
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Is this mindfulness?

Being on top of a mountain is... being free. Looking out over the mountain tops is an extremely liberating feeling. One with nature. No problems. No worries. Just total peace in mind and soul. No thoughts. Still... Quiet... Completely mesmerized by natures beauty.

I am not a great skier. I always wanted to be one of those cool chicks swishing down the hill with speed. I am not a cool chick. I get down. But still, I enjoy it. I am so happy that this is a part of our life and that our children have the opportunity to do this every winter. They are great skiers already, like their Papa... but me... I do big snakes with Emmy and I meet up with others at the lift a while later. And every second on the hill I feel free. Just totally free from sorrows and just one with now. Present. Is this what they call mindfulness? Maybe my daughters will become cool chicks on the mountain and fulfill my dream... :D Run around in braided hair and rosy cheeks falling in love with cute ski bums with messy hair and baggy ski pants... How I wish. :D


PS It seems like my youngest is suffering from the "sticking-out-my-tongue" decease... Thank God I am not, it wouldn't look as cute would it?


  1. wow! the scenery is GORGEOUS! How fortunate you are to get out and go skiing! (we are having a very mild winter here in Michigan again - hardly any snow at all!)

  2. I have never skied or been to the mountains in winter time. Maybe one little girl (nearly 2 years old also suffers from the tongue decease... ;-) )

  3. Oh, how beautiful. We had a few days of those in Dec - hope to experience it again!

  4. Gorgeous pictures - While I enjoy the scenery of skiing I don't enjoy the cold but these pictures make me want to go.

  5. yay I'm so glad you are not a great skier...because I am not a great snowboarder!! Enjoy whats on your doorstep, I know I would be, if I was cool or not!

  6. Yes, I think it is, we all tend to live anywhere else than in the present, it's good when you grab those mindful moments! :) x

  7. Oh, herre guuuud vad härligt det ser ut!! Jag längtar så galet mycket efter att få åka skidor, men med en 4-månaders bebis så får det nog vänta till nästa år. Tyvärr, tyvärr.

  8. Åååh så härligt det ser ut. Jag gillade att åka skidor när jag var ung men har aldrig "swishat" ner för några slalombackar.
    Idag har det snöat hela dagen i Stockholm och även i andra delar av landet. Skulle nog kunna åka skidor mitt i sta'n nu men har ingen aning om var mina pjäxor finns - och lika bra är väl det för jag vet inte om jag skulle kunna ta mig upp om jag ramlade :-)

  9. I cross country ski - I've never been downhill in my life! My hubby used to be quite the ski bum back in the day tho. I've love to try it some time!

  10. Nu blir jag så avis! Vilka underbara bilder och vilken lyx att bo så nära dessa backar! Å så lite tårögd. Vi brukade åka till Österrike på skidsemester med pappa (senaste dock för exakt 10 år sen)men nu när han inte finns mer är det ingen som direkt driver på det där. Numera är det bara jag som hanterar skidorna ordentligt. Längtan närs av underbara bilder som dessa!
    Det är nog dags att sikta in sig på skidresa snart...

    Ha en bra dag!


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