
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hi. My name is Annette...

A fabulous stash of treasured Tilda fabric and more...
I AM A FABRIC ADDICT! The other day I surfed an online fabric shop just for fun. But I soon found myself putting one fabric after another in the Cart... And then suddenly I pressed the Check out button, filled out my credit card details and pressed Purchase... I was happy. Felt so good inside. I've been waiting for this delivery and today it came. And I am so thrilled! I love this!

Who can resist fabrics like these? Honestly??? I'll give me right arm for these!!! Well, maybe not an arm, but a toe! :)
But of course I am crushed with guilt as well. Why did I do it? I have 2 book shelves full of fabric already. Half a dozen projects waiting to be finished and now yet another one? But I just couldn't resist this purchase. I have had this quilt idea in my mind for a little while now and when I look at these gorgeous pieces - oh my! This is going to be great fun. A fabulous quilt. Only for me. Annette's quilt this will be. Mine all mine. :D

And still... Next time I surf an online shop I will probably do it again. Put fabric in the Cart. Press the Check out button. Give my credit card details and press Purchase. And I will await another delivery with butterflies in my belly. Find them just as gorgeous as I thought they would be. Feel a bit guilty looking at all the fabrics I already have... And then I will start another project. I hope I will finish it before I get online again, put fabric in the Cart, press the Check out button...........................



  1. Mmmmm, I think I'm also 'suffering' from this addiction...

  2. I fear I am near addiction and worried that your admission has not put me off!

  3. I love all the blues you have chosen. Who can resist buying new fabric? Sometimes I feel the need to sew faster and faster, so it doesn't all pile up behind me :D

  4. Hi Annette, my name is Meredith and I am a yarn addict. I try so hard not to buy it and to shop in my own closet, but sometimes the temptation is just too much. At least I am not into anything that will hurt anyone else, actually with all the gifts I make for others it helps people a lot. I fully understand what you are feeling!

  5. I so get this! I seem to have a full blown craft supply addiction. I have countless projects on the go or in the wings.

  6. I know , I know......I did the same thing last night - suddenly realised I had bought 3 new pieces of fabric without really noticing .. but they were such a good deal, so beautiful, they somehow got in my cart, and paypal is so easy, and before I know it I have paid for them - how wonderful, they are lovely, but then the guilt afterwards too!
    Oh dear, there is no cure I fear.
    Your fabrics are gorgeous, and I ma glad that for once you will be saving them for yourself - then you can really enjoy them, and the guilt will be gone as you will have transformed them in to something useful and ebautiful to treasure and enjoy.
    I am having a Jubilee Giveaway on my blog Annette, please pop over and enter if you would like to.
    Gill xx

  7. I used to feel guilty about buying more fabric too, but not any more:-) You can never have enough fabric (or yarn)! I saw a quote somewhere, and it says: "Whoever dies with the biggest fabric stash, wins!"
    Only thing I am very careful about, is that I buy 99% of my fabrics on sale. That way, I can afford more LOL!
    The Tilda fabrics are so lovely, I have some of them too. Don't know what to use them for yet, but I'm sure I'll figure something out.

  8. These are so pretty, and the Annette quilt is going to be lovely!! Happy quilting! xoxo Debbie

  9. I've re-labeled myself as a 'fabric collector.' Guilt averted! :D The fabrics are lovely! :)

    1. Me like this! :D I take it all back. From now on I am a Fabric Collector.Fabulous!!! ♥♥♥Annette

  10. HHHMMMM I have to say I agree with everything you said . Why do I keep hitting the buy button ..I even promised my bank lady I would no longer buy online since my bank acct was hacked 4 times already LOL , they know me at my bank . How embarrasing but still I consume fabric like it was cookies :) Izzy R

  11. Jag kan tycka att ubudet på mjuka tyger är överväldigande ibland, men vävda, där kan man ju bli galen av allt fint som finns. Dina tyger är fantastiskt snygga! Det finns ett jerseytyg i Sverige som ser ut som mormorsrutor den kommer in i pastelliga rosa, grön och turkos snart också. Kanske du vågar över på mjuka tyger också....

  12. Well, they are beautiful fabrics!

  13. Je crois que j'ai la même maladie que vous...J'ai hâte de voir le kilt Annette! Ils sont si beaux ces tissus!

    1. Merci pour le visiter. Il est bon de savoir que je ne suis pas tout seul avec cette maladie... :D Bonsoir! Annette

  14. Hi Annette,

    Very nice fabrics. Where did you buy them, there are Tilda fabrics that I'm looking for, and that are not longer available in Belgium. I'm making a summer-Tildaquilt. Stephany

  15. Thanks for your reaction on my blog Annette, I allready ordered the fabrics.


  16. I love wool, but I also love weaving it all into something new!


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