
Monday, December 17, 2012

How long does it take to speak to God?

This happened on Sunday morning. A day when we all walk around in PJ's at least up until mid day and just let things unfold... But since a couple of weeks Nelly Bo, my oldest, takes off just before 10 to return home around noon. She goes to church with a friend and I think it is great that she is exploring her believes, coming from a family who are far from practicing religion at all.

"Mama?" asks Emmy Bo, the little one when Nelly has been gone for a while
"Yes..." I answer half concentrating...
" Where is Nelly?"
"She is in church..."
"Why?" Emmy Bo says, looking at me with big brown eyes.
"Well, she is talking to God." I stop what I am doing as this conversation is getting interesting...
" For how long?"
" She will be back in a couple of hours..."
" Two hours!!!???" Emmy Bo looks shocked!
" Yes, why?"
" It doesn't take TWO HOURS to talk to God!" she blurts out.

Sometimes you just can't help to wonder how clever these 5 1/2 year old little girl's are... How do you reply to that? All the things going on in that little brain of hers. She is way to clever for her age... My darling little one. She certainly is a bit of a hand full... ♥ ♥ ♥


Photos taken in Sweden and France July/August 2012. Just to refresh my memories when the rain is pouring down in the dark winter month of December... My oh my how wonderful summer was... :D


  1. What a cheeky one that Emmy Bo looks!
    Nice shots of your summer. We're back to rain here too and I was so looking forward to a white Christmas!

  2. rssss...As crianças e suas perguntas engraçadas! LINDO! beijos,chica

  3. Church isn't just about talking to God, you know. Its about learning about him, too. Its also about confessing our sins before him. This is often hard at first, but, trust me, and I don't want to sound really self-righteous , but it is such a relief to know that you needn't worry about them any more. It feels so good to know that now, the One who cares about you most, has taken them off your shoulders, thrown them away like chaff to the winds, and lifts you up to stand again.
    Nelly goes to church because she has found there a Friend who will never fail her. He'll be watching out for her everywhere she goes and whenever she says " I'm sorry. ", He says " You are forgiven. "

  4. Oh i really love that. I love the innocence, I love the curiosity. How little ones minds work.. AMAZING..

    Thank you for sharing your story x

  5. This post brought a huge smile to my face, Annette. Thank you for sharing! Peace and love from my home to yours for the holidays :)

  6. The kids are so funny ... and yours are beautiful! Ja! ja! ja!

  7. are so cute! I too miss the sunshine! What cute pics of Emmy!

  8. Your little girl is so adorable Annette!

  9. This reminds me a funny thing happened some years ago with Matteo, when he was a little boy... I'm not a religious person, so Matteo didn't use to go to church...My husband, instead, believes in God, so he usually went to church. One Sunday morning, he asked Matteo if he wanted to join him and Matteo went with his dad. When he came back home he was excited about the new experience and he told me :"You know mum, there was even a priest inside!"!!!!!!! Kids can be so funny and, yes, so clever, too!!!
    happy week Annette, xxxx

  10. What a clever kid :-)
    and what a clever parents to let her go to church when she's interesting. We did that too (long time ago) because it is good that they learn all about life. (sorry for my terrible English :)
    have a nice day

  11. I'm sure their mind & hearts are pure like fountain water,emmy Bo is a lovely little girl ,God bless your family.xo zohreh

  12. Good Evening Annette, You know, I think your little girl is right, it doesn't take a couple of hours to talk to God, you can do it any time of the day, even for a couple of minutes when the need arises. What a bright spark you have! Have a lovely evening, Daphne

  13. I can't wait till my little girl starts to wonder about things in life, thanks for sharing!

  14. What a joy it is to spend 2 hours with someone you love... or want to get to know. Many blessings this Christmas season!


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