
Monday, April 15, 2013

My Sunday bliss

My Sunday was so filled with joy I am not sure of where to begin. The sun was shining and the temperature reached a good 22˙C or even more in the afternoon. I wore shorts for the first time... Bliss for those pale legs to get some sun. I walked around bare feet in my clogs... Happy wiggly toes. :D

I did get some weeding done with a helping hand from Emmy Bo. I drag weeding but once a get started I find it very relaxing and almost meditative. Pull, throw, dig, pull, throw dig... And the result is always so satisfying.

The kids played in the apple trees and on the swings. Running up and down the fields. I parked myself with lots of crafty stuff on our green bench by the shed. Made muffins for snack and spent the afternoon trying out my hand stitching skills. Maybe you remember this patchwork project? It is for my Mom. A throw for her armchair. The idea is to embroider all her kids' names on the white squares; Christian, Annette, Thomas, Peter and Johan...

Emmy Bo joined me every now and then to work on her embroidery. She is doing so well with her cute little crafty hands. Her attention span is about 10 minutes tops which equals maybe 10 stitches in full and then off she goes... Her hearty project will take a while but once it is finished we will frame it and put it on her wall to treasure.

Charlie the cat sneaked around on the field and dozed off totally relaxed in the shade next to me. He is full of bugs from running outside all the time and he is loosing his winter fur now... Time for some bug drops and to clean him up a bit.

I also spent some time playing with my basket of Tilda yarn (I still have some blue and green yarn left in my shop if you are interested...), making one garland after another. I thought I would take pictures for The Pretty Heart Tutorial but the weather was to nice... I am sorry but I promise I will post the tutorial later this week. Hang in there. A girl's got to do what a girl's got to do when the first warm day of the year appears - relax and enjoy to the full. That is exactly what I did this wonderful Sunday.


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  1. This basket of yarn in the sun looks so great! I love all your pictures of sun and warmth. Still waiting for all of this to come in our part of the world.

  2. I'm glad you had a such joyful sunday ,enjoy the warm & sunny weather .xo.zohreh

  3. That really was a wonderful weekend :)

    Wishing you a wonderul week too!

    Lluisa x

  4. Beautiful way to spend your Sunday. Love the crochet flowers :)

  5. Good Afternoon Annette, Absolutely, when the sun shines, we have to be in the garden to enjoy the warmth. I love the warmer weather because I can do so much in the garden. I loved your three words, "pull, throw, dig," I think I might have that in my mind now when I go into the garden to do some weeding.
    You all look like you had a fabulous "sunny" day.
    Enjoy this week, I hope the sun shines for you.
    Best Wishes

  6. Hallo Annette,
    Bei uns ist auch Frühling ausgebrochen :))
    Liebe Grüße

  7. We did the same. It's so good to feel the sun!! I also worked in the garden, there is a LOT to do..... so back to work.

  8. Hola Annette, me encantan tus entradas con tanto colorido, y que maravilla poder trabajar un poquito en el campo, yo solo tengo macetas pero me encanta hablarles transplantarlas es super relajante, y bueno las madalenas tienen una pinta deliciosa con tu permiso te voy a cojer una ja, ja¡¡¡ un abrazo muy grande

  9. Such a beautiful Sunday, I love that you have captured the memories.

  10. Ohh what a lovely relaxing and yet productive Sunday. How lovely to feel the warmth of the sun again! Hoping there are more lovely sunny Sundays soon to enjoy !

  11. Oooooohhh!!!! A great Sunday!
    Lovely photos!

  12. What a beautiful day you had! Over here, it began raining. Then it SNOWED - hard! *yikes!* Then the sun came out, and by evening, we had the windows open for some lovely breezes! (Welcome to Michigan! *lol!*)

  13. I just discovered your lovely blog through Astri and I am now a follower. The Tilda yarn looks very very nice. I have never heard of it before. Must be nice to be able to wear short and be able to wiggle your toes. Here it is way to cold yet. Hugs Judy

  14. Looks like a perfect family day! Beautiful! xx

  15. What a wonderful way to spend a Sunday! We did the weeding too, but no shorts over here. Not quite that warm, plus my legs don't look that good! ;)

    S x

  16. It looks like you have had such a blissful weekend and SUN!!! Wow! I am super impressed with Emma Bo's embroidery, how lovely that you can share the passion. Hannapat

  17. I have just discovered your wonderful blog and i'm so glad because I find here all things I love. I'm intended to learn crochet!
    Sweet regards!


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