
Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pin cushions - I just can't get enough...

We are going to the mountains again tomorrow. Straight after work and school. We have packed the car already. We are ready to go on our 48 hour trip. The first of many this winter I am sure. Because this is what we do in winter.

Jay works for a family who in the winter time spends a lot of time in their chalet in Gstaad and naturally, being their private chef, he goes there to cook for them. He and his colleagues stays at an apartment big enough for all of us and therefor we, me and the kids, pop up there to go skiing every other weekend or so, through out the ski season. Life is wonderful, right? I have to say this is the silver lining in our life...

However. I wanted to leave you with something colorful and happy for the weekend. A bunch of pincushions. I am making more of these, can't seem to get enough of making them. Just seeing the transformation during the process is a joy for the eye, heart, mind, soul. One little fabric scrap meets another little fabric scrap, they get together, get puffy and cozy and turn into gorgeous... Mini cushions!!! These were supposed to end up in my shop, but my colleagues grabbed them before I had the time to say Booohhh!. As soon as I have made some more I will add them to my shop, hopefully within the next week or two. A perfect little gift for anyone crafty or just to add to your collection of pincushions... Don't we all have a little bit of a pincushion collection? Can't get enough of any of them...

Do you like my collages? I guess many of you already know of this fabulous photo collage site, which is free (unless you choose the Royal deal...) and incredibly easy to use to make these happy collages. PicMonkey. Well, I didn't know until just a while ago and I am hooked. Now - finally - I understand how everyone are making their annual picture collages... And now, finally, I can make a collage like this in less than a minute instead of spending a good 30 minutes importing pictures to a document, adding borders, crop, export, save, adjust size... You get it right? So for you who haven't tried out PicMonkey. Pop over there now and have some blasting fun.

I am off to bed. Enjoy your weekend. I will sure enjoy mine. See you all next week. Stay cool. Or warm. Depending on the weather. :D



  1. Love the pin cushions, have a great time on your trip.

  2. It's no wonder - the fabrics are so gorgeous!
    Have fun this weekend:)

  3. Your husband is a private chef? I have to get myself a gig like that! Enjoy your weekend skiing! (I know you will!)
    Those pin cushions are super cute! I need a new pin cushion (and more pins too for that matter *lol!*)

    1. Hi Dana. Keep your eyes open for pincushions in my shop in the near future. And maybe, but only maybe, I might throw a Pincushion Give Away...😉

  4. Hej Annette, ooh I love both the collages and the pincushions! Pretty pretty! And indeed a beautiful silver lining, enjoy your weekend,


    1. Hello Maaike. Thanks for popping in. I love your profile picture. It looks like you are gonna explode in laughter any second... A happy picture.

  5. Such pretty pin cushions, Annette. I especially like the top ones in pink and blue. Those will be great in your shop!
    PicMonkey is fun, isn't it and so easy to use!

  6. Those are lovely pin cushions, I have a little collection myself! Pic monkey is on my 'must get my head around' list! :) x

    1. Just pop in to PocMonkey.c and you will be hooked in less than a minute. So dead simple to use. No sign up. Just upload your pictures and go!

  7. So beautiful, I think.... yes, the one with little flowers one is my fav. Lucky you to get to go ski-ing when you fancy it too. What a wonderful way to spend winter.

    S x

  8. Oh Annette,
    I just fell in love with those pin cushions! And thanks ever so much for your hint about Picmonkey - I tried it out and can't believe how easy it is and that it also works with my computer (lots of things don't) - I will definitely have lots of fun! Enjoy your weekend in the snow!

  9. Hola, me gusta muchisimo tu alfiletero, me encantaria saber hacer todas esas cosas, me haria mucha ilisión que siguieras mi blog y me comentaras tu opinión mi blog se llama y mi correo,.com
    Que tengas un bonito dia¡¡¡

  10. Love the pincushions - so bright and cheery! Greetings from your newest follower in Scotland.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

    1. Thank you Liz and welcome! Hope you will enjoy your visits.

  11. joyful pincushions!!
    enjoy skiing,
    xxx Ale

  12. So cute pin cushions! I love the buttons :) Lovely. The blue one is my favourite :)

    Happy weekend! Jolana

  13. Lovely pin cushions, they really look nice, I wish I could make something like that, but at the moment I can only crochet or knit :))

    Have a lovely time on your trip!


  14. They are beautiful! Such lovely fabrics :) x

  15. The fabrics are incredible. This made my heart sing today.:-)

    1. How wonderful Astri. 😀 My heart sings with you.


  16. Beautiful! But how do you make them?

    1. Dear Verity.
      Well, easy least. I'll write out a simple tutorial when I have time. Thanks for visiting.

  17. Lovely colourful pin cushions. Thank you for showing us. Have a great time and take care.Nicolexxx

  18. No wonder you cant get enough ... they are amazing! x

  19. Loving your picmonkeyed pics today! What a wonderful perk to your husband's job..glad that you're enjoying the wintery blessings there!

  20. Hi Annette, the pin cushions are lovely, I must try it sometime. Your weekend breay sounds fun, enjoy! also a good mosaic maker can be found at very easy, Heather x

  21. love your pincushions, already pinned them at pinterest :-)
    and i love skiing and snow!!! never been to gstaad though... must be nice to be with your family, even the husband´s working... as private chef does he have private time at all?
    have fun and take care, pami

  22. They're cute!! I like the purple ones the most. Thanks for the tip of the collages...I didn't know that yet. Enjoy you're weekend! x

  23. Hallo Annette, first of all happy new year. The pincushions look as if they could bring joy to any sewer, maybe made out of scraps but so colorful and well matched!
    Thank you for the hint about collages. I wondered too.

  24. I've just found your blog and so gladi have. Just wish I'd found it months ago!😄


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