
Saturday, December 8, 2012

Winter Wonderland

A lot of snow has arrived lately. Every morning seem to start with a shoveling routine, digging out cars as well as the front of the house so that we actually CAN get out if we need too. Gearing the kids with overalls and boots on their way to school. It is beautiful. The kids are loving it. They disappear out for hours on end after doing their homework and the house gets all quiet... Another new routine is the hanging up wet ski pants and jackets to dry, putting gloves and hats on heaters... Preparing the equipment for the next big Winter Wonderland adventure like sledging in the dark with flash lights or building snowmen when the temperature allows.

I am loving this. It makes me childishly happy to see the kids play and laugh in the snow. I don't mind the shoveling. Actually I quite like it. It feels like I am connecting with nature doing it. Going back to where we come from. Snow falls down and the human has to move it to get somewhere... It fascinates me. And I love to cuddle up in a chair or sofa corner with my crochet hook in hand and hook away. It is joyful to piece fabric scraps after being out shoveling. I've made some more pillows, a custom order this time.

This whole snow business keeps me busy from blog land. I am just not so keen on sitting by the computer at the moment. So forgive me if my posts will be a bit less frequent for a while. Because I am hoping not only for  a white Christmas, but for a long and white winter. If it stays like this I can proudly say that I am living in a real Winter Wonderland.



  1. I love all the snow and I'm as excited as your kids are! We have tons of snow here too. It's marvellous!
    Have a fun weekend.

  2. Que fotos maravilhosas!!!Adorei! beijos,chica

  3. what a beautifull pictures, very very cold :-)

    warm hug, Ellen

  4. Oh wow, It's beautiful. It reminds me of my time in Switserland. I love it and I miss it.

    Groetjes, Monique

  5. the snow looks amazing and fun! and real christmas trees with real snow on, wow! enjoy your winter wonderland, Heather x

  6. Wow.. what a beautiful winter snow white pictures! Have a lovely weekend.

  7. I love snow ,unfourthently we dont hve any snow in our riegon,enjoy your weekend with your family and snow.xo zohreh

  8. It does look beautiful, hear in the UK we just aren't equips for it, just an inch or two and the country grinds to a halt! Enjoy yourself! :)

  9. It really does look like a Winter Wonderland and your pictures of the trees laced with snow and your house nestled cosily amidst it could well be made into postcards!

  10. we awoke to a little snow this morning, but it has all melted now. I love how pretty everything looks covered in a white blanket. And your kids sure are having a grand time outside!

    Happy crocheting to you!

  11. Have fun and enjoy your wonderland and children- we'll all be here whenever you post :)

  12. Oh my it is so beautiful, enjoy every minute of your winter wonderland.

  13. Aaaaaaaahhhh beautiful! Three sleeps then we're flying to the snow!!!

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  15. Love your photos! Makes me wish I was coming "home" to Switzerland for Xmas.. even after 16 years of Christmases in Australia it does not feel the same. I miss the snow and the way the world is quieter with a beautiful white blanket. Your blog combines lovely craft and nostalgic memories in one for me.
    Thanks and throw a few snowballs for me!

  16. Wow you have had a lot of snow too!! here in Chamonix we are also snowed under. Kids loving it!
    Love the colours of your ripple blanket. I'm planning on making one very soon but I haven't yet decided in which colours. What yarn did you use?

  17. I agree with everything you just wrote, here in Sweden it`s been snowing a lot this last week and just as you write every day starts with shoveling and ends with kids playing in the snow, it`s greate! I love the red and gray blanket next to the pillows, or I think its a blanket at least, It looks so Christmasy ans nice.

  18. Wow, beautiful photos! We have snow time right now. Our car has big hat already... It is so nice view through our window, but our wake-up signal will be sooner then usually :-)
    Have a lovely time full of beautiful white snow :-) Jolana

  19. I love your pics from winterwonderland! great!

  20. Oh the photos are so beautiful and enchanting!!!! I was totally impressed when I saw them.

  21. Nice photography! I just wish we had some snow here in London

  22. Thats really wonderful.
    I love snow..I can see how kids are enjoying.
    Lovely post and pictures

  23. Så fantastiska bilder! Här lever vi snöliv så fort tiden tillåter! Så underbart! Man vill aldrig gå in!

    Ser alltid fram emot dina härliga bilder! Tack för härlig inspiration!

    Ha en bra dag!

  24. Oooo, I`m so jealous... All we have is rain, rain and more rain!

    Beata xxx

  25. Now that is some proper snow!! Though I guess where you're from you would worry if tere wasn't any snow by now!


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