
Saturday, January 19, 2013

I love lazy mornings

A little hand reached out and gently touched my cheek waking me up this morning. Emmy Bo sneaked in to my big bed last night and now she snuggled closer to me and we cocooned like a taco wrap in a big cuddle. For a while we lay in bed, her arm across my neck, my hand over hers. Eyes closed. She sucking her thumb me slowly awakening to a new day. It was a great moment.

Later we left the mess, opened up windows and discovered new snow outside. Once again the fields around our house are covered in this fluffy white blanket of light snow. I am thinking sledding and cross country skiing today... Maybe this afternoon. Followed by hot chocolates with Chantilly cream... Maybe even bake something this morning to indulge in with the hot choco later. The ultimate perfect picture of a great day, right?

The kids play computer games, iPads and iPhones while I make French Toast. This is the new thing in this house now... Technology has entered our front door. At times I wonder how to handle it. Shall we have restrictions on how much time we spend on these tech things? I tend to get irritated after a while as I feel they disappear into this virtual world easily... But I am not much better am I? I can spend hours on end on my computer blogging, surfing, reading and actually learning. It is hard to say no to your children when you are doing the same thing... So I am letting it go this morning. It is a lazy morning. It is okay to walk around in PJ's until noon, to blog, to play computer games, to snuggle up in the sofa under quilts and crochet blankets.

Earlier this week I finally (after a year of procrastinating...) painted my window sills in our living room and it makes a HUGE difference I have to say. It brings in so much more light in the room and looks so fresh and crisp. To celebrate this small step of actually making changes to my home, not just dreamy lists,  I went out and bought some lovely tulips and spring flowers. This is where I will sit this afternoon, after the hot Choco, and crochet on one of my half dozen ongoing crochet projects...

I let myself get inspired by flicking through old issues of my all time favorite magazine Lantliv... I love pastels but seldom work with them. I don't know why... It is a challange for me to use pastels in a project. And maybe that is just what I need, a little bit of new fresh colour themes to share with you. Time will tell. I hope you are having a lovely lazy morning just like me. Don't we all just love these relaxed mornings? Thank you for popping into my little world this morning. I wish you a really happy Saturday!



  1. We love lazy Saturday mornings too ! At 9.30, my two boys (13 and 15) joined us in our bed for a gentle awakening ! I love it. After our french breakfast (we're french !!!), we are now lounging, reading, blogging, playing... I love lazy Saturday mornings !

  2. It sounds like a perfectly wonderful day to me. Enjoy the snow.
    Anne xx

  3. I used to love lazy Saturday mornings when my boys were young - your post reminded me of those happy days!
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. We too are having a noce lazy morning. It is bliss. Fills me with energy to go on afternoon adventures. X

  5. happy saturday to you Annette!!!
    xxx Ale

  6. I can't seem to sleep in - especially on my days off! What's up with that?!?!
    Oooo....I'm loving the quilt in your first pic! After I run my morning errands, I'm going to begin cutting for my next quilt project! I'm crocheted 2 afghans just recently and now it's time for some sewing! This is my idea of a grand weekend!
    Enjoy that hot cocoa and cookies Annette!

  7. I had a lazy day yesterday, and this morning has been slow and wonderful. I love waking up on my own, no alarm clock and taking the morning as it comes. Have a great day in the winter wonderland where you live.

  8. I love your world!!
    And I love snuggling under a handmade quilt!!
    Roll on lazy Sunday morning x

  9. So do I! I am admiring your pitcher of tulips, I have a bunch of pink in a pitcher too, they brighten up our kitchen!! I love your quilt it is so pretty! Have a wonderful day!

  10. a lovely easy going morning. I see you have a little church in your garden? that's unusual! enjoy the weekend, Heather x

  11. It is certainly lovely your world, as lovely are your flowers and pictures.

    Have a great weekend!

    Lluisa x

  12. Gotta love lazy mornings. I have a lot of them lately since I am not working for a Big Boss anymore. Yay! No kiddies for me, but... we are looking for a new cat! (Ours passed away last year) So I am hoping for kitty cuddles! I am thinking about making a patchwork quilt like you, so in the next few months... you better hold my hand over this! Or we should go to quilt camp where you can be my support person, hahaha.
    Have a great weekend!

  13. Sat is my absolute fav morning too, cuddles, coffee, comfy, cosy covers Mmmmm
    it's the best
    Have a great weekend
    Karen x

  14. What a perfect day, you can't bet those lazy mornings with cuddles!

    S x

  15. I loved this post! Hooray for blissfully lazy mornings.

    Heather x

  16. Sounds perfect to me, know what you mean about all this technology, just need to get a balance really, it's here to stay! :) x

  17. Hi I am new to reading your blog. Lots of sweet beauty.


  18. Hi Annette,

    I'm new to your lovely blog - just popped in from Bunny Mummy and I couldn't help but notice your Red Horses on your windowsill. I just picked one up from a thrift store exactly the same for a couple of dollars. I have never seen them before but it was so cute so I bought it and here you have a whole row of them. Do you know where they are from and are they easy to come by over there?

    Mel x

  19. What a sweet moment you shared with Emma Bo and how well you described it! I suddenly realized how much I miss those cuddles.

  20. Hi :) Your blog is so beautiful,i love it <3


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