
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Mini Granny Squares...

Saturday before the rain... 18 mini granny squares with fastened off tails... 24 more to make...

Sunday... 34 mini granny squares in piles... only 8 more to make...
Wednesday... 39 mini granny squares on my little stone wall... Only 3 more to make.

I am busy. Focusing on finishing. This Gypsy Blanket WiP has been going on for a looooong time. When I have  a total of 42 mini granny squares they will be all ready to be joined in to the blanket with a third colorful row... And then! Then I just have to figure out what type of edging I should make... Excited... :D Back to Mini-Granny-Square-Happy-Hooking-Time.
Have you done any mini granny squares lately?



  1. fantastic little granny squares....!!!
    xxxx Alessandra

  2. I hope you make a beautiful blanket! sure to be beautiful! thanks for these moments!

  3. Yes I am doing a similar blanket at the moment for my new daughter, I called it e sweetie blanket because of the bright and zingy colours. It was inspired by your gypsy blanket. I have 150 mini squares still to make. I have joined as I went and I didn't sew in the tails yet. The back looks like a spaghetti tangle.

  4. Anette, the grannies are looking fantastic. I love your color choices, so bright and cheery. Also loved your laundry post. I remember my Mom hanging our sheets outside and having to sprint outside to get them off at the first sign of rain.
    Hope you are having a great day,

  5. Menar du att den ska bli färdig! Yes!! jag är sá sugen pá att fá se den. Sá härliga färger och sá mycket jobb bakom. LYCKA TILL!!

  6. I am actually making stashes and stashes of mini squares for my new project. Oooh!!! :-)

  7. Gorgeous, I'm starting my blog - I love following your ideas, inspiration and lovely photos. Thanks for sharing.x

  8. Oh yes, I've started some after seeing @flowersoul4 gorgeous cushion and thought, I just HAVE to do that because it's a quick project ( better than a blanket since it's summer in Australia) and it's bright and cheery! So yes yes yes to minis, Annette! xx


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