
Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Preparing A Good Bye

Thursday May 25, 2017

"The sun is on its way down but the air is still quite warm. Emmy Bo has invited two best friends for a birthday sleep over and after an afternoon spent at the pool, taco dinner and Jello, they are now jumping themselves wild on the trampoline outside my window. I’m taking a moment to read a couple of blog posts, check ideas on Pinterest on how to make the most out of our tiny living room at the summer house… This day makes for a perfect ramble, but I’m exhausted… I can’t for my life download the pictures in my camera or put together the words. I feel sadness. I’m about to let go and it hurts.

The hours passes and so does the days. The weeks and then suddenly there will be another month to add to my life. Another year. I've taken a step back, as you might have noticed. Not just here but everywhere in Cyber World. I'm "cybered" out and I need a break. It's too fast. It's too much. And I could just drop out. I have no responsibility, really, but I just don't want to. Too many friendships have been made, too many discussions has been had, too many thoughtful words has been exchanged, too much joy and misery has been shared. With you. Right here in my space. I built this. From nothing. I can not just close the door on that, can I? It is just too precious to me.

How does one blow life in a fire that has burnt out? How does someone start an engine when the tank is empty? How can the machinery possibly continue to move when something essential is missing? How does someone recover from inspiration overload that killed the natural creative spirit?"

It has taken me a few days to collect the words in my head to finish the blog post I started last week... I guess today is the day I need to do this. I could wait until tomorrow but why? No, I think I need to tell you this today. I have made a decision to say good bye.

My life is shifting. I need new direction, new goals, new adventures. A fresh start. I want to find myself a good job where my creative and professional skills come in handy. Maybe in graphic design, communication or education. Build myself a new professional self that I can comfortably rely on, grow with and be good at. A job that gives me a paycheck at the end of the month, colleagues that I can chat with about daily life and a sense of accomplishment for contributing as a professional in a work place. I want a basic, normal life in the real world. Take a break from social media to rediscover my path in life. 

I'm not saying it is over just yet, but soon I will sign off. I will do my very best to finish this journey on top of my game and share as much as possible. Finishing the projects and blog posts I once started and talk about my thoughts of me leaving Blogland, explain a bit more. I think it is important to talk about this. Not just for me, but for other bloggers that are going through the same thing. So, I hope you stay with me for a little while longer.

When school holidays starts in July I will sign off. It is not easy to write this and it will be even harder to push the posting button... Letting go is never an easy thing. But nothing is ever written in stone. There is always a way back if I want to. Who knows? After all, I'm the boss here. I decide. This is my space.

The BLOG will still be here, open for everyone to visit whenever you feel like it. My  TUTORIALS & FREE PATTERNS will still be available 24/7. My ORIGINAL PATTERNS will continue to be available for purchase in my ETSY and RAVELRY shop. Nothing of that will change.

Many of you have followed me from the very start and I feel so privileged to have had this wonderful ride. I'm so grateful to everyone who has taken the time and efforts to read and write comments through the years. I feel so lucky to have been a part of this great community, never in a million years did I expect that you would become so dear to me or that My Rose Valley would become this very special place for so many and most of all for myself. THANK YOU!

So... my children are rolling in through the door demanding my attention for lunch. I better go. As I said though, I still have stories to tell, thoughts to share, pictures to show and projects to finish. I hope you will enjoy my last month here in Blogland. See you around my lovelies.




  1. Hi Annette,
    I truly believe our lives have chapters and when one chapter ends, the next begins. If you feel your ready to move on, please don't feel sad, instead have pride in what you achieved with your blog. You've created a wonderful chapter within your life and I for one thank you for sharing it with us. I hope your next chapter brings you happiness ❤️

  2. Difficult decision to make. But this decision can give you space to change your life for the better. Good to hear that you are not shutting down your blog and that you will give others the opportunity to see all your posts and crafts.

    Hugs, Margaret

  3. No words needed but a warm hug and I will miss you deeply. I hope you will bless us with some photos now and then on Instagram at least. Take CARE

  4. I totally understand. When I posted the eulogy for my Siamese cat, Minky (my muse), there was nothing that could follow that in my blog. Thank you for sharing your world with us! Best wishes, too.

  5. Dearest Annette I have loved reading your blogs and looking at your lovely photos. It has been a joy to share in your life and your journey on here. You have to do what is best for you and your family. Even though we have never met I will miss you dear friend. Good luck in all what you do and maybe one day you will be back on here feeling all the better for where your life has taken you. Live Marion (Pinklady558 on Instagram) xxx

  6. Annette, so many blogs are closing down now and it would appear that many people prefer Instagram or communicating through Facebook. It is always sad to see blogs close as we are creatures of habit and enjoy being able to pop in to read and say hello!
    As you say, nothing is ever carved in stone and "you are the boss" of your own blog and can decide what you want to do at all times.

    Good luck with your hopes and aspirations and enjoy life the way you want to! That is always the secret to contentment and success! Take care!

  7. Dear Annette, I love reading your blog and looking at your lovely photos. Even though we have never met I feel that if we did we could be friends, as a friend I would say to you that you have to do what is right for you and your family and I wish you all the luck in the world. I shall be sad that you will be gone from here and shall miss you very much. With love from Marion (pinklady558 on instagram )

  8. What a difficult decision you've made. Annette, I wish you all the best and hope to 'see' you around the internet once and a while. Lots of love, Jeanette.

  9. Aaaaw, Annette. I do get it. And Blogland is changing so much. I do like IG, where so many bloggers have migrated to, but...the hashtag overload - it's like excessive product placement in a move ;-)
    But all the best with what ever you do. You're one of my favourites, one of the first I started to follow - will miss you here.

  10. Annette, I wish you the very best. You will be missed.

  11. I completely understand how you feel, it's something I think about a lot as well. I know I post a lot less than I used to, and I often struggle to think of something to say. I hope you're able to find the path and the job that you want. I always love to read a post from you, so thank you for all that you have shared, and my best wishes to you for a very happy and successful future. Sending you a cyber hug. CJ xx

  12. Oh Annette... I don't really know what to say. I'll miss you here in blog land. But it's your decision and only you can decide what's best for you at this point in your life. I hope you'll be successful at the new things you want to do. I wish you all the best and lots of love! X Judith

    PS... I hope you'll still say hello every now and then on Instagram?

  13. You will be missed!!! Wish you the best in your new life ❤️❤️

  14. When you know you just know.

    Closing my yarn shop after having had it for ten years; was one of the hardest decisions I've had to make. It had stopped bringing me joy and I knew it was a case if close or come to hate what I was doing.
    Having only discovered your blog reccently, I'm sad that you'll be stopping, but I'm equally thrilled to have discovered you anyway.
    I look forward to reading your posts yet to come and wish you well in your future endeavours.

  15. You are so brave. I admire you a great deal, as a silent reader. I want to wish you all the luck in the world ❤

  16. Hi Annette, I felt I needed to let you know I've recently started following your blog. I do completely understand your decision to withdraw from blog land, it's exhausting time wise.
    For myself I started writing a blog to inspire me to finish all my many crafts. I'd tried for a few years to not spend so much time on face book but feel I've swapped face book time for blog time. Following many blogs, joining in with link parties etc takes up a lot of time as you need to visit other's blogs - share the love etc.
    I've been away on hols for a very long weekend and have therefore not been writing my blog or joining in with link parties.
    Before I sign off tonight, I did want to pick up on one of your points:-

    'How does one blow life in a fire that has burnt out? How does someone start an engine when the tank is empty? How can the machinery possibly continue to move when something essential is missing? How does someone recover from inspiration overload that killed the natural creative spirit?"'

    My weekend away has been to a Christian event, I've chosen not to write about this part of my life on my blog because I choose to stick to my original goal- to motivate myself to finish crafts. The trouble is my faith in Jesus Christ 'IS' a major part of my life, it shapes who I am and it feels strange to leave Him out of my blog.
    I will leave you with this thought that 'for me' Jesus (not religion) burns in my heart, He fills me when I'm empty and He satisfies me and gives me the most amazing peace.
    If you did feel inspired to take a look at the bible to find Jesus and His perfect peace, John's gospel is a good place to start.
    I do wish you all the best, Cathy xx

  17. always follow your blog but now I'm sad for your words

  18. The line that really struck a chord with me was this 'How does someone recover from inspiration overload that killed the natural creative spirit?"' It is so true. I too am seriously considering making changes and I am trapped by the thought of not wanting to let people down. But I am letting me down and my immediate family. We are entitled to live the life that we want. Enjoy and I wish you all the best with your progression into the world of teaching xxxxx

  19. I have loved your blog and will truly miss you. Wishing you all the best in your new endeavors....peace and joy for the future!

  20. Jag förstår dig fullt ut! Det man gör kanske inte alltid är för alla? Kanske för dig, för barnen, för att ...nåt annat. Och även om bloggande är upp till en själv kan jag tro att det kommer med nåt slags ansvar mot trogna följare. Och en stilla begäran från en själv att alltid prestera. Du kommer få en fantastisk sommar! Jag gissar att ni har ert sommarhus runt sthlm, kommer du till Småland lovar jag dig att det finns en kopp kaffe att bli bjuden på! =)
    Och självklart, studsmatta till barnen!
    Ta hand om dig! Jag kommer att kika in här då och då även i framtiden. För inspiration och en färgexplosion när jag bäst behöver den!
    Önskar dig all lycka!
    Många kramar från Jennie

  21. Dear Annette,
    now I am sad,but I wish you all the best!!!

  22. Hello Annette,
    I respect your decision, I think there is a time for everything. If you feel the time of your cyber life is over you're doing the right thing. I just want to suggest you a reading that help me a lot during a time of change and uncertainty: "the art of happiness" by the Dalai Lama, if you haven't read it yet you should read it. It's illuminating.
    Good luck!

  23. I will miss your words and pictures. Good luck

  24. It's hard to read this but I know it was harder to write! Especially because I completely understand and support your decision! I will miss you, lovely, inspirational Annette, and I do hope our paths cross one day. Love to you!

  25. Oh Annette, noooooooo! I mean, obviously I only want the best for you and if this is the best then of course that is right, but I will be so so sad to see you leave blogland. You know how much I've enjoyed your presence here, how often your words have hit the spot for me. It feels like blogland is getting emptier and emptier these days. That's life I suppose, always changing, always moving. You'll be sorely missed though my sweet friend.

    S x

  26. I will miss you, but maybe you could check in once in a while just to let us know how it's going. Wishing you all the best. Follow your heart. xo susie

  27. I wish you all the best in every new journey! You will be missed.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  28. I know how you feel! I too thought to stop blogging as it's so hard to keep up - and I don't even have young children to care for. But when it came to it I just couldn't end it - after 10 years its part of my history, a diary, a record of my creative pursuits. So I carry on - though I admit to leaving longer and longer gaps between posts and now only a very few loyal friends visit - I don't know when or how I will end it. I'll remember your blog when ever I'm cold and need my Nordic Shawl as an extra layer and will probably visit still for inspiration. I hope to still see the occasional photo of your life on IG. It only takes a minute doesn't it...... ;o)

  29. Oh Annette. I felt so sad reading this as I only recently met you online and have discovered your beautiful writing voice and journey. BUT, I understand from the depths of me how you can do this AND I realise this decision has not been taken lightly or on a whim. I respect so much your decision, your courage but I am still sad. Love to you. Mel xx

  30. I have only been visiting for a short while but already, I am feeling the loss. I will really miss your words and your lovely photos of all that moves you. I am wishing you serene calm to rediscover what you enjoy most. Good luck on the job front, too. x

  31. I hope you enjoy all the new things you will be doing bye for now

  32. I wish you only peace and happiness to renew and refresh yourself and find the joy again in the wonderful world of crochet. Due to failing health I had to step away from a wonderful group I hosted on line, I wouldn't or couldn't accept that I was so depleted I had lost my joy and inspiration. I simply had to let go. Fortunately a wonderful lady Liz Seeley agreed to take over my page which gave me such a feeling of relief.
    I miss the people I spoke to regularly and the designers who so very generosity helped by writing or offering specials for the members.
    In my clumsy way I am trying to express that I relate so much to your message. I stopped at the end of December and spent quite a lot of time in hospital. Now I am back to enjoying my crochet for my own satisfaction and I will probably not be in a position to go back to the group but I am content. I have chosen quality over quantity in regard to my health and am now enjoying teaching my grand daughters everything my gran taught me.
    So different circumstances but I think both you and I want to give our heart in our work but to do that sometimes you need to stop and enjoy the little moments to replenish your soul. From my heart to yours thank you so much for your work and happiness in whatever you choose to do kindest regards Lo x



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