
Monday, February 25, 2013

Home Sweet Home


Home Sweet Home. We are unpacked and the laundry is done. A colorful bunch of tulips keeps the spring bulbs company on my window sill. I have opened all the bills and surprisingly received an unexpected letter with a fabulous issue of Country Home & Interior from a dear friend in Cornwall, England. A handwritten little note... Snail mail is truly the best to receive and to send.

I have tidied the house a bit as it was left in a terrible state (and I will never leave my house in a mess again when going on holidays...) and while cleaning I through myself into organizing my fabric which has been thrown around pretty much everywhere and nowhere for quite some time now.  During my folding and piling I found a gorgeous stack of fabrics I purchased quite a while ago for a special quilt idea. Happy Days!!! I am inspired again!

We had wonderful late Sunday breakfast, Papa's pancakes (American pancakes that is...) with maple syryp and fresh fruit, fruit smoothie and tea. I finally dealt with a custom order I've been dragging my feet about... It took me a good 3 hours, a lot of ripping, re-cutting and countless attempts on how to make mitered corners... In the end this seat cushion came out alright... Not great but okay... This was way out of my skills and my comfort zone... I will Never Never Ever make another one again...

That is the sum up of me coming back from vacation. So nice to hear you've been longing for my blog posts. You sweethearts!!! What have you been up to? Any excitement to share? See you around. This week is a catching up week.


PS Sorry lovelies but I had to turn on the silly word verification of comments again... The amount of junk is taking over my computer. If there was anyway I could avoid the junk harassment... Any advice??? Please be patient and continue to comment anyway. I love your sweet messages.


  1. Gorgeous looking breakfast for your homecoming! I just adore American pancakes!
    How lovely to get snail mail too in among the usual bills!
    Enjoy your return home!

  2. Dear Anette!
    Nice you got it all!
    The harassment in my case was that I do not allow anonymous comments. Thus, it does not need to control either. Another idea: Moderating comments.

  3. ...even when you are having a lot of fun, it's always so good to be back home, isn't it?
    I found so funny your bag with italian words "Benvenuti in Asia"! !!!
    youe fabric stash is so pretty!!!!
    xxxx Ale

  4. Welcome home indeed!
    You've made me want to rush up stairs and tidy!!!
    mmm pancakes!

  5. Hello Annette!! Your window and kitchen table look really so spring! And your fabric stash... great! :) Have a lovely time at home again :) Jolana

  6. The images of your home are beautiful. Everytging about the place is so cozy. It is HOME. :) I enjoyed the view of your windowsill.

  7. I love the tulips plus the blue and white china. Wish I could live with you just to enjoy the house and the contents!!! Just joking.

    Wishing you a great day.


  8. What a fabric stash! Love the bulbs at the window.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  9. Oh that pile of fabrics is gorgeous! What a lucky find to stumble across some more too. Glad you you had a lovely break (the pictures are fab btw) and I hope you managed to get yourself out of that craft room sorting pickle I saw on IG :)

    Just thought I'd mention that I've just started (last week) using 'Disqus' (check out: for my comments because I too have been over run with spam lately and it was driving me mad. It's dead easy to add to blogger and mine seems to be working very well - so far anyway. Maybe worth a look?

    S x

  10. So glad you are home safe and sound.

  11. your fabric stash is making me drool!

  12. The spam & junk comments are very annoying and I understand why so many bloggers use the word verification, it does prevent it. I tried using the Comment Moderation so the comments can't go on the blog and can be deleted by blog owner. I just saw on a blog this morning that the person is using a different way to leave comments and I clicked on it to try it but I got a message that read my computer wasn't able to use it (unless I change to Chrome or one of the other options) so I couldn't leave a comment.

  13. Welcome back!! And thanks for these lovely colorful pics, so nice bright spots in this dull winter weather :-)

  14. We are on an early Spring Break holiday this week and I hope to do some tidying up as well and take the time to finish up an afghan. Thank you for your lovely and inspirational photos.

  15. I also had to put word verification back onto my blog after a lot of annoying/disturbing spam. Since I put it back on a couple of months ago I have had no spam problems. :)

  16. Your spring bulbs on the windowsill are very inspiring!

  17. Love your photos! So inspiring :)


  18. These are fine home stuff collections.


Thank you so much for visiting my world. I love reading your comments and I do my utterly best to respond to questions and sweet messages. Thank you again for popping by.


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