
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

It is all about her today!

Yesterday was her birthday but today is the big day of celebration. It is all about Emmy Bo today. She got to many presents and ate muffins for breakfast. At Cross Fit they made us do 6 burpes (push up - stand up - jump and clap your hands above your head - down on the floor - repeat...) in honor to the birthday girl in the kids corner. :D

She is the cheeky one. Pure entertainment and LOADS of character. My favorite model in front of my camera. She has no limits. She is actually the only child that we planned. The other two were happy surprises. She is our last one. The baby. Who is now 6. (Can you hear me sob???...)

This morning we sang Happy Birthday and entered her room with candles and presents. She told me she had aches in her legs last night:
"Maybe because I had to grow a little bit more before I turn 6, because I am so much bigger today Mama."

Darling! ♥ ♥ ♥

7 years ago I knew I wanted one more child. My body screamed to carry a baby and nurture a teeeny tiny little human being. I so wanted a little cute baby to dress and oooh and aaaahhh with again. When asking Jay why he wanted another child he said something like:
"Well, every child is a new character added to this family. No one is like another and I am very curious to see what character comes next... It is a little bit like adding a new spice to a stew, it changes the whole dynamic." Bless him, he is a cook right? I remember thinking "Wow! He really put some thought into this." and I thought for a moment that my reason was a bit childish and immature... Like a child who wants a puppy but not really a grown up dog...

Well, my "puppies" are growing up and I can't stop it from happening. Sometimes I want to stop time and freeze everything in the present time as I know I will miss having young kids around me one day.It is an intense time in life right now... I am doing my best to memorize all the great moments...

Today we will make Pavlova and play with new toys. And I feel great compared to yesterday. Thank you for all your sweet words by the way. You really helped me turn things around here.

So today I sing Happy Birthday to my cheeky little Emmy Bo. You are bigger today my love. I bet that was why your legs hurt last night. You needed to grow that last millimeter and now you are here. Today you are 6. I love you so much and I am so lucky to have you.


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  1. Happy birthday little one :-)

  2. So lovely post, Annette!!! And happy birthday to your little sweet daughter! :)

    Have a great day, Jolana

  3. Happy Happy Birthday to your cheeky girl!!!!
    XO Kris

  4. Oh Annette, such a sweet post and a big Happy Birthday to the birthday girl.
    Glad you are feeling better,

  5. Hej! Grattis Emmy Bo! I speak a little and read a lot of Swedish after being a student at Linkoping for many years! The Swedish alphabet has almost exactly the same alphabet and pronunciation of the sounds as Afrikaans except that you have 29 letters. We now also live in home that belonged two a Swedish brothers and it was great conversing to them in Swedish here in South Africa. Love your blog, so glad I found it!

  6. Isn't she lovely! Happy Birthday to your sweet girl. xx

  7. Happy Birthday Emmy Bo, wishing you many happy years!! She is absolutely beautiful and looks so much like you. I find it hard sometime to accept just how time flies and the moments of them being little gets carried away far too quick. Enjoy it all xo

  8. Vilket härligt litet yrväder du har. Tiden går fort och rätt som det är fyller hon 16.

  9. Buon Compleanno Emmy Bo!!!!
    and a big hug for you Annette (sob! sob!yes, they grow and grow....sigh!),
    xxxx Ale


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