
Thursday, April 19, 2012

Bunting... but no walking really...

I am sorry ladies. I have so so hard fallen off the wagon. Me, who started this thing with Come Walk With Me... I am embarrassed but it just happened... I do squeeze in a walk here and there but Easter had so many other things going on and we still have Easter break around here.

Instead I have been starting on various sewing projects, as you can see in my latest posts... Today I actually started and finished a project. Just like that - in one go. That doesn't happen very often. My time is so limited for the crafting. But I have ignored the house  again... It is a bit of a BIG mess actually. I am not sure in which corner to start... Any advice? I need to de-clutter and organize so bad.

Well despite from my apologies and my stress over the mess I am really happy about this bunting. It was made for someone special. A Norwegian-Danish boy named Noah, the first born of a good colleague of mine. I am hoping it will bring that little extra to his nursery. Welcome little friend. :D

Life is swooooosching by like the speed of lightning it feels like... I just don't seem to have so much time for walking or blogging for the moment. I think I have to organize myself a little bit... And my home...



  1. Du är säkert på't igen snart! Och om du får för dig att du vill göra de sista veckorna av utmaningen så är jag "game" :-) Lycka till med decluttering och med det övriga livet i racerfart.

  2. Ikke stress over at du ikke får gått så mye som du gjerne vil -Av og til får man ikke tid til alt!
    Jeg liker vimplene dine veldig godt, vakre farger. Du er så flink til å kombinere nye stoffer med vintage!

    Hilsen fra Norge,

  3. I've been a little hit and miss with the walking myself the last week or two but doing what I can when I can.
    Bunting looks lovely! xxx

  4. Don't worry! I know, what you are talking about...our Easter break is over and it got a lot better. One tip to start getting organized: Just start very small, with one corner and the rest will follow. DON`T write a big to do list, that always makes me feel as if I will never manage and I don't even start. But when I start with one small thing the rest will follow just by itself because it is often the problem to get started. And you have all my sympathy for this because I just had the same and will have it again...hope to remember my own advice ;)
    Have a relaxed weekend...Simone

  5. Hello this all sounds familiar - the lack of walking... the messy house....I blame the holidays, as we all get out of our walking and housework routines to spend time with our families - so its a good thing right?
    No need for guilt or embarrassment Annette - you are not alone!

    Have a great weekend, and I'm sure it will all fall into place again, and we can spur each other on once again!!

    Love the bunting!
    Gill xx

  6. Hi, have you heard of the global corporate challenge? GCC? employees in companies form a team and walk and walk and walk... "virtual around the world walk. “ bit of an incentive .. starts mid May.

    I enjoy seeing your photos so much,makes me bit homesick.. so keep walking and keep me happy in Australia.

    1. HI Natasha. Thanks for the tips on GCC. Haven't heard about it. Will look into it, absolutely. Homesick? Where are you from my friend? I know the feeling of longing for home. I have had big crisis on and off through the years... questioning my choice of living abroad... It is not easy. I think us emigrants always will carry around a bit of sadness inside. Completely normal. Roots are always roots. Something we can't put our finger on - it is just there. Hoep I am not making you sad though. Nice to have you over. Pop in soon again.

  7. Love the bunting - just gorgous xxx


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