
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Color therapy works - I am back!

Darlings! I love you all! Thank you for all your comforting words, supporting shouts, hugs, kisses... and LOVE. Who would have known a couple of years ago that I would have so many blog friends caring for my well being. :D This is truly amazing. And I am back. Have decided that the drama time is over. Lets not pound this trauma anymore. Lets move on. Lets have some fun. And what is the best way of having fun? Play with colors of course!!!

Thanks to the most fantastic chiropractor I am doing very well. For the first time in a year and a half my arm is hardly bothering me at all (crochet arm - read about it here). I am on a roll, back with the hook  - again!!! It has been so long that I have almost forgotten how much fun it can be.

I am determinant to finish my Gypsy Blanket this year. This WiP has been going on for a good year and a half now... I am making small squares. Adding a second colorful row . ♥♥♥. Fastening off threads carefully as a go. Looking at them. I hold them. I thought if I only prepare a bunch of these colorful magical little squares it will be quicker and easier to finish this blanket. :D

Color therapy is the best when feeling down. I have played around with my scraps a lot the last couple of days. I really should have done other stuff but, who cares. Playing is fun!

My crafty mojo was gone for quite some time. Not being able to steal my moments in my crafty corner at home as a result of busy everyday life, work and trips skiing on weekends, made me blue. Actually my whole house is a mess but I could care less. I guess we all can get together for a big spring clean when the day comes... Spend a whole week sorting, organizing, polishing, washing, vacuuming... Because it isn't THAT important to have a perfect home.

I didn't tell you before but I had a bit of another drama just a week before the car accident. A drama that had to do with my marriage.  Me being convinced, with proof black on white, that there was a mistress... This awful thing that only happen to others (because it does happen) but it would never happen to me - it happened. For 60 minutes flat I was a betrayed wife. For real. All I could see was a big sign saying DIVORCE in front of my eyes and my whole life fell apart... Everything I believed in... Just to find out it was all a huge HUGE mistake from my side... Five minutes before confronting my man I suddenly realized that my evidence was an old text message in my phone from May 2011, sent to me from him... Not a message for a mistress that by mistake was sent to me... An old  text message which, taken out of context, rocked my world so violently that I actually had to stop my car and vomit at the side of the road. Wow, did I feel like a fool? Now I can laugh at it all but then... It was terrible to say the least... And then the accident on top of that the week after. Phew! So it isn't that important to have a perfect home. When life crumbles it is the last thing that matters,  really. Keep that in mind when you tear your hair because the kids dragged in dirt on your newly cleaned floors...

So with my perfectly imperfect home including dust bunnies and piles of stuff on every surface, a laundry pile big as Mount Everest and everything else falling behind, today I am just happy to be here. To be married to the most wonderful man who is faithful. :D To have my three extremely special children that drives me both crazy like a mad cow and happily weeping as they give the most fabulous evidences of unconditional love daily just by being who they are. And of course, lets not forget about the crazy cats...

The lust to create has returned, as you can tell... I have a long list of " I - want - to - make". And I also have a list of  "Things - I - have - to - make"... Not so fun. Like a drape for the hall way... Dragging the project but it really needs to be done. Mending clothes... How fun is that? And making 35 scout scarves... The scarves need to be finished soon. The dead line is getting closer and closer now. I started out cutting triangles, did pretty well. I even came to the pressing seams and pinning stage... And got slightly distracted. I just so happened to need another pin cushion soooooo... Scarves were put aside and one pin cushion turned into two, and three... Now this is fun! Playing with scraps making small teeny tiny pillows. Inspired by the pin cushion in this post. Color therapy is the best!!! Who wants one? Why not? Tell me which one you want and I will pick a winner on Valentines Day. :D Now suddenly this turned into a spontaneous Give Away.  How lovely life can be! Yay! :D ♥♥♥

Tonight I have promised to watch a movie with Emmy Bo, with the hook in my hand that is. Adding some more mini granny squares to my Gypsy Blanket. Looking forward to that. I should really get going on my scarves right now though... Uuuuuuhhhhh, as Nelly Bo says more and more often nowadays... I really don't want to but it has to be done.

Sending lots of love your way. I promise to catch up more soon. Thank you for being there for a friend in need. You make me feel good! And you all rock my world in a good way. Happy Saturday!



  1. Hola Annettte muy bellos colores, esa manta sera maravillosa te felicito es un buen trabajo el que tienes en camino, nada es perfecto solo Dios pero nuestro deseo es tan grande, que vamos a mucha velocidad y nos perdemos lo mas simple que pasa por delante de nuestras narices y luego lamentamos , que suerte que te detuviste a pensar y el resultado fue maravilloso una familia unida y una vida no perfecta así es mas divertida muchos besos Sandra.

  2. Oh Annette, my sweet friend you have been through so much these past few weeks. The accident, the incident with the text message! Wow. Take some deep breaths and be grateful as I know you are. Love that your mojo is back on track. By the way yoga is great for crochet arm issues.

  3. Vilka söta nåldynor! Och vilka söta nålar!! Visst blir det lite roligare att sy med såna fina! :-)

  4. Really pleased you feel better enough to post again. I have had a recent drama too re my marriage - all in my blog but yes, absolutely devastating and still picking up the pieces now. Crafty is good and a good distraction. Hugs to you, my friend. x

  5. Hi Annette! I am so happy that you are on the mend and have crochet hook on the go :) Your pin cushions are adorable!!! There is NO way to choose a favorite! Have a wonderful evening movie watching and crocheting xoxo Debbie

  6. Tänkte på dig idag, tänkte gå in och skriva till dig. Så har du gjort ett inlägg. Jag förstår att det blev jobbigt med allt på samma gång. Jag känner igen paniken, när man tror att det omöjliga har hänt, när den man känner utan och innan har gjort nåt hemskt, men även jag hade fel. Men tänk vad hjärnan kan rusa och man blir alldeles matt.
    Kul med virkningen, själv har jag nästan slutat helt. Just nu känner jag mig ganska förlamad och alldeles för mycket inspiration så inget blir gjort.
    Ha det bra och jag ser fram emot att se filten när den är klar!

  7. Hi Annette, I've just read your last two posts....I hope you are recovering well and getting over the shock. It's true life is fragile ...thankyou for sharing and putting things into perspective. I will be giving my boys an extra kiss tonight and thinking before I complain about something trivial.
    Craft is great therapy as you say and crochet is so family friendly with it's unobtrusive portability.
    I LOVE your pincushions. The blue and lilac squared one is my favourite , it looks vintage and so sweet.
    Jacquie x

  8. Great post Annette! Love your tiny colorful crochet. The pin cushions are awesome! I think sewing and crochet can be very healing. They take us back to our happy place :)

  9. Oh Annette!! I had to laugh. Hope you have a great week :-)
    I love the bright one, with the large red flowers! (And should I win, I'll give you my sis's address in Ireland ;-)

  10. Dear Annette, I'm so glad that you are well and enjoy life! I know what you mean with "priorities". When I was a child I often said to my mum: "Who cares if the house was clean all the time, when your dead - all that matters is the time you spend with people and things you love and care for. " Sounds very drastic but as a child you see some things clearer because you are not influenced by "what will other people think?"
    I really like your colourful pincushions! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  11. Glad you are feeling cheered up. Love the colours you are using!

  12. Oh ja, jag ser att du har kommit tillbaka. nu känner jag igen dej....det bra sprudlar och jag kan inte láta bli att le. Roliga du!
    Filten är sá fantastisk.
    Jag háller pá att använda upp allt garn och alla tyglappar jag med. Blev pá minnd om att jag inte har en náldyna.
    Hejja dej som har kommit tillbaka. Om ett tag kommer du att veta varför allt det här hände. Saker och ting har alltid en mening.
    Kramar i massor.

  13. Thank you for sharing these, beautiful work. I am so sorry to read about your accident. Of course you are shaken up! I had a bike accident about 10 years ago (a concussion and fractures shoulder as the result and some memory loss) and I have been much more careful on my bike ever since. So don't feel ashamed about being shaken up only a few weeks after the accident, it's quite normal. Take care of yourself.

  14. Gosh! You really have had an eventful couple of days. I'm glad that things are tickety-boo for you now. I have to agree there's nothing like getting your crafty mojo back after a short absence.

    As for the housework, meh, it never goes anywhere. Remember, work will wait while you gaze on the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you work.

    Do the things that bring joy and happiness to you and your family while you can. The boring mundane everyday life things will still be there for you when you're ready :)

  15. Hello,I just stumbled upon your blog. One time my husband was checking his voice mail on speaker phone.. and there was an old message from me.I did not recognize my own voice. it is funny now to think of it.. but at the time I was like "what?" . maybe try accupuncture for your arm? it has helped me with pain and nerve damage from an injury:) keep your head up. nice to meet you! and thanks for a chance to win a pretty pin keeper.

  16. Yay for spontaneous giveaways! :D I love the pincushion with the zebra stripes on it! <3
    And welcome back hun, we're always here for you! And that little mistake about the impromptu text, well, we've all been there ;)
    Glad to see youre getting your mojo back!

  17. Dear Annette, its so good to hear you full of positive life and plans again after a horrible few weeks of a real roller coaster of a ride by the sounds of it!
    So glad you are feeling better, and that your enthusiasm for making is back full on! Loving the little crochet squares and you colourful pin cushions - especially love the pink gingham centred one!
    Happy crocheting and forget the housework (like i do!)- it will still be there!!
    Gill xx

  18. Love your blog and all your beautiful work. Of course I would love to win. Hope you have a great week - Happy Valentines Day.

  19. Wow, what drama you have had! Glad things are working out and you have your crafty mojo back! I love your pin cushions, especially the pink gingham center! You have such talent don't waste it cleaning, haha! ♥ ~Kelly~

  20. Dear Annette, really love your blog. Read it always. Your pincusions are awesome. Love them all but the pink gingham centered one catches my eye all the time.

  21. Time for a deep breath and to slow things down. Your creative mojo has kicked back in just fine. And the pincushion with the pink/red/white center is the loveliest of all.

    Renee :)

  22. Whew, what a relief to get your mojo back, eh? Glad to hear things are looking up for you, and thank you for offering one of those cute cushions as a giveaway. :)


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