
Thursday, March 21, 2013

All good

All is good. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and giving support to us. I wish I could respond to each and everyone of you, but I am afraid I don't have the time to do that. I hope you understand...

Suddenly I don't feel so alone in this matter as many of you live with cleft palates just like I do. A father, a brother, a daughter, a friend... It is more common than we think, although I hardly see any other cleft palate people in my life and that sometimes make me feel very alone about this.

Luca was so brave in hospital. Not making any fuss at all. Operation went very well, they even got some other things fixed at the same time. Wake up was tough... Luca was in bad bad pain. His cheek quickly swell up to the size of a tennis ball (and it is still that big!!!). After two shots of pain relief (I guess morphine and something else...) he then turned in to goofy entertainment. Ha ha ha.

We are now on recovery until next week.Today is a day of hanging out. I am mentally tired after all this. I am doing a bit of hooking and sewing. Photographing and preparing blog posts. Cleaning and baking and just sitting next to Luca making sure he is fine.

I send all my love to you out there. Now I have to pick up little Emmy Bo and make pancakes for lunch. Today is a good day. And these mini flowers of mine make me heart skippy happy. I have prepared a tutorial for you. they are so fun to make. They would look very cute in a bouquet of twigs for Easter, don't you think?

Happy Thursday



  1. I'm glad the operation went well for Luca. Thank God he can get good care in Switzerland. You are a good mum too, giving him all the support and care that he needs to recover and thrive. Your little flowers are very the heart and the blanket you're making.

  2. Kärlek till er! Skönt att allt gått bra, förutom svullnaden! Det känns så futtigt att fråga om du har några tips på när du sätter fleece bakom lapptäcken, jag har några UFO:n som jag tänkte fixa till. Kram, kram <3

  3. Sorry I missed your post yesterday!
    Thinking of you all in your recovery.
    Keep hooking and baking.
    Special squeeze for your little man x

  4. So happy to see that all went well. May serenity and peace surround all of you.

  5. I am very happy for you and your family! If Luca well I am very happy!
    Kisses! Kisses! Kisses! Kisssssssssessssss!!!

  6. I am glad everything went and is ok :)

    Hugs from Catalonia!

    Lluisa x

  7. I am so glad for Luca and for your whole family. I was thinking of you!!!! Take care !

  8. I am glad Luca is on the mend. Post-surgery time can be so scary- but it sounds like you are both handling it well!

  9. So pleased the operation went well. Hope everything continues to improve. Take care. Chel

  10. I'm so glad to hear the good news! That's wonderful to hear that all went well. Poor Luca being in pain though :( but a relief that he is feeling happier and more comfy now. I hope all continues happily for Luca. A lot for him to go through, but I bet he is relieved now the operation is over. You all must be. Hope you have had a peaceful day after the stress and anxiety of worrying. Take good care of yourself as well as Luca. He is in the best hands with you as his mum to look after him. Wishing him a speedy recovery and my positive thoughts for his future.

  11. Good to hear the good news. I'm glad all went well I'm sure with your love and care he will recover soon.
    It's good to go back to the routine and enjoy the simple things in life like making pancakes, crochet, etc after those tough moments.
    Best wishes for you all.

  12. I am so glad it all went well. now you can take a bit of an emotional break as you take care of your very brave boy.
    hugs to you,

  13. I'm so happy to hear about the good news. Wishing him all the best!
    Lovely mini flowers. I'd love to make some for a spring wreath.
    Life is good!
    Gloria x

  14. Glad to hear that all went well! All the best with the recovery now. Hopefully you'll have some greenery outside soon enough and be able to enjoy spring.

  15. Glad to hear all went well for Luca. Sending healing thoughts from Chamonix to all of your family.

  16. So glad to hear that Luca is doing well. Enjoy your weekend :) Thank you for the tute for the little flowers :)
    Smiles, DianeM

  17. I hope your beautiful boy is feeling better and not in too much pain. What a great deal you both have to go through. I never realised the seriousness and the amount of surgery that was required to alter a cleft palette. It's amazing what we can cope with when we have to, but I admire you both for facing it so bravely. (((hugs)))

    Can't wait to see the tutorial for these bright beauties too!

    S x

  18. so happy everything went well!!!
    big hugs, xxxx Ale


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