
Sunday, April 15, 2012

Practising Postage Stamp quilt blocks

Some points are matching but most of them don't... But I still love my first try at
Postage Stamp blocks and think it will make a great scrappy pillow matching this one.
Rain, rain, rain... Restless kids starting their second spring break week as of tomorrow... Husband back at work after lots of free time together... Family members left a couple of days ago and my house now feels very empty... I am restless too... and I am tired... I have no energy to start any sorting or organizing or detoxing project that this house so desperately need. No energy to even fold laundry or emptying the dishwasher. I made our bed, that is as good as it gets today. I think I'll make plain pasta for tonight's dinner...

And today doesn't seem to be a great day for sewing either. I just think this day is a bit of a blaaahh day. I sneaked in to my crafty corner to get some sewing done. I really wanted to try out the great Postage Stamp tutorial over at Red Pepper Quilts... But I guess I didn't focus very well, making a couple of mistakes like these:

1. Don't use the same fabric in all your strip blocks!
Later when you have to piece the cut strips (now a row of teeny squares in a row) you instantly face the problem of having the same fabric squares ending up next to each other in to many places... And you are stuck with re-arranging your strips until you can figure out a good mix, taking forever...

2. Follow the instructions about pressing the seam allowance in the SAME direction at ALL times! If you are skipping this part, like I did - trying to wing it - you end up with pressed seems in the same direction. Not so neat. Clumsy and hard to match the corners is the consequence if nothing else.

Now, this is a practice run. This will become yet another scrappy pillow for my sofa so I don't really mind.  Another day I will give the Postage Stamp technique another go. But for now my crafty corner is shut down. I think I will bake a cake or something. Maybe lay a puzzle. Watch a movie with the kids. And maybe, but just maybe, go outside for 5 minutes. Tomorrow is another day. A work day... And then I will get back to walking again. Looking forward to that. :D



  1. Hi Annette! I saw Rita's postage stamp quilt on pinterest and was astonished!! I will have to check out her tutorial! I think your block looks pretty darn cute!! Hope you have a lovely Sunday! xoxo Debbie

  2. I have days like these sometimes and I've come to the conclusion that it's when I'm tired. I want to do lots of things but just can't summon the energy to get up and do any of them. And the thought of doing them makes me more tired!! I now just go with it, watch a dvd or browse the net and it passes... I love your postage stamp patchwork- lovely and colourful. Thanks for the tips! Maggie xx

  3. I am having the same kind of day, well maybe week. I can't seem to shake this cough and I am sooooo tired. My head hurts because I am coughing...wah! I did get some crochet time today and I sat outside a bit. That should help. Hope your energy returns soon.

  4. I have days like that when all I want to do is curl up with a nice book (about crafts) and read and dream whilst the world passes me by. :-)

  5. Some days are just like that arent they? Nothing goes particularly well, you dont feel like doing anything much - Im glad when those days are over!
    Hope today is better for you!
    Loving the postage stamp patchwork - so cheery!
    I havent done so much walking the last couple of weeks as neiother the dog nor I like the pouring rain much!
    Gill xx


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