
Sunday, March 4, 2012

Come walk with me! - Welcome

Photo from here.

I invite you to Come walk with me! I am about to make one of my dreams come true by walking myself into a healthier and hopefully longer life. Why don't you come join me on my journey?

My daughter Nelly Bo walking the fields behind our house.
After 3 kids and a busy vagabond life we finally have settled here in beautiful Switzerland. We have routines. A completely normal everyday life. We are loving it but... Since leaving my Stay-At-Home-Mother-of-Three-Young-Kids lifestyle 2 years ago for an office job, sitting on a chair for 8 hours straight a day three times a week,  my shape has gone - pear shaped???!!!

A snowy walk on the mountain with my brother and nephew in 2010.
So, dear crafty friends. How many hours a week do you spend on the couch crocheting? How many hours do you spend by the sewing machine? And how many hours do you spend on the Internet reading blogs, updating yours, surfing Pinterest and dreaming away? We could take just 15 minutes a day from this precious time and go for a walk. Just 15 minutes. And these 15 minutes will soon grow to longer walks, into a daily habit, a slimmer waist line, a less humping and puffing breathing, a more energetic view of life.
A late summer walk with the cows on top of the mountain where we live.
I have too many friends, family, colleagues and just people around me with serious health problems like cancer, diabetes, over weight issues, heart problems, depression, lack of flexibility... Walking is known to lower the risks in all of these areas. We can all do some walking. Every day. One step at the time. Towards a lighter future, a longer and healthier life. Come walk with me!

I want to share my journey with you for two big reasons:

1. Because with support from you I will keep walking and not give up.

2. Because if I can inspire just one person to live a healthier lifestyle and walk with me, that would be the greatest satisfaction of all. :D

A family hike with pick-nick packed in 2010.
This morning I went for the most beautiful walk (50 min/5400 steps/4,7 km/210 cal). And this idea about sharing this journey came to my mind. I have to admit I am no longer a beginners-beginner but I have been there. When  starting working I cut down my daily movements with 75%. Yes, that is shocking isn't it. No wonder I have put on weight but more so filled up around my waist since sitting myself down on that office chair.
Nature is fantastic to observe on my walks, like these bright yellow fields in spring.
I know a few tricks on motivating myself, equipment that might be good, I have tips on music and how to make a walk a wonderful place to be in. I am sure you can add your tips and tricks to it too. This is supposed to be fun. A place where we share our progress as well as our struggles. A place where when things feels rough someone else can cheer you on and push you to at least get out for 10 minutes if you can't do more.

What exercise is the best exercise?
The exercise that we do.

I am not sure where this idea will take us or myself from a blog perspective, but I am excited. I really want to do this. And why walking? Because I've tried it all... Jogging, gym, swimming, cycling... But my time is limited and I find it hard to make it to a class, a certain location or keeping a special time... Walking I can do everywhere and whenever I have a moment left over. I can break it up in short coffee break walks at work or go for a long weekend walk. I can walk early in the morning or after dinner in the evening. I can walk in snow, in grass, on roads, in woods, on beaches, in towns... I can walk on my holiday, at home, at work, by the train station... And the best thing of all - I can do it every day and that is the key to a long and healthy life more than any hours spent in a gym a couple of times a week.

So again - I invite you -  Come walk with me!

 This week I challenge you to:
• Walk at least 15 minutes every day. Do more if you feel like it but if you are a beginners beginner, start slow.

This week I will:
• Walk 45 minutes split on three sessions on my morning coffee break at work, lunch and afternoon break.
• On my days off I will walk at least 30 minutes.
• I will look at the nature and take it all in as spring is just about to break through over here.

Let me know how you are doing. Lets walk.

Added info:
To make this a place for cheering on, feed back, brainstorming and to communicate with one another I will start replying directly to your comments. Anyone can jump in with questions, suggestions and cheering on.

Tea with Hazel suggested we report back every week on how much we have managed to walk and I think this is a great idea. Lets make Sundays our report day. I will bring up this information again in the next Come Walk With Me post to make sure everybody reads it. Move it girls. This is so much fun!



  1. What a lovely idea. I cant imagine anything nicer that walking in the fresh air and amazing scenery in Switzerland. I've been 3 times and loved it there. So peaceful.

    1. 3 times!!! Wow! Switzerland is stunning, I know. I see it every day but I tend to get blind. Therefor I have decided to open my eyes to the beauty this week. See flower buds in the ditch, listen to the birds and see the clouds in the sky, the mountains behind the fog... It is a great motivation on a walk. It makes you feel lucky to be here in this world. so lift your head up high when walking and I am sure you will noticed the beauty around you too. :D Annette

  2. Beautiful beautiful photos, Annette. I went to Switzerland in the summer with my family a couple of years ago, and it was just like this - lovely walking with the sound of cow bells all around, and the freshest air in the world. Thank you for the reminder!
    We got a dog a few months ago, and I've taken her for 2 walks a day every day, only a mile or two most days, but it's certainly made a difference to how healthy I feel, and how tight my trousers feel!
    Looking forward to seeing how you get on, and hopefully more photos from your lovely countryside :)
    Jane x

    1. Nice! Lucky you have the best motivator - a dog! How I wish we could have one too. I could always tie on one of my girls stuffed up ones on a piece a string and drag it around, but I might be in danger of being looked into the psychiatry care then. Ha ha ha! :D Annette

  3. OK then! One boxer at a time :-)

  4. Another massive vote for simple walking here! I'm part of the 'Fitbit' revolution and I look at my level of activity every day.
    I try and manage 30 mins everyday and have just invested in some walking trainers instead of my wellingtons (if I walk too much in wellingtons or any totally flat footwear like that it can play havoc with my hips).
    If I can't get outside to walk for whatever reason I do the same thing on my 'SuperTramp' rebounder.
    I also do yoga and pilates ... but walking is by far the winner for ease and convenience.
    I will definately join ya! :-)

    1. Walking forever! get yourself a pair of nice trainers and get out there. I have an old pair standing under my table at work. I just put them on, go for my 15 minutes and change back when back in the office. After years of trying to find my thing I think walking is the what fits me best. Walking rules. What is Fitbit revolution all about? Tell me, I am curious. Keep on walking and counting your steps or minutes. :D Annette

  5. I normally try to walk every day. I love the feeling of power into my legs and the feeling of freedom.
    Sopmetimes I am lazy, but I am with you this week: at least 15 minutes everyday.

    1. Happy to hear you are with me! Thanks for posting about this on your blog. Your sweet words makes my cheeks blush. You go girl! Fantastico! /Annette

  6. Wonderful post. I agree with you I need to get up and get moving. I will try to exercise everyday this week, it may not be a walk but it will be activity. Thanks for cheering us on.

    1. Fantastic. That is what I want to hear. If nothing else we can walk in place for 5 minutes or have a dance session with our kids or walk up and down stairs. Every step counts and if we can add some outdoor being to this it is great. Try 15 minutes and we'll see how you go. :D/Annette

  7. I just stumbled upon your blog today. This is something that I've been thinking I need to do too. I'm going to try for 30 min. a day.
    The scenery where you live is stunning!

    1. Thanks Amy! Switzerland sure is a beautiful place. Like so many other places I have to add. Lucky you stepping in to my place right now then. :D Looking forward to have you around. And good luck with your 30 minutes a day! /Annette

  8. Hi Annette! What a great idea!! I too am sitting in the office chair for 8 hours straight, 3 days a week! You live in such a beautiful place...what a great motivator to get out there and walk. I am up for 15 minutes a day!! xoxo Debbie

    1. Nice! I am cheering you on with your cute pup! Go go go! /Annette

  9. I'll be with you too, had decided to go for a walk every day during lent but was interrupted by a very persistent flu. Now being on the other side of it, I really want to get back on track again, so to speak. 15 minutes is just enough to get started with I guess, so thanks for the inspiration!

    1. Alla kan gå 15 minuter om dagen. Det handlar om disciplin. Kul att du hakar på. :D Och när du väl fått in rutinen på 15 minuter om dagen så ska du snabbt se att dina 15 minuter växer till 30, 45 osv. Nu är den bästa tiden att göra detta. So you go girl! Kram Annette

  10. I've been wanting to exercise more, so count me in!

    1. Like what I hear. You are very welcome to join in. Let me know how much you have managed to do next Sunday. Lets walk!/Annette

  11. Räkna med mej! Vilken bra idé!
    Och den kom precis när jag behövde den.
    Jag är inte nybörjare, jag gillar att gá. När vi bodde inne i stan gick jag alltid, nu gár jag tyvärr nástan inte alls.
    I morgon ska jag gá.

    1. Kalaskul! Så kan vi snacka om livet och ideer när vi promenerar där tillsammans du o jag. :D Kram Annette

  12. not so long ago i was a fit lean healthy person who could do 10 hour walks..but i've lost my mojo..i am now overweight and pretty unfit..for me several health problems were the catalyst..but your post has inspired me so i'd love to join make it work i think we need to commit to a time that we can manage and report back to each other once a week or so..what does everyone else think?

    i'd like to commit to walking a minimum of 30 minutes a day for 2 weeks which, to maintain a bit of flexibility i will allow myself to do in smaller or larger increments so that by the end of the week i will have clocked up at least 2 hours 10 minutes..and then in weeks 3-4 i'd like to increase that to a minimum of 45 minutes..and weeks 4-6 to 60 minutes..and i'll keep a diary so i know how much i've done..

    i'm really looking forward to being part of your 'come walk with me' challenge..:)

    1. Fantastic. Sounds like a manageable plan to me. And great idea about reporting back. I'll suggest that in my next Come walk with me-post. I am so happy you are joining in. 30 minutes a day is not an impossible task, especially not if you break it up in smaller walks a couple of times throughout the day. I also suggest that you consciously add more "everyday-moments" to your day. Take the staircase instead of elevator, take in with one grocery bag at the time so that you have to walk in and out your home several times, walk around when on the phone... you get it. There are proof that shows by doing only these things we can burn another 500 cal a day!!! You go girl!/Annette

  13. What a great inspirational post!
    When I still worked it was hard to find time to walk for more than 10 minutes in my lunch hour to the shops, but now that I am homebased, and since we got our dog, I now walk everyday between 30 minutes and 1 hour and I feel so so much fitter and healthier, so you are right, it does make a difference, and I shall try to keep it up.

    Thank you for spurring me on!

  14. Thanks to Blandina I am having a look at your walking. I, too, am a big fan of walking. I have the luxury of living very close to the centre of the town and can walk most places.
    Have you noticed you can go to some places and there is no-one walking? No-one on the streets?
    I will walk along with you (if I may)!

  15. HI there! Your are very welcome dear. So happy to see you popped over. I totally agree with what you have observed. I think the world need a big Come Walk With Me campaign. It would save so many people, make us more happy and much healthier. Happy to hear you are joining me. Thanks! :D Annette

  16. Great! I walk the children to school every morning, which is 15 minutes and I love to go running (outside if possible or in the gymn) and I can only say - after not doing anything for 3 month and starting again a few weeks ago -it makes such a difference!! I would even say you will get addicted to it and your body misses the exercise after a while. Have a great and "moved" week!

  17. Ho letto il nome del tuo blog ne "la griccia" e sono venuta a conoscerti. Vedo un blog molto interessante, ricco e personalizzato. questo post è accompagnato da foto incantevoli. spero avremo modo di conoscerci reciprocamente e... magari fare qualche bella camminata insieme.
    a presto

  18. Hello! Greetings from California.
    Enjoy your lovely photos very much! Before and after those hectic hours(I also work 40 hrs sitting at office chair a week!), I take a 30-minute walk every day with my dog: Guess what!! she is from your beatiful Swiss Alps! Walikg is fun and makes you feel better. BUT I do think it would be more fun to walk in your beautiful scenery!

  19. What a great idea Annette. Count me in. I've been a walker for years, and try to go for at least 40 minutes every other day. My sister and I go for big long walks of at least an hour and a half on the weekends. I need it more than ever since learning to crochet. Too much sitting! I have tried gym memberships and Zumba or Jazzercise classes, but always come back to walking. It's the best! Lovely scenery you have there, not sure I would ever want to be inside!

    1. Hello dear! Zumba... I wished for Wii Zumba for Christmas and got it. I have tried it once... I don't seem to make exercise happen here at home no matter how hard I try. I always get interrupted or feel stressed y the fact the house is full of kids and chores that needs attention. So walking it is. Happy to have you on board and that you already have a great routine going. Keep it up! :D //Annette

  20. Good morning Annett, I first of all want to say ..... I have sat here for one whole hour devouring your inspiring blog :0) But the good news is that I have a little dog and we do walk together ..... my only question is ..... how much of an "effort" should our walk be? I mean, should I get a bit puffed out ..... if so I may have to leave my dear little Bella at home sometimes because she loves to sniff EVERY tree, EVERY lamp, EVERY dustbin, EVERY ANYTHING!
    Perhaps I will have to sneak out without her knowing, but could I get passed those knowing, loving eyes????
    I LOVE your blog, so much, Thank you for inspiring, crochet, quilting Goodness :0)
    Val xx Berkshire UK

    1. Hi Val. Welcome! Tried to find you but I am a little confused as your name links back to 3 different blogs... I hope you come back to read this.

      Regarding the walking. well, if you have a dog that makes you stop every other step I am suggesting you leave the dog at home and go for a brisk walk on your own. Other wise you will never really get into any flow or rythm walking and if you make it brisk you burn more calories. At the same time, walking a non stopping dog is better than not walking at all... You get it right?

      Thank you for your sweet words about my place. Happy to hear you find it inspiring. Hope to see you again soon. Have a lovely weekend. :D // Annette

  21. Hi Annette. I regularly read your blog and saw this start a few weeks ago and at the same time following a hip problem was told by a physiotherapist that I really should walk at least 5000 steps plus 30 minutes brisk walking every day to keep my hip joints moving (as well as some Yoga).

    I've managed to keep this up but want to know what you are using to track your steps/miles/hours.
    I have a small pedometer, but when I go out to walk I am using one of the mapmywalk apps, but then need to amalgamate both to see how far I've walked in a day and my ped still doesn't tell me for how long. Are you using a particular type of app or pedometer to track you walking?

    Oh love your surroundings as well - we have tank tracks near us as we're near an army base so things aren't so pretty.

  22. Hi I have just come across your blog its fab I am a stay at home mum with four children I find exercise with my two dogs in the woods, we have gone from walking on the flat to walking/ hiking hills in our local woods, I love it and the kids do too xxxx


Thank you so much for visiting my world. I love reading your comments and I do my utterly best to respond to questions and sweet messages. Thank you again for popping by.


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