
Sunday, May 12, 2013

Dinner conversations

" And then you like aaaahhhhh... and I like... uuuuhhh? when you like aaaaahhhhh." says big sister, rolling her eyes and showing funny faces as she giggles herself to tears.
"Ha ha ha... You were like aaaaahhhh and then I was like uuuuuhhhh? Ha ha ha ha ha!!!" responses little brother opposite the table folding himself like a pocket knife from laughter and almost falling off the chair in belly aches.
"Ha ha ha! Wait, wait! Ha ha ha. You are like uuuuuhhh..." big sister continues the intelligent conversation... with the weird faces...

What is this exactly...??? This is dinner time in our house now a days. Yes we have dinners together. And yes, not everybody have dinners together but for us this is a priority. Dinner is family time. Dinner is an important time for us, this is where we re-connect after a day full of happenings. And these goonie chats between my oldest and middle child... I just don't get it at all.

Some days it drives me in sane and I force them to hush up and eat their food. Other days I let go and it is a joy hearing them laugh together instead of the normal squabbles. I can also remember the days when "I was like and you were like and then I was like when you were like...". Can you remember? I am not sure what the conversation is about but obviously they know... And this will past, right? They won't have goonie chats over the dinner table forever. Or?

Life with dinners together continues, with or without goonie conversations. Now we can sit outside when the weather actually allows, which is more and more often - YAAAAY! I still have hope that summer will arrive soon.

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  1. Goonie chats rule!!!

    Gorgeous plates on your table and perfect matching table cloth.

    Is it always that tidy when you guys are eating or is it just photo-neatness?

    I just wrote a blogpost about the art of deception when taking pictures for my blog:

  2. I love our dinner at the table all together, too!!! and my boys likes to chit chat with us!!! What a joy!!!
    xxxxx Ale

  3. Enjoy those dinner chats because as they grow up it changes. Hugs to you and enjoy your weather.

  4. I can't wait till my little ones have the age for conversations like that...your post makes me smile, thank you!

  5. I love family. We also do have it, every day❤x

  6. Enjoy the together time, as you know it changes so fast!! We are happy to have our son home with us but he is ready to fly out of the nest soon!! Have a lovely day and I love your table!!

  7. Hello Annette!!! Your blog is wonderfull!!! Full of inspiration and such fun...
    I´m Fabi, from Argentina.

  8. Dinner times are also special times for us and they usually revolve around toilet tales as my two are obsessed with this at the mo. I hope it won't last long. Very wet and grey in the north of England too xo

  9. Hi Annette, your meal looks fantastic, I always seem to need new inspiration when it comes to food! lovely that you get everyone to sit down together.Heather x

  10. Sounds like you have a very happy household, my kids talk a load of nonsense too - it's great!!

  11. great pictures! The food looks delicious.

  12. hej annette va kul att läsa om dig i expressen tidning jag brukar köpa den tidning och denna gången såg jag inte att du var med förn när jag såg i dig blogg att du var med jag blir inspirerad av dig när jag tittar in hos dig jättekul Kram och ha en bra vecka. Maria

  13. Dinner time is special for us too. But I hear from my son that it's not that common among his friends. Sad but true!
    My sons (14 years old) favourite expression at the moment is "forever alone". It's when you do or say something that make you seem very very lonely. We passed a man on the street who was whisteling while walking. "OMG mum that is so forever alone".

    To me, that man seemed happy. But hey, what do I know? I'm soon 40 and almost over the hill. As far as my son is concerned...

    Have a nice day!

  14. So beautiful to see and to eat I suppose...
    I would like to be part of it..

  15. Good. I am glad it's not just MY house!!


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