
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Home alone

What does a mother of three do when she is home alone, for 24 hours, for the first time in 10 years?

1. She ends up at IKEA and goes dream shopping for a new hallway, living room, craft room stuff and a kitchen - value about 8000 dollars at least.

2. Then she goes reality shopping, buying 2 drop down curtains and meatballs, frozen cinnamon buns, chocolate oatmeal balls, chips and Påskmust (special soda) in the Swedish shop.

3. She sings out load in the car on her way home and dances behind the wheel.

4. She makes sandwiches for dinner as she doesn't want to cook.

5. She does NOT tidy up or clean.
6. She Facebooks and blogs about it as she has to tell the world that this is happening for real.

The house is V E R Y quiet.

To be continued...



  1. Haha - lovely post Annette! By the way I did 8,000 steps yesterday ... a first for me! xxx

  2. Yay! Your post made me smile, as it sounds like you are enjoying your free time in a carefree way!
    Make the most of it and have FUN!!
    Thanks for your comments on my blog Annette!
    Have a great time for the rest of your time home alone!

    Gill xx

  3. Hello, sounds like a fun day!
    Today on the first day of spring I started on the blanket I won in a giveaway from you a while ago.
    The patchwork part I have finished, now looking for a good match for the reverse side.

    1. Hello Neele
      Happy to hear this. I would love to see the finished creation. Would you email a picture later on? Have fun creating. :D Annette

  4. enjoy your 'quiet' time's very precious when you have three very precious but demanding children who require your attention..x

  5. Ha ha ha men visst är det skönt att vara själv?
    Jag brukar skicka i väg min "lilla familj" pá cmping ibland när jag bara máste vara själv. Sá att jag kan fá längta efter dom lite ibland.

    Nu kör jag med stegráknaren hela dagen. Det blir en himla skillnad.
    Ska bli intressant och se hur mycket jag gár pá jobbet i morgon.
    Njut av ensamheten.

  6. En speciell känsla det där att vara ensam, tycker du gjorde rätt val av aktiviteter.

  7. Hi Annette.
    I am hopefully opening my etsy shop soon too.

    Glad you are taking the step into paper piecing!
    All I can say is, don't make your pieces too small, and tack them with a different colour thread. And dont over do it like me or you may get a sore shoulder.
    Have fun!


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