
Tuesday, January 3, 2012


We are lucky. Thank to Jay's work he has a wonderful flat in Gstaad for the season, and the best part is that me and the kids can come to visit whenever we want to!!!! Yeay!

We sneaked up for the New Years Weekend to spend some time skiing and rubbing shoulders with the rich and famous. I so do NOT have any desire to be rich a famous. But they are sure fun to look at when you walk down town Gstaad. :D

Gstaad is located in the German part of Switzerland only 1 hour and 45 minutes from our home. So perfect and drop dead gorgeous with the mountain tops surrounding the valley. The top picture is our view from the flat. Ain't that just amazing!


We got lucky with lots of snow. I mean LOTS. I am talking about 20 inches, 50 cm... Emmy went to ski school for the first time and won a Gold medal for being the fastest down the kiddie hill. :D Me proud Mama!!!

We went skiing and dining, raclette of course, and yes, Jay just can't look normal in a picture, I am sorry about that but that is just the way he is.

We celebrated the New Year in our flat, in ski long johns and fleece shirts. Had a wonderful Jay the Chef dinner that of course were miles better than any restaurant food. I am a lucky woman having a professional chef cooking for me almost every day. That girls, is a real treat!



  1. Wonderful pictures of wonderful days... Thanks for sharing!

  2. Det ser jättehärligt ut! Vi var till en kompis stuga i Tärnaby över nyår.
    God fortsättning!
    Många kramar från norr...

  3. Who wants to be rich and famous when you already have your own adorable chef who has a flat in Gstaad! :) Happy 2012 Annette!

  4. Så härligt det ser ut med snö. Här bara regnar och blåser det (Stockholm).

  5. This place is so charming! The lamplight photos are so "koselig". :-)

  6. Vad härligt med en massa snö och skidåkning! Här i Östergötland är det inte en gnutta snö, men desdå mer blåst. Hemskt tråkigt väder med andra ord! Men man får göra det bästa av det! En långpromenad följt av en varm kopp te och stickning är inte så dumt!
    God fortsättning!
    Kram Malin

  7. Lucky you. I love Gstaad. I went skiing a lot when I lived in Chateau D'Oex.
    It's nice to see the beautiful pictures. It's too long ago since I have been there for the last time.
    You enjoy you're time in Gstaad as much as you can.

    Groetjes, Monique


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