
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Walking yet?

Photo from here.

 Hello walking pals and creative beings! 
Not so much about crafts today. No, my focus is lying elsewhere... How are you all doing with the walking mission? I am delighted to see that so many of you are joining me. I heart you all!

Welcome to Walk With Me girls:

JayNic Knit Knacks
Henny Designs
Blandina Aracne

Happy Little Cottage
Mrs Stenlund
IA Nyckelpiga
Tea With Hazel
Gilly Flower
Home Schooled
Rita Baccaro

Anonymous from California (whoever you are:D)

In this post I have collected some information about this challenge. Feel free to suggest additions to it that might make this even more fun. I am not a professional at all, I only follow my own experiences and tips and tricks I read in magazines, on the Internet and in books I have.

Come Walk With Me information

For 12 weeks we walk towards a healthier life

Every Sunday we report our walking stats that I will publish in a blog post to see our progress

The comment field in each post will work as our chat room. By replying on the spot we will cheer on, share tips and tricks, stories and chat along :D

See my Come Walk With Me button in my right margin? Feel free to grab the button to your blog (Add picture gadget with the button and the link info underneath) and talk about this challenge. The more we are the merrier. By clicking this button you will come directly to the category Walking and all the posts about Come Walk With Me will appear.

Every week I will present a challenge that we focus upon

Equipment needed, basics: comfortable shoes (preferably trainers)

Equipment needed, extras: pedometer (step counter) and iPod, walking sticks

Week 1 - Welcome

• Walk minimum 15 minutes a day, set your own goal and write down your efforts in a calendar. On Sunday we all report our weekly effort. :D

• Measure your waist line, your right thigh and left upper arm with measuring tape. Write this information down. (You don't need to share this information with us, it is only for you to enjoy your personal progress).

• Weigh yourself first thing in the morning and write this information down. (You don't need to share this information with us, it is only for you to enjoy your personal progress).

Okay girls. Enjoy your walk today!



  1. Replies
    1. Found you.:D Peek a boo! You can't hide anymore. Come on Stel, every step count. How can swop convenience to walking instead, just for 15 minutes? Get off at an early bus stop? Walk around the block before sitting down on the couch in the evening. Walking up and down a staircase not just once but 3 times in a row? No hiding. We all have ups and downs. Forget about yesterday. Make a change today. :D

    2. Ok I did it! One boxer, 1 walk around the block, 15 min :-)

    3. Niiiiice. I am proud. You be proud. I know that was a hard one. How was Friday morning walk?

  2. thankyou thankyou annette..i love what you've done will be fantastic to be walking together and supporting each other in our combined effort to become fitter and healthier..x

  3. I'm looking forward to this! Last year I did a similar thing with my health insurance and it is so good to see your progress, when you write everything down. Have a great day!

  4. Well done for being so organised Annette!

    It is inspiring to read this, and even though I feel like Im cheating a bit as it is not hard for me to do the required walking as I have to walk the dog every day and I have the time, it is such inspiration for those who have less time due to work and family committments.

    Thank you for the additional info on keeping track - that is how to really inspire yourself, to monitor and see the progress!See the weight and inches fall off!

    I must find my pedometer!I am pleased to be one of the Come Walk With Me girls!

    Gill xx

    1. Thanks dear! :D Happy to have you on board. And yes, find that pedometer. I LOVE mine. Without it I feel like I am doing nothing. So much more fun to be able to count your steps and actually see how much you move.

  5. I managed just over 8,000 steps yesterday, which is a personal best. Being based at home makes it a little hard for me to get the steps in 'naturally' so to speak but I was out with my eldest daughter yesterday and we made sure to walk home (tis usually a car/bus journey).
    The other big thing this week is to have bought a decent pair of walking trainers which I'm hoping to start wearing in later today!

    1. WOW! Gold star to you!!! 8000 step is a big achievement. I am so impressed. And you see - just swopping the bus for a walk makes all the difference doesn't it? And I bet you and your girl had a good time chatting. :D

  6. I didn't do welll, at fact, I didn't DO!
    I have a walking date with a friend this Friday morning.

    1. Just read this now. Nice. I like the sound of that walking date. give me the details on how it went Friday eve. :D

  7. So, Am I suposed to wright in inglish now? Think it would be too hard for me.
    Havn´t used it for 15 years.
    But I´m walking whith you.

  8. Just found this in my reader!
    I'm a few weeks behind and starting today :)

  9. How long do you have to walk to get to the 1200 range?


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