
Friday, December 14, 2012

The design wall

Current WiP's: Christmas Table Runner for Mme Debonneville, a Log Cabin Block trial, Hearts On A String WiP, pillow fronts for brother in law, Emmy Bo's 2 1/5 inch square play...
A Dresden Plate Block trial that never got finished...

Nelly Bo's play preparation for her Patchwork Pillow.

2 1/2 inch square play for Scrappy Pillow Covers.

Design wall in early spring 2012: Scrappy Baby Blanket, Square Off Block WiP from Pam Kitty Morning fabric (time to finish maybe???), the Dresden Plate Block trial again and some Triangle Scrap Squares.
One of my favorite "tools" when sewing is my design wall. It is always packed with ongoing WiP's, WiP-maybees and some cute surprising and fun kids' play down at the bottom that constantly changes...

My design wall is made from an old flannel sheet that Emmy Bo used to have in her crib. I have simply pinned it on to my wall. The wonder with the flannel is that your fabric pieces stick to it and you can move around and re-stick your cut pieces however you want to arrange them. This way it is easier to keep track of finished pieced rows of squares and the order they come in, without having to pin post it notes with numbers on them. You avoid the disaster of laying out your pieces on the floor and having a kid running across turning them all into a whimsical tornado in a second. They just stick right there and stay there.

I literally couldn't live without my design wall and I am planning on making it even bigger in the future. This one is about 42x52 inches/105x130 cm, big enough for a baby quilt but to small for a large quilt... The dream would be to have a whole wall as a design wall. Oh my!!! How fun wouldn't that be?

This weekend I am hoping to finish those pillow covers and maybe even the table runner. Time will tell. Some little ones are also expecting some ginger cookie baking and decorating...

Next week I'll share another favorite crafty tool of mine. Happy Friday and enjoy your weekend. 



  1. that is a fabulous idea - a 'design wall'! and lookee all of your beautiful projects!
    I really need to get creative mojo going!

  2. such a clever idea!!!
    happy weekend, xxx, Ale

  3. what a fantastic idea! I wonder if my hubby will let me havea wall! x

  4. I love it! What a fantastic idea! And all your projects look fab too!
    Karen x

  5. I would love a design wall. It sounds very practical but I am more motivated because now I see how lovely it can look with pieces of beautiful fabric stuck to it. I love when beauty and function come together.

  6. Ooh, very clever! Must convince my husband that I need one ;-)


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