
Wednesday, June 25, 2014

He is so special to me

Last week he turned ten. That little bundle that I brought to this world in 2004... In need of urgent medical attention. So vulnerable. So delicate. So small. Look at him now, how he flies over the jumps on the track. No fear. Just excitement. So strong. So happy. And still very special. I wonder... where did the time go? Ten years seem to have passed to quick...

Today it is time for yet another operation. The morning is quiet and crisp. The air is chilly and fresh. He is still sleeping and I wish I could sleep more. It is going to be a long day. But he is brave. He always is. It will all be fine.


PS Read more about Luca and his cleft palate here and here.

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  1. Happy birthday, and best wishes for rapid healing. Hugs for you all!

  2. Happy belated birthday to him. And sending well wishes re: surgery.

  3. Prayers for your handsome boy, that surgery was successful, and leaves him with little pain. Hugs for you!!!
    xo Kris

  4. Bon courage pour cette longue journée ! De tout coeur ....

  5. Thinking of you today Annette
    Jacquie x

  6. Wishing you a quick recovery! Amazing, I couldn't believe it's him actually jumping with the motor! :-)

  7. Annette - all the best today for all of you x

  8. Annette, he is really so strong! His power is incredible. He is wonderful boy. Like his parents and cute siblings :)
    Have a wonderful summer time! Jolana

  9. What a beautiful boy he is!!!! Boncourage for you two today.....

  10. Wishing you both the very best of outcomes for the operation and the strength to get through the waiting. All the best. Thinking of you.

  11. A belated Happy Birthday to Luca! I hope that today goes well. What a brave boy xxxxx

  12. Hoppas allt går bra för din son! Min systerdotter har oxå gomspalt och har gått igenom ett antal ingrepp. Nu är hon 12 år och hon mår bra:)

  13. I hope that everything goes really well. xx

  14. It is truly amazing what can be done with modern medicine. I'm sure everything will go well with the operation today. Nevertheless, it will be a long and probably stressful day.

  15. Hope that all is well with your little boy ....they are indeed precious and grow up so quickly!

  16. Good luck to your Luca and I wish him a speedy recovery. My son came home from college last week for the summer. He will be 20 years old soon. I remember when he was 10, what a special time. Hug your boy close, it goes by fast!

  17. Such a beautiful soul....such a strong spirit.....sending special healing vibes and well wishes on angels wings to your amazing cousin was also born with a clef own Big Lad shares his birthday with your Luca Bo.....only, my big boy has just turned 18....take care my lovely -xXx-

  18. I hope the operation went well. Happy birthday to Luca!

  19. Hi Annette,
    I hope all has gone well for your son today. He is just a few months older than my grandson Sam. It is a lovely age when they are still little boys but growing up every day. You must be so proud of him (and yourself too, for bringing him up so well!)

  20. Such a sweetie :-) It's amazing how time flies by. Praying today's operation will go smoothly.

  21. He is such a beautiful boy. And the same age, within a handful of weeks, of mine. Hope the op went well; never nice to go there. All the best!

  22. A very happy birthday to Luca, I hope the op goes well and he's on the mend again soon, I have a uncle who was born with a cleft palate, he had so many ops
    Clare x

  23. Happy birthday to your special boy. Sending lots of hugs, good thoughts and prayers your way.

  24. My thoughts and prayers for you both. He's a cutie pie! :))

  25. O rostinho de Lucas expressa muita alegria.Parabéns Garotão da anete.Estou muito feliz amiga,porque consegui fazer uma flor com seu tutorial,obrigada por compartilhar.Feliz dia.Valéria.(Brasil).

  26. Olá! mil desculpas por escrever em português, infelizmente não conheço o inglês, moro no Brasil e acompanho a algum tempo seu blog, sua família, Muita sorte para seu filho sempre. abraços fraternos.

  27. Your precious boy, 10 already! I hope everything goes well with this op. Sending you hugs!

    S x

  28. A belated happy birthday Luca and wishing you a fast recovery
    Tracey xxx

  29. Hola Annette!!
    Deseo de corazón todo resulte bien en a operación.Que se recupere pronto!!
    Y un muy feliz cumple a ese gran luchador!!.

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