kind of wool are you using? wool and acryl?

    greets pami

  3. Har du visat lapptäcket i soffan förut? Grymt snyggt i alla fall. Ja hösten är på ingång här också, gillar verkligen hösten, men det säger jag om varje årstid när den kommer....
    Kan du tänka dig att det är ett brev på väg till din brevlåda! Kram! Hoppas cirkusen var bra!

  4. OOHH a beuatiful quilt and a beautiful crochet!! I lovely your things!!

  5. A beautiful quilt and crocheting.

  6. it all sounds nice, such a pleasure to make those colourful granny squares, enjoy the circus! Heather x

  7. Oh, please tell more of those wild and creative ideas! You know you want to :-) And I am very curious to see more things in your shop. Woohoo!!


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