
Monday, November 12, 2012

A creative being

Do you know her? Twink. Well, that is what I like to call her cause she has a twink in her eye when dropping messages in my inbox. She calls herself Wink or Winkieflash. She is fabulous with crochet, yarn and colors. Very inspiring indeed. I have followed her for a long time now. She is fun. Different. She sucks you in... She is real. With pink hair. :D

Recently she shared a pattern of how to make a mandala, or a flat circle... It was the best tutorial I have read in a long time. So easy to follow. So clear. Fantastic pictures... Plus she is flawless with her crochet stitching... So neat and perfect. You can the Mandala Tutorial here.

And talking about Mandalas. She is running a "Weekly Mandala" on her blog that i think will interest you all. She finds inspiration in everything around her, like most of us do, and she picks an inspiration of the week that she transforms into a Mandala... Say no more... These Mandalas are so fantastic.

I am tempted to jump on and start making my own "Weekly Mandalas" just for the fun of mixing colors. But first I would have to ask for a permission. I feel that this is Twink's thing.  You just have to go and visit this fantastic girl. She has a special place in my blog heart. I am not sure why she is so special to me... Maybe just because she is - Twink!

Oh, the name of her blog? A creative being. Of course. A creative being in heart and soul.


PS All pictures belongs to A Creative Being.


  1. Ooohhh, Annette! I love mandalas! I love these colours! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  2. I know her blog well and love her weekly mandala, love her colors, so inspiring.

  3. just been there, before visiting you!!! how funny!!
    have a good day, xxx Ale

  4. These are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing! xo Heather

  5. I really enjoy your blog..and I love Mandalas but have yet to make one! Thanks for pointing the direction to Twinks! follower :-)

  6. The lovely mandala brought me in to have a look! I just love mandalas and have crocheted several in the past with the granny stitch, making them big enough to cover a small round table I have at home!
    Thanks for giving the link to "A creative being". I love her inspirations and could easily be tempted into joining the mandala game again! I love the Sarah London invisible join too. It really is the tops!
    I like your new look on the blog and the spotted page!

  7. Thank you for information about next lovely blog and about great tutorial! J.

  8. yes thank you I've book marked the page. I do love mandalas! Heather x

  9. Muhteşem görünüyorlar değişik ve çok hoş tebrik ederim ben sizi takip ediyorum görüşmek üzere sevgiler.

  10. Thanks for this!! I've just visited her blog too - beautiful crochet inspiration. Well done for sharing! J9 x

  11. Läser ikapp hos dig efter en veckas VAB:ande som inte lämnade mkt tid över för att läsa bloggar. Öroninflammationernas tid är här.
    MEN jag bli nästan rädd. Häromdagen var jag på en bokaffär här och sprang på en målarbok som hette "Fantastiska Mandalas"! Aldrig sett innan men jag blev helt förälskad och köpte två st. Det är inte säkert att lillan får båda... Jo det får hon. Men vilka fantastiska mönster!

    Å nu läser jag om Mandalas här!

    Ha en bra dag!

  12. First time here, I love to crochet so am glad to find you. Come visit my new blog @ I am just getting started and feeling my way along. I share your love of homemade and colorful. Come visit the wilds of northern California with me and I will see Scandinavia with You !~!


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