
Monday, December 31, 2012

A summery of 2012

How would you shortly describe 2012?
An incredibly wild creative and personal journey with lots of change, growth and self discovery. I would sum it up with words like crafty exploration, artistic growth, facing fears, challenging myself, hard work, great success, lots of love, sewing, crochet, colors and laughter.

This year's best memory?
My vacation in Sweden. Those two weeks were so filled with love and laughter. Being at the cottage Rosendalen in Sweden with my family is truly the best. That is My Rose Valley.

Your biggest laughter of the year?
My brother Thomas gave me the most intense laughing attack (like always...), me laughing so hard that I cried and my belly and cheeks were aching. And my kids... especially corky little Emmy Bo. My kids are hilarious.

Your biggest cry of the year?
There has been a few sad moments... There was the scary car accident I had in February and then our dearest kitten Frankie Boy disappeared and never came back in May. That was really heart breaking...  I cried hard when we left Sweden after our vacation. And as I am a person who easily cries there has been small floods of tears of personal reasons in between of course.

What did you spend most money on?
Bills! But personal spending has been for wonderful fabric and crafty supplies. And a pair of super
expensive gorgeous boots that I have worn a hundred times already.

Your greatest bargain?
My summer wardrobe was found purchased on flea markets. A dozen fabulous tops and dresses for not even 100 dollars in total.

What did you do to feel good?
I walked. And took time out for myself. I spent more time crafting. I started therapy. I did things for ME.

What did you NOT do that you wish you had done?
Structured myself better with my blogging, business, work and home life. That will be priority for 2013 to become more efficient and be more balanced. I also regret not saying NO as often as I should... And I wish I had spent more time with Nelly Bo who is becoming a teenager soon.

Which crafty project was the most fun of the year?
Hmmm.... I loved making the Tilda Quilts because of the beautiful fabric... I also loved making all the pillows. Pillows are probably my favorite and my best.

Did you finish all your crafty projects that you started?
NO! And the Gypsy Blanket in the picture is still not finished... Finishing up 2013?

Your greatest achievement of the year?
Spending more time creating! And taking the leap into small crafts business ending up selling more than 25 Christmas pillows in one month! I am humbled...

What new skills did you learn?
I have really improved my sewing skills. And my computer and technical skills has been improved as well through blogging. It is a must to stay updated.

Which blog has inspired you the most in 2012?
Not just one but many. And for different reasons. Foxs Lane, Cherry Heart, Posie Gets Cosy, CreJJtion, Underbara Clara and many many more...

What has been the best with the blog year 2012?
All the support, encouragements, friendships, sharing, inspiration. EVERYTHING! Blogging is really fun and cool. I am also very proud of how my blog has grown with its contents, pictures, texts and design. I think I have finally found my voice.

What one thing do you wish 2013?
Health. I want everyone to stay healthy and strong. Good health is the key to a wonderful life more than any saved up cash, any business success and any new pair of hot boots. As long as we can stay healthy we can live and do whatever we want to do.

I wish you all a Happy New Year and I hope 2013 will be full of creative adventures and lots of crafty fun.



  1. Your blog is always so beautiful and interesting. Happy New Year to you and yours. Take care. Chel x

    1. Thank you dear Chel. what great compliments. I am blushing. Wish you all the best for 2013.
      Annette ♥♥♥

  2. Wishing you and yours all the best in the coming new year! Thank you so much for all of your inspiration.
    Groetjes, Heleen en Corry :)

    1. THANK YOU for all your inspiration. You two ladies are freakin' amazing. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
      Annette ♥♥♥

  3. I've really enjoyed my visits here this year! Wishing you great things for 2013! :) x

    1. Thank you! Wish you all the best for 2013. Let a new year of crafts begin!
      Annette ♥♥♥

  4. I'm so glad I found your blog! Happy 2013 to you!

  5. Awesome post. Happy New Year,

    1. Thanks. Wish you all the best for the upcoming year dear!
      Annette ♥♥♥

  6. happy to have been coming here, have a happy new year Annette! Heather x

  7. I think that you are my actual favourite blogger. (I like some of those you mention too - who doesn't like Posie gets cosy?) You have natural enthusiasm, vitality, integrity but also vulnerability that feels very genuine. I always enjoy your blog. Well done for all you have achieved this year. I am happy for your successes :)

    Thank you so much for sharing with us. Wishing you very good wishes for you and your lovely family for the coming year. A very Happy New Year xx

    1. Dear you
      Your message makes me so happy! I just told my husband it is the sweetest comment I've read in a while. Thank you for your kind words. Great feedback. Your. Description of me and My Rose Valley is exactly how I would like to come through to you all. All the best for 2013.
      Lots of love

  8. Happy New Year! (I can't see the photo)

    1. Ooops. Photo didn't work. It is now fixed. Thanks for popping in.
      Annette ♥♥♥

  9. Happy New Year Annette! I've enjoyed reading about you today..the pic didn't come through though so I may pop back later to see if it appears.

    1. Picture problem solved. You are always welcome Carol. Happy New Year!
      Annette ♥♥♥


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