
Monday, March 19, 2012

Come Walk With Me - Week 3

Hello Walking ladies. Sorry for the report delay. I had some problems with my mail. This is how many minutes of walking we have done this week:
(PS If you still haven't reported your efforts please do, but only if you want to. :D)

Annette (me) - 300 minutes (5 hours)
Jay Nic Knit Knacks

Stel - 60 minutes ( 1 hour) Well done Stel!
Henny Designs
Blandina Aracne - 210 minutes + more ( 3 hours 30 minutes +more)

Happy Little Cottage
Mrs Stenlund - 240 minutes (4 hours)
IA Nyckelpiga
- 220 minutes (3 hours 40 minutes)
Tea With Hazel - 195 minutes (3 hours 15 minutes)
Gilly Flower - 270 minutes (4 hours 30 minutes)
Kolora - 30 minutes

Lynne -  185 minutes (2 hours 45 minutes) even though it was raining most days. Well done!
Anonymous from California - 360 minutes (6 hours)

This is not a competition - this is about creating a habit.

I am so proud of you all and of myself. Looking at the numbers I am blown away by how well we have done. And for a moment I lost focus this week. Became competitive. " If Jane can do 8 hours I am gonna do 9..." So I started to feel guilty and stressed when I didn't managed to squeeze in another 30-40 minutes of walking a day into my busy schedule this week. Even though I was doing so much better than last week... So I asked myself by the end of the week "What am I doing?".

This is not a competition. This is about creating a habit. We are all different. We live different lifestyles and have different starting points. We set our personal goals. If that goal is to walk 15 minutes a day and we manage to stay to that goal that is fantastic. If someone has a goal of walking 1 hour a day that is fantastic too. So, when taking a step back and reflecting it all, I threw away the guilt and patted myself on my shoulder instead. Because my goal was to walk 45 minutes every work day and 30 minutes on all the other days and I did that plus more. So I have done REALLY good this week. And it feels like I am getting into a routine of walking. Wanting to walk a little bit every day.

Only compare your progress and efforts to your own goals. Don't compare yourself to others. You are doing great just doing your thing. :D

My Walking Mission - Week 3

• 45 minutes every working day

• 30 minutes all other days

• 2 of my walks will be uphill walks this week.

Now you set your goals for the week. As we are all different it is easier to follow your own plan this way. Add on some more time to your walks if you feel like it.  Or keep to the same goal as before. Walk up some hills on your walks. Do some interval walking, 5 minutes high speed - 5 minutes normal - 5 minutes high speed... The most important thing is to get into a routine and do it.

Good luck and enjoy!


  1. hi annette..thanks again for putting the progress report really helps belonging to the 'come walk with me' group..x

  2. Räknas varje steg man tar?
    Jag brukar ta pá mej stegráknaren när jag gár ut för att gá.
    men kanske skulle ta den pá mej redan pá morgonen och ha den pá tills jag gár och lágger mej.
    Annars tror jag det blir svárt att komma upp i 10-12000 steg om dagen.

    1. Om du siktar på att göra 10000-12000 steg om dagen så ska du räkna med alla steg från morgon till kväll. I mitt liv så får jag ihop 12 000 steg om jag går ca 60-90 minuter utöver mina "vardagssteg", dvs stegen jag tar hemma, när jag handlar, går till bussen osv. Om vi istället för att sitta ner börjar att gå omkring när vi pratar i telefon, tar trappor istället för hiss, tar en matkasse åt gången från bilen och in så att vi tvingas gå fram o tillbaka fler gånger så kan vi bränna upp till 500 kalorier mer per dag i bara vardagssteg. Det du! SKaffa dig en bra stegräknare.

  3. Thanks for this Annette, it is all encouraging and sensible stuff - rhanks for your hard work and effort in doing this!
    For me, who has to work regularly anyway because of the dog, I am trying to change how I do it rather than how much I do. Although I am trying to add some extra walks too (much to Logans delight!)
    So last week I did 4 1/2 hours but I am trying to walk faster and further in that time.
    Most of my walk is with the dog off the lead so I can vary my pace - walk fast to get my heart going for 5 mins, then slow it down a bit and repeat.
    Also trying to walk faster up hill!
    Also bought a pedometer and my walk yesterday in 45 mins was just under 2 miles - so this is encouraging me too - thanks for advising to get one!This morning we did 1.7 miles in 35 mins.
    Thanks for reporting every week - it is encouraging for everyone!

  4. Annette, I have just done a post on a walk that I do with Logan, with photos, and I thouhgt it would be good to link to you as its on the subject of walking!
    So I hope you don't mind but I have edited my post at the end and linked to your blog to try and encourage more people to walk their way to a healthier life!
    Pop over and see!
    Gill xx

    1. Fantastic! Anybody who has not seen your post - go there and walk With Gill. It is a great walk she is sharing. Me happy!

  5. HI Annette,
    Here in Southern Californis, we had a terrible storm last weekend. But I did manage to get out and walk between those cold rains. As you say, it's like a habit and you make yourself feel better and give you a confident. Hooooray!
    Here's my report: I did 6 hours tatal.
    Have a fabulous day!

    Anonymous from California

  6. I love this idea! Does it have to be walking or is it any physical activity like bike riding??


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