
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Today I am...

Finishing this colorful baby blanket hopefully. Only the edging left to add. :D What are you up to?



  1. Gorgeous bright blanket, Annette! I'm still knitting my shawl (even though I'm not a shawl-wearer - what's that all about??!!) and walking with Lottie, sunshine (a little bit) and rain (quite a lot!). Not sure I'm getting any slimmer, but hey, it's Easter! Loving being out in the fresh air, and the rain does make the earth smell sooo lovely :)
    Jane x

  2. After getting up at 5 'o clock this morning for a very early Easter church service (which was great!) and a very early egg hunt in the garden we just hang around and go to sleep whenever we can't keep our eyes open any more ;)
    And by the way - I managed to go running twice last week, hooray! Have a wonderful Sunday!

  3. The baby blanket is beautiful, lovely colors.
    Hugs to you,

  4. Lovely blanket! Would be interested to see what border you decide on as I'm just at the border stage of a similar blanket, and am at a bit of a loss.
    Celeste x

  5. I'm about to head to bed as our day is done. In fact, it's way past my bedtime. Love the colors of your blanket. I never feel that I can combine them all properly. Must get over that hangup. Wishing you a great new week. Tammy

  6. Your blanket loaded on my screen and I was like wow amazing colours so simple but such wow impact. LOVE IT!!

  7. LOve this cheerful striped blanket - hope you manage to finish!Family visiting here, and a bit of seed sowing and escaping the rain!Hopefully finish off some cushions too (made using vintage fat quarters from your shop!)

    Enjoy your day Annette!

    Gill xx

  8. Oh, my! Look at these colours! Wonderful!

  9. That is so awesome !!! I wish I knew how to do that !!

  10. Jättesöt filt i härliga färger!

  11. Love your blanket! Very original and colorful


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