
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

I deserve some crochet time...

I have sorted.
I have organized.
I have thrown away...

I have wiped.
I have dusted.
I have vacuumed...

I have cleaned bathrooms.
I have changed bed sheets.
I have changed pillow cases...

I have washed 4 loads of laundry.
I have folded clothes and put them away.
I have finally thrown out the Christmas tree...

I have fed 3 kids lunch.
I have cleaned the kitchen.
I have put all spread around toys in a big box for every child to take care of or...

Well, I so deserve a break.
I deserve enjoying my tulips.
I so deserve some joyful hooky time.
This is my new obsession - crochet flowers.
More about that another day. Now - I sit down...
Later the cleaning continues... There is a lot left to do still...



  1. I love love love those flower doilies - made myself a scarve with it. Enjoy your time off now :-)

  2. Lovely flower pillows, crochet flowers, and tulip flowers. I am in the midst of folding piles of laundry myself. Then I have baths to give and mouths to feed but I will have my time this afternoon when they nap. I just have to decide which project to work on: mittens, quilt, or cross-stitch sampler.

  3. you definitely deserve some crochet time! and beautiful tulips! enjoy, Heather x

  4. Nice to see some crochet around again here! Cute flower-like doilies! Beautiful tulips!
    Your life sounds like mine was when I still had three children at home! Now I can relax quite a bit more, except when I work!!

  5. Everything looks so fresh and beautiful! I love your crochet flowers they are really sweet! Have a well deserved rest!!

  6. I hope you had some lovely relaxing crochet time, it certainly doea sound like you deserve it! Those flowers are beautiful! x

  7. Love the crochet flowers. So simple to do and so pleasing to the eye; especially in those gorgeous colours of yours.

    A well deserved treat after all that domestic goddess stuff :)

  8. Lovely flowers! You´ve been diligent!

  9. Enjoy the time off - well deserved! There is always something to be cleaned eh?! Can I be cheeky and ask where the pattern is from for the flowers? Ah, I see "More about that another day"! Gorgeous tulips too - spring is coming...

  10. Love these, yes you deserve hooky time, that's for sure! :) x

  11. Lovely doily pattern. Is the pattern available to buy online? Many thanks.

  12. honestly, I would have dropped dead if I did all this cleaning in one day! have a rest and indulge yourself please. crochet flowers look great. and the tulips are beautiful too.

  13. You DEFINITELY deserve some crochet time. It's made me tired just reading all that. xxx

  14. Of course you do!
    I do a bit of housework and then a bit of stitching (but mainly stitching)

  15. Beautiful flowers, I love making them.

    Of course you deserve it that time for yourself!!

    Have a lovely and relaxing time

    Lluisa x

  16. wow Annette! I admire all of your cleaning! I've been quite lazy today working on a crochet pillow case (NOT a pillow case with a crochet border - I crocheted the entire pillow case! *what was I thinking?!?!* lol! )

    I really need to do some sorting/cleaning etc too.... later ;-)

    PS...I need a MUCH smaller crochet project *lol!*

  17. Beautiful crochet flowers, Annette!

  18. What a great blog you have. I've joined as a Follower and added yours to my blog reading list.

  19. gotta squeeze in the crochet when you can, there is always housework to be done.

  20. your tulips are wonderful!!! love your crochet flowers!!!! so so curious....
    xxx Ale

  21. Such pretties, and I love crocheting those flower coasters! I did some in mint green and cream!! Happy crocheting! xo Heather

  22. harikasın ..renkler mükemmel ...çok çok beğendim ..*-*

  23. Hi Annette, I always feel as if I need to do something permanent each day, something that lasts another day. Housework is one of those things where it looks wonderful for a few minutes and then builds up again so quickly that you feel you go around and around with no permanent difference!

  24. Dear Annette, you are welcome to our home! After cleaning, you can rest of course! I have some wool and hooks... and coffee or tea :) :) J.

  25. I really love those colours!! This flower is one of my favourites!! I make them too!

    Groetjes van Ellebel

  26. Oh my word, you certainly do deserve any crochet time you can get, you've been so good! I started off well this year but have fizzled out before I finished the jobs. Must be more like you and get back to jobs first and crochet after. :)

    S x


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