
Monday, January 2, 2012


Discovered patchwork and quilt making. I learn new things everyday in quilt making and sewing. I am growing. I am loving every minute spent in my crafty corner. Gosh it is so wonderful to learn new things!!! Love love love!

Crochet elbow got better. If not fully recovered, well able to work on some old WiP's aswell as starting some new ones. Gosh I love love love to hook. And I did manage to finish a couple of fun projects like the Zig Zag scarf and my Christmas Ripple that I haven't even showed you yet ! Ooops!

We got puppies - and we had to give them back. Big tears! So we got Frankie. A crazy little tiger striped cat. HAPPY!

Emmy Bo learned how to ride a bicycle - just like that!

Nelly Bell started to play piano - very nice! She got a "best friend forever", Sarah. That is good. :D

Luca Bo started dreaming in French. His hand writing is stunning. He is THE king of extreme sports!

Discovered the joy of shopping fabric. Call me fabricoholic. Yarnoholic. Craftoholic. Anything containing color or being crafty easily slips down my shopping bag on my many visits to online shops as well as thrift stores. I love love love my addiction!

Jay swopped driving his motorcycle like a crazy person on the roads to driving his new race bike like a mad 18 year old in speeds like lightning on a race track instead. And I feel so much better knowing he now drives his road bike like an old man, nice and slow...

New job for Jay. And for the first time in our 10 years together we are both working and providing. big change for everyone and a bit of a challenge needless to say.

Married for 10 years. I still can't believe that 10 years went by so fast and all the things we have cranked in during this period of time is amazing. What a journey. Looking forward to the net 10 years with my man! Love love love being Mrs Ciccarelli.

Vacation. Wonderful vacation at Mallorca, Spain and Väddö, Sweden. So many friends. So much family. So nice weather. So many adventures. So much laughter. So much joy. So much love. Love love love our vacation in 2011!
Sweden. Was blessed to go "home" not just once, but twice and three times in 2011. One ski trip with my dear girl friends. One trip for a gorgeous wedding and the big trip with my whole family for my first Swedish summer vacation in 5 years! Love love love being able to visit and share my roots.

Together! This is a big one as Jay always had to travel with his previous employer and spent lots of time abroad... This year we have become a family of five for real. A Mama, Papa and three wonderful crazy kids. I love love love having my own family!

Mega harvest! The vegetable garden thrived in the sunshine and just the right amount of rain this year. We were very blessed with everything from tomatoes, cucumbers, corn, carrots, lettuce, eggplant, corguette, green beans, red beets, strawberries, raspberries, currants, plums, cherries, apples, pears...

Geraniums. These beautiful and very tolerant flowers decorated my garden and windows beautiful and I am finding myself becoming a geranium collector... almost. Love love love geraniums because they love love love me I don't die.

Family visited from abroad. Jay's niece Alexandra came across the Atlantic to stay with us all summer. It was a blast to see her get to know her cousins for real. And us too for that matter. It is something special to have family around. ♥♥♥

New blog friends! The number of readers on My Rose Valley shoots through the roof suddenly. Exciting! And scary at the same time! I am meeting so many new blog friends, finding so many new beautiful and inspiring blogs, getting so many encouraging and flattering comments from you all and I am beside myself. Little me having so many visitors is overwhelming. Thank you! I love love love you all! ♥♥♥

I cut my hair short. Is this a statement of some kind??? I am not sure. I will analyze it all some other time...

I opened an ETSY store. And it is so exciting. And when a first order shows in my inbox I am thrilled. This is so much fun! And it feels great to be able to pay for my hobby and not feel guilty of splashing out on fabric purchases even though my shelves are already overfilled...

And much much more. It has truly been a fantastic year. And I have a feeling that 2012 will be just as good. I can't wait.

2012 I want to:
Become a do-er instead of just being a dreamer
Finish my on-going projects
Learn more about sewing, quilting, embroidery, crocheting...
Be a more relaxed Mama
Blog a bit different. More about living abroad, everyday life and of course all the crafty fun! Not only eye candy, no matter how much fun that is. Share more. Blog love more. Give more.
Laugh more
Decorate my house (we have finally settled I have realized...)
Become more fluent in French ( I don't really want to but I actually have to...)

And there are so many more things I would like to improve, change, grow with, do, make... A longer list is probably going to be published soon as I am a bit of a Listoholic as well. All these addictions...

Shouldn't be that hard should it?

Happy New Year everyone!




  1. Wow. You've been super busy this year. Well done for achieving so much. I love your photo collage. Such an amazing mix of colour and fun.
    Happy new year.

  2. Önskar dig ett riktigt bra nytt år.

  3. hope all your wishes come true...Happy New Year!!

  4. Beautiful, colorful 2011 roundup!! Happy New Year!

  5. Jösses så aktiv du varit! Vad mycket färgglatt och härligt du skapat. :-)

  6. Happy New Year Annette!
    Loving all your enthusiasm!

  7. A sparkling post, full of enthusiasm, I smiled while reading it. May 2012 be another fullfulling and creative year!

  8. Your collage hints at the quilts you make, very pretty.
    Annette, I came back from summer holiday yesterday and was at the Post Office as it opened this morning to pick up my parcel with the lovely vintage sheet ordered from your Etsy shop! Yeay yeay yeay! It's lying in the green basket and Friday morning I want so sit down and start my measurements, cuttings etc :-) Looking forward.
    I wondered about you 'crochet elbow' earlier this year...and now I understand, after working with twine during the holiday....
    Wishing you a great 2012!

  9. Happy New Year Annette! :) Your blog was amazing in 2011; I'm sure it's even better this new year! :)


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