
Wednesday, May 9, 2012


This is a house I often walk by. I dream about living here... Garage to the left, bedrooms where the three upper windows are, kitchen and living room open planned all down stairs.

This is our bedroom. We will have climbing pink roses on the front of our house decorating this old window to the most pretty window imaginable.

This is the entrance to the garage where Jay will work on his motorcycles all the time. We will keep the doors just like this. They are perfect!

This is the front door. Can you imagine the climbing roses surrounding it, climbing the walls. And can you see the portal that we built framing it to make it look absolutely perfect? I want lace curtains in the window and a wooden Welcome sign on the door. Swedish style with Dala horses and kurbits painted on it.

The lamp will stay. Absolutely. I love it!

This is our living area with big panorama doors opening up to the front porch. There will be big ceramic pots full of geraniums in bloom... We will have a nice set of wood furniture, a barbecue and of course a small hammock to rock yourself in on a lazy afternoon...

Above is the loft. It is a half top floor. The living room area is open up til the knock and the half second floor is built as a social area with book shelves and comfy chairs. The computer is here and you can see the view of the Alps from the windows that we will put into that wooden part all the way from left to right. I will have window flowers pots with climbing geraniums. Like every Swiss person has.

This is the entrance to a small storage area for play stuff and outdoor furniture stuff.

And the fountain will be great to fetch water in year around.

And we will plant apple trees and have swings for the kids and shady places to sit at. I will dry my laundry here on a string put up between the trees. :D

I dream. These pictures were taken in March... Next week I will take a walk here again and things will look a bit different. It will be more green.

I truly am a dreamer... I can imagine life here. I can hear us running around. I can see laundry waving in the wind on the clothes line. I can see myself sit there under a tree, crocheting and looking at the Alps. Do you dream like this sometimes? It is really nice...



  1. Annette what a wonderful house, just waiting for someone like you and your family to bring it back to life, to live happily in and around it.
    Is it for sale??? Could you possibly turn that dream into reality? I love all the faded charm, the peeling paint.Perfect.
    The important bit though is the dreaming of it! If not this, then one day there will be one even better and for real.
    I dreamt for years of a bigger house with enough space for us, with a garden big enough to grow veg, plenty of parking, and most importantly, in a quiet country lane with walks from the door. I dreamed of a wood burner, and a rayburn or aga stove to cook on, a real larder, double doors onto to a stone terrace,and space for us all to do our own things (a sewing room for me!), and a house full of things that reflect us.
    It took 12 years of dreaming, working, waiting to be able financially to make the move, then 2 years of looking for something we could afford, but now we are here - modest, but it has all those things and more!And we all love it!
    So dreaming is good, and one day sometimes those dreams come true.
    I hope yours do, but in the meantime we have our lovely families!!!!
    Gill xx

    1. Wonderful words Gill. It inspires me to never give up dreaming. Thanks ♥♥♥ Annette

  2. So lovely Annette!! Love the idea of climbing pink roses, dala horses and lace curtains. Hope your dream becomes a reality for your sweet family! xoxo Debbie

  3. what is life without dreams?????


  4. I am a dreamer about every house I see in the country or by the water. Dreams are so much fun.
    Hugs to you,

  5. What an interesting house! I can see the picture as well!

  6. Wow what an amazing house its so beautiful all that wood and those old shutters. I wonder who lived there and why its empty. It would make a wonderful home such a shame. Its good to dream ;-)) dee x

  7. I love to dream like this!!! Dream on..... X claire

  8. Lovely! I could just picture it. Especially the climbing roses and wash on the line. That house has a lot of character. Can you imagine decorating the inside? Ooooh, how fun!

  9. That was absolutely wonderful! :) I dream like that too...maybe a little too much. :)


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