
Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The morning walk routine

Yesterday was school start. A new start for my daily walk routine. I kind of lost it during vacation. Before the summer I aimed at 8000-10'000 steps/day and it might sound easy but the fact is I don't move around that much if I don't make an effort to do so. Have you ever checked how many steps you take on an average day? I should add, I don't have a dog. I think life looks different for most dog walkers. I might be wrong, but when you have a dog you have to walk the dog at least a couple of times a day. I would love to have a dog one day.

When I worked in customer service and had old ladies and gentlemen on the line chatting along (I enjoyed those conversations so much) each and everyone said the key to a long life is walking at least an hour a day. There was Bertil who was 92 and Alma 86, Ingmar 81, Gertrud 87... all of them said that they walk daily to stay healthy and fit. Those conversations has stayed in the back of my head and I'm trying really hard to set a walking routine for myself. A routine I hope will stay with me for as long as I live and a routine that helps me live a long and healthy life.

While my children set themselves ready for school yesterday morning, I set myself ready for a morning walk. Nelly Bo was the first child out the door at 7am to meet her new adventure: Gymnasium (equivalent to high school). Next child to leave the house half an hour later was Luca Bo (who has grown not less than 3 centimeters and 2 shoe sizes over the summer!!!) and then there were me and Emmy Bo hand in hand marching off to the local school in the village. It is her last year here. 8th grade. Maybe it will also be the last year of holding hands... Time will tell. Next year all my children will commute to schools further away.

Life goes on. Children grow up. Seasons change. Hand holding stops... Maybe... My morning walks helps me deal with all random challenges life is full of. They help me appreciate nature and all the things I have been given. To see the beauty right here and now. Not take things for granted. Reflect. Make decisions. Calm myself. Find balance in it all.

My first long morning walk of this "new start of the year" was absolutely lovely, and the funny thing was that when I walked there through the woods and along the fields I wondered to myself: "Why did it take me so long to get out here again?".

I love my walks. They allow me to take deep breaths of crisp air, they help me clear my head from clutter, they make me move my stiff joints and muscles. Oil the machinery. And when I return back home I'm full of ideas, energy and motivation to take on the day, new projects and everything else.

I'm gonna try really, really hard to stick to this routine this time. It is all about getting out the door... Trainers on. "Just get out the door every day Annette, and you will live happily ever after!" I tell myself. And with that I sign off for today. It is time to leave the house hand in hand with Emmy Bo. It is time for my morning walk. Day 2 of many morning walks to come. Do you want to Come Walk With Me?

Come Walk With Me!
Once I had a walking club here on the blog. It helped me in a time when I was burnt out and stuck in a constant blues. It picked me up, kept me fit and made me come back to see the light and find balance in the chaos I found myself in. Click on the Come Walk With Me icon to get walk inspired. Set a routine that fits you and the life you live. It is never to late.
Walking is something you can do anytime, anywhere and however long or short you want.
Every step counts. Even small ones. Regularity is the key.


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  1. Thank you for this post, I needed to hear about the advantages of walking, after being a bit grumpy about having to go out on a dog walk this morning. I know it's good for me, and when I'm 96 I will be glad I did it, but today I was a bit fed up about how long it had taken and how demanding people were being when I got back home before I'd even had my breakfast. Now I'm glad I went. I hope your walking routine sticks. And enjoy the last year of walking to school each day - this will be my last year of it as well. CJ xx

  2. Maybe what you need is a small dog, a tough little terrier type, who you can take for a longer walk after you drop off Emmy Bo. Or even a larger dog for more company on those deserted rural roads. Dogs are always into walkies!

  3. I’ve been going to Crossfit but I do lov3 my walks. I do lots of planning and breathing as you do. It’s been so hot here I’ve lapsed too. Cooler weather will get me out there.

  4. I first read your post last night from 2012 about walking 12,000 steps and I liked it so much I decided to look at the rest of your blog. I love that your most recent post is about walking, as well! I will be watching for more lovely posts and photos from you! - Heather in Minnesota

  5. What perfect timing! I had decided during the week that September HAS to be my month to build routines of walking every day to get myself properly healthy again - I was ill til last year, and then when I was better I got a little bit fitter and left it at that, so now I keep on getting a little bit ill again and again...

    I have to work very hard in October, so my plan is to walk every day in September to help my body and soul cope with the busy October!

    Perfect timing for me!

  6. What a beautiful and lovely post!! I totally agree about walking. I try to get outside during my 45 minute lunch break (I work from home, luckily!) and go for a walk in the fields and trails behind our farm house and it is so theraputic. It helps my mental health in the winter months sooo much. I always try to start off the walk with feeling grateful for my strong legs that can carry me and keep reminding myself of that throughout the walk. Thanks for sharing your photos and words. :)


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