
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Instagram - Are you doing it?

I came across this hilarious videoT when visiting Popetotrora the other day and couldn't stop laughing when watching this... I am a mad Instagramer since I received my iPhone for Christmas. It is so fun, so easy and yes, You easily fall in to the addiction in no time.

The recognition factor in this video is high... For you who do IG you just have to check this out. We all do this even if we never would admit that we do... Well, I never do it. Naaaaah, not me... That would be just to embarrassing, right? :D

Let me add that this is a promotion for joining a Military Defence program for Human Rights. It is truly genius actually... Questioning the importance of what we do... But Instagramming IS hugely important, right girls? Translation of the text as follows:

What ARE you DOING?

We are defending human rights in war zones all over the world.

Sign up for a place in the Military Defence program....



  1. Great!!
    And yes, I be the first to admitt, I am doïng it also.
    Have a nice weekend.

  2. I know nothing about Instagram nor do I own an iPhone, but I've been in some pretty funny positions to get photos - sometimes lying down and also climbing on chairs!

  3. I'm the only one I know who hasn't a phone that take pictures! A couple of years ago my youngest laughed her socks off when her friend told her that her mum had taken her photo with her phone, she thought she was joking!:) x

  4. Jag äääälskar dessa reklamfilmer. Finns ett par st som rullar här i Sverige nu. Det finns några som går som radioreklam också. En riktig tankeställare faktiskt tycker jag.
    Sen pysslar jag på o fotar om jag vill. Men som sagt - tankeställare!

    Ha en bra dag!


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