
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pottering around...

The last couple of days my mind has been on hold a bit. Thank you for your dear comments and all your support in tough times. Every word is comforting.

I've been pottering around, accomplishing LOTS of things although it feels like I have only done nothing...

I've planted some spring bulbs in cute tea cups and the hyacints are now spreading their wonderful scent in every room of the house. I have ordered Tilda yarn for my winners in the Scrumptious Tilda Yarn Give Away.

I have been crocheting small flowers (tutorial will come...) to accompany the big Maybelle crochet flowers in the baby mobile project. But I haven't really figured out where to find a large ring to attach them to... Maybe an embroidery loop will do? Any suggestions?

I added the binding to my latest quilt. It is finished - YAY! And I guess that is a BIG accomplishment after all... And I started on a new Folksy Pillow Case. This one is very girly in pink. Another pillow front is on my design wall waiting to be sewn together. It is so soothing to make pillow covers. Can't get enough of making them...

We are packing up for school break next week, which will be spent in the mountains skiing. No sewing. Only crocheting. I ran out of yarn for my Gypsy Blanket border... So typical... Well, I guess I have to bring another project. I am not lacking projects... There are so many unfinished WiPs on my shelves...

Well, Charlie the cat knows how to relax, that is for sure. Wish I could find the same peace inside as him at times. Moving on now. Seeing progress with my friend back home. I feel positive. He is going to make it. Because I say so. Today he spoke some to his wife. Told her he loves her. That is a good sign of health. He is with us but the recovery will take a loooooong time. A miracle. My hopes are for continued progress and no relapses. Keep your hopes with me.



  1. You had a rough week. All the best with your friend and his family.
    Down here in RSA we're still reeling after a horrific rape en murder last week, then woke up to the news of a well-known athlete who shot and killed his girlfriend, whether by accident or not. Not a very joyous Valentine's Day.
    Your flower are pretty, I'll look out for that pattern! And the quilting, ahhh, the blue quilting...
    Enjoy the skiing trip :-)

  2. Oooh you are making another one of the gorgeous folksy pillows?! *siiiigh* I´m in deep love with them :)

  3. Det er ikke slike hendelser vi ønsker oss i hverdagen, og heldigvis kommer de ikke så ofte. Men når de dukker opp slår de oss lett overende. Alle gode tanker går til den syke i håp om at dette går bra!

    Likevel vil jeg si at det er noen vakre bilder du har over her. Og en nydelig liten pusekatt som tydelig er så heldig å få lov til å kose seg på en av dine kreasjoner.

    God kveld fra Tone =)

  4. So sorry to hear about your dear friend! Wishing for quick healing and keeping him in my prayers! Pretty things you have been working on! xo Heather

  5. Every pic give me a little smile!!!
    Even today another big hug for you and your loved friends, xxxx Ale

  6. Gosh, I was so sorry to read about your poor friend. What a terrible shock. You keep on pottering my love, it's a very underrated therapy.

    Heather x

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your friend--hope he recovers. I'm praying for him & his family.

    All of your projects are so pretty--a bunch of happy. :) I love the idea of the hyacinths in the teacups--they are such a fragrant flower.

  8. I'm so happy to hear that your friend is doing better! Good news!
    I'm finishing up an afghan that turned into a bedspread *oops!*
    I think I'll begin a quilt this weekend.

    Have too much fun on your vacay next week!

  9. I didn't comment on your last post but it did really hit home with me. A good friend of mine's father just passed away and I have been dealing with death and other heartbreaking issues through my work also this week (I am a social worker). I'm glad your friend is doing better. Your pictures are beautiful and make me grateful that I can enjoy the simple pleasures.

  10. Even thouhg you've got a lot on your mind this week, you still managed to do a lot of work. I admire that !!

  11. Such a great idea with the tape as a guidance for quilting! I have to try it asap! Love the colors you are using.

  12. Det var länge sen du skrev det här inlägget. Tänkte bara säga att det finns stora (30cm diameter) och mindre, metall och plast ringar till mobiler och annar mys, på Panduro :) Jag har aldrig provat att beställa men det går säkert.


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