
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Crochet baby blanket Little Rainbow - Voila!

My family visit left yesterday. Heading back to the Swedish landscape. And I finished this blanket just before I took them to the airport. YAY! I love this blanket!!! My brother and his wife are expecting Number 2 in June. It may be a boy. It may be a girl. I think a happy Little Rainbow blanket will be perfect for a summer baby. A real color explosion.

I followed Bella Dia's Vintage Stripe pattern, with some modification as I did multiple rows of every color. When doing that I always end every row with a treble in the top chain of the last treble stitch, chain 3 and then turn my work to start the next row by making my first treble in the first gap between the two first trebles. Make sense?

I start a new color by adding it halfway through my last treble... Well, when I have two loops on my hook, instead of just pulling through the yarn I add the new yarn to pull through. It makes for a neat color change.

I can't remember the exact number of chains I started off with, I think it was just around 100. And I made 78 rows of trebles in total. Every white stripe is 5 rows and all the others are alternating between 2 and 4 rows.

When finished I made two rows of single crochet around the edges, making 2 in around every treble on the long edge... I think I got to many stitches on the long sides as it made the edging crumble a bit but I don't mind... Although from a technical view I would have liked to have more time to re-do it and figure it out to perfection...

I choose an edging inspired by Bunny Mummy's V-edging. The difference is that she is doing it on a granny stripe base and I have done it on a double crochet base. I had 2 double crochet stitches in between my V-stitches and maybe it would have been better to have 3 stitches in between the V-stitches on the long edges... Then it wouldn't have crumbled at all I guess.

I finished off by quickly making  a label saying "Love Aunt Annette 2012" that I machine stitched on. I stabilized it with some Vlieseline on the back, cut it with a pinking shears. And Voila! The blanket now has a signature as well.

I used a 4 mm hook with a mix of DK Cotton from my local store as well as some Creative Cotton from Rico that I once bought at my local craft store a long time ago.

Only when surfing for more Creative Cotton from Rico, in case I was going to run out, I found out that this is the "famous" cotton that Lucy in the Attic24 uses... I was surprised to see how companies uses her name as reference to sell this product and I just hope she is getting some free bees out of this as she obviously has brought so much business that they simply sell out all the time. If you read this Lucy, you should put your foot down about this if they haven't really asked to use your name for this purpose, that is my own opinion. LOL :D.

Anyway. I love this blanket. This is my Little Rainbow blanket. Quick, simple and fabulous for a baby. And for any Walking Lady out there feeling neglected... I will be back now. Will post about Come Walk With Me real soon. I have kinda slipped off the wagon a bit during Easter but after I have cleaned the house and put every one back in their own bedrooms (you know how it is with family visits - you have to re-organize sleeping arrangements and a house full of people really needs a bit of a BIG clean when everything goes back to normal. ). So how has your week been? Any sewing or crocheting to share? See you soon. The cleaning house bucket is calling!



  1. Gorgeous use of colors, perfect for a summer baby indeed! :) I'm so jealous of the grass in these pictures, too...We still have snow! :D

  2. Hi Annette, beautiful blanket and beautiful colours. I like your edging, I've used that double v edging on some of my blankets too xxx

  3. But then again there are those of us who would not use a yarn endorsed by someone else as we like to make our own choices and not do what someone else does, so losing as many sales as are gained. I'm tired of everyone else's work being called by the name of the person you mention. They did not invent the colours or the use of them. The whole thing makes me quite cross and uncomfortable actually.

    The reason being, I find the talent of so many other people being ignored or swallowed up in this unhealthy cult. There are lots of designers and talented people who don't get much of a look in when they are actually offering more in the way of originality and skill.

    I also appreciate that the person mentioned has not leapt on the momentum of their own bandwagon and relentless exploited it for financial gain. That is a plus in my view. The silliness and herd mentality appears to come mostly from others, rather than the source. I like the fact that there is a person who likes to share and is not motivated primarily by money. That's quite rare. In any case when you condense the worth of what is offered it is actually quite small as there are better qualified people out there writng many original patterns etc. The monetary value would involve selling one's personality and soul rather than anything concrete. Some people think privacy and authenticity is more important. I agree.

    1. Hello Anonymous.
      I hope you'll come back to read this. I understand your opinion. I really do. My point was more about companies using Lucy's name to sell a product. I just hope, as she brings business throughout her blog and thousands of readers, she might get some benefits from it, like some free yarn in exchange for bringing business. Maybe she does. I don't know. I was just surprised how her name is used in a commercial way.

      I personally did not buy this yarn because Lucy happened to post about it. I bought this yarn because it was the only cotton yarn available at my craft shop. And no, she did not invent the rainbow colors. They have been around forever, but of course Lucy brought them alive through her blog and TaDah! - The Lucy Colors concept was born. Like it or not, but that is the way it is. Just like every striped or checked button down shirt will be called a Ralph Lauren shirt... Or every fabric with pastels and roses will be called Cath Kidston... Quite amazing and fascinating isn't it?
      Have a great day and thanks for popping by.

  4. Such a lovely blanket! And what a difference the white makes, the colours just pop. I've made the same blanket, and with my next one think I'll add some white. Well done x

  5. Lovely blankie, nice and bright.
    Also totally fell of the wagon, my visitors touched down in Ireland ten minutes ago and I'm also packing away, doing laundry, regrouping after a great visit. Next week we'll walk again :-)

  6. Gorgeous blanket, perfect for a new sweet niece or nephew. Enjoy your weekend,

  7. It's stunning Annette, I love the rainbow of colours with the white ....gorgeous :0)
    Jacquie x

  8. Beautiful Annette, love the colors, they almost sparkle x
    Have a lovely weekend

  9. Gorgeous Blanket. Love the edging. It's so rewarding when you see a project like this finally finish.

  10. Åh, så ljuvligt fin! Och jag älskar de små personliga etiketterna som du sätter på dina filtar! Dom är verkligen pricken över i:t.

  11. Its beautiful Annette. Love the cotton for baby blankies. Have a great weekend!

  12. But people have been using those colours forever! No one owns them. We are denied the autonomy of being seen to be making our own choices if it is all just put down to being 'Lucy'! I've even seen other published designers being accused of stealing from Lucy because they have used 'her' colours or are using granny squares, it's unfair and ridiculous. I've seen the most obscure kitchen equipment called 'Lucy'. You've even illustrated the point when you say you choose your colours, while being uninfluenced. Of course you did, that is my point! I don't agree with the Cath Kidston thing either; I never describe a fabric in those terms as it is derisory to others and also ridiculous. It's just floral fabric and not even especially nice at that. I don't do the 'designer' thing either as all things have been designed by something; it's a stange concept to me to pay for a name rather than a product. I concur that that is the way it is, but I don't like it.

    I think it does not show people in a good light at all. There is a whole cult like group on Ravelry dedicated to worship where they seem to have subsumed all their own personal tastes as being wrong somehow. They are only allowed to show their 'Lucy' creations. Or if they show something else they apologise for having the temerity to do so. It's very sad as there are some very skilled people who are not allowed to shine who are creating original patterns with flair and talent yet are swallowed up.You are not allowed to question anything as if you do you get banned from posting. Freedom of speech is not encouraged there. I know of several people who have been bullied off the boards there and you don't get to hear as they can't post what has happened to them!

    There is already a donate button on the blog So I'm sure she is amply rewarded by anyone who feels personally grateful which enables her to have that 'free' yarn you mention.

    1. Hello again. I can see that this is a topic that really bothers you. For me I just do my thing. If it happens to be the same style as anyone else, famous or not famous, so be it. I am sure someone has made a blanket like mine before but I haven't seen it. The talk about patterns or tutorials, copyright and so on... It is very delicate. I never call something my own. No one really can because the art of crochet has been around forever.

      I am not on Ravelry, I am not even updating my Flickr regularly. I don't pin on Pinterest or hang out on Instagram. So it is hard for me to get involved in the discussion on what is going on over there. I am trying to live my real life instead of getting sucked in to the virtual world but I do let myself get inspired by creations in blog land. And I love blog land. :D

      Well, I am not sure how to respond actually. I think I'll just put this topic to the side and move on with life. Today I am sewing. My style, because I am the one doing it :D
      Have a wonderful day.

  13. Gorgeous baby blanket! I think it's wonderful.

  14. Vilken underbar filt du gjort! Den kommer att passa perfekt till ett litet sommarbarn!

  15. This is a completely gorgeous blanket! The colours against the white is beautiful. You must be thrilled with it.

  16. Ficou muito linda.
    Adorei também a etiqueta com teu nome na manta.
    Um abraço.

  17. A truly wonderful gift from the heart, for your future niece/nephew. Incredible colors!

  18. Gorgeous! How did I miss this post? Loving all the cheerful stripes, what a lot of work must have gone into this, its lovely Annette!
    Gill xx

  19. I love love love this blanket Annette! How did I miss this tadaaa?! Perfect with all the white. I hope your arm is taking this crochet adventure well...

    Have a happy weekend ahead,

  20. so funny how those who have the most to say always do it under the guise of "anonymous" isnt it?


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