
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Screen time

Side by side they sit with virtual screens in hand. This is 2013.
"Look at my girl. I made her a pretty purple dress." says one girl
" Aaaaw, that is so nice. I am gonna make a dress for mine too. "
the other one replies.

Before Christmas we had ONE stationary Apple computer in the house which we shared between FIVE family members. After Christmas we added an iTouch, iPhone and iPad to the home after years of resisting the technical revolution. Today I find it hard to imagine what life was like before these mini virtual screens existed. 

As much as I want my children to climb trees and run around in the fields I also want them to be tech savvy. We have rules. Maximum 1 hour a day, more on a rainy day or the weekend. Homework and chores first, computer after. No iTouch in school and no screens after 6 pm and absolutely no screens in bed. And screen time is the first thing to go when misbehaving...

Looking at my girls having "screen time" like this, I am thinking: "Maybe I have become that old fashion Mama who just DOES NOT get it... Duuuhhh..." Because they are having so much fun sitting there comparing their dress up dolls and animals, giggling and laughing... What's the harm really? Why is it that I prefer them play with plastic real Littlest Pet Shops instead of Littlest Pet Shops in a virtual game? And if I sit for hours on end on my computer I can't really justify telling my kids to get off a mini screen to climb a tree, can I? So today I let them play a bit longer while I sit on the bench and crochet a few squares. It is nice to just be together anyway.


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  1. Hi Annette,

    this has really resonated with me a lot! I, too, am never sure if my reluctance about screen time is just me being old and old-fashioned (like any generation of parents I suppose) or if there really is something wrong with screen time. My rules are much the same as yours by the way :-)

    I love reading your blog, by the way. The pictures are so lovely! A perfect little corner of Swiss-Sweden.

  2. It truly is a different world, kids have to be savvy with the use of technology. i love blogging, pinterest and so on, I am on the computer a lot, but that is life now. Your little ones still play outside and with their toys, they are doing just fine.

  3. How many difficult choices to make. I don't know the answers either.....

  4. Up until yesterday we only had a computer but now we have a Kindle! - I don't have a clue how it works so I think I'll just hand it over to the kids and let them explain it to me!
    Couldn't agree more with the idea of kids climbing trees etc and being tech savvy.

  5. I have very conflicting opinions about screen time myself when it comes to children...and I know that you're supposed to set a good example, but I most likely spend waaaay too much time in front of a screen. When my little one gets a bit older I haven't decided on what rules to introduce. They'll most likely be similar to yours. Thank you for sharing.

  6. It felt like I was hearing myself speak then. I also have the one hour rule and as for bedtime, well that's a no go, but then mine aren't that old yet and maybe that will change when they become teenagers, but for now I know I am pretty strict about it all really. I do however feel it is so important for them to be tech savvy too and fortunately schools help here too. I know I spend heaps of time with technology every day and I can't really be a hypocrite can I?! I think the photo's of your daughters are just gorgeous, one for a frame! xo

  7. I think your rules are very wise, and the reason you want your children to experience 'real' things is because you want them to have a rich, balanced life . This is good no matter what. Julie

  8. Ahhh, the modern family eh? I agree with you so much, I want my DD to have those happy days I had of running in fields and climbing trees, but I want her to be tech savvy too as it's so important now. Luckily they (these young people) seem to take to it like ducks to water and as you say, it can be hard to prize them away. But, I worry about her spending too much time staring at screen too. Although they can be used to teach many things, they are great for problem solving for example which is an excellent skill for life, so maybe they are not all bad!

    S x

  9. I understand very well your thoughts, Annette! And my daughter is still a baby ... but I think what the future ... I also spend many hours in front of the computer ... and I like it! but I would like that my daughter to play and have fun doing other things ... But the world changes ... and the phrase "no problem, because they do it all children" I do not like this words .... I think you are a great mother and your children growing children with love and they are great people in the future, you have no doubt! A big hug from Catalonia!

  10. It's a hard balacing act! But already been there and out the other side, and now just accept that screen time is a huge part of their lives (but they soon get bored of the Nintendo's!) Once they get to senior school they need to be on the wretched pc so much for school work anyway that it becomes harder, but as long as you have sensible rules when they are little it all works out OK.
    Gill xx


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