
Friday, June 15, 2012

♥ Handkerchief Love ♥

I made a jackpot at the thrift store the other day.

I told you I wanted my own collection of handkerchiefs.

Some of these may end up in my store.
My favorite one is the one with 
the bird. Which is yours?


PS. So I woke up at 3.30 pm and could not fall back asleep as my head was spinning of
creative ideas. And of course I knew these hankies were waiting for me in the washer to be
put on the wash line... I finally did fall asleep at 5 pm after tossing and turning. Just to be woken up
at 5.30 pm by my alarm clock. That is when I got up and did this photo shoot. Call me nuts!!!
It is an extremely pretty morning and great start of the day today! :D


  1. I love them all together hanging there! and yes, the birdie one is very cute!!


  2. They are lovely ! Yep... with the bird, that is a special one ;-)
    x Sylvia

  3. Dearest Annette,
    so so pretty! Thea remind me of my childhood, when my aunts always gave me a packet of handkerchieves as a present! Have a really nice weekend! Simone

  4. Those are lovely, i never leave the house without a hanky, dee x

  5. Wow, they're lovely! I'll add hankies to my list of things to look for when i visit charity shops...

  6. Hi Annette! What happy photos!!! I love the colors and the sky and I can actually smell the clean laundry and fresh breeze! If you list these in your shop, you should use one of these pictures :) Happy weekend!! xoxo Debbie

  7. What a great score! I love the blue one with the white floral circles. So cute!

  8. Annette what a wonderful collection, what finds!
    They look so pretty drying on the line.
    They all look lovely, I dont think Icould choose a favourite although the bird one is sweet, as is the pink chequered one, but they are all so pretty!
    Have a great weekend!
    PS My walking has not been too good recently as the weather has been so wet here in the UK - I've only had a couple of walks longer than an hour this week - most are just quick ones to walk the dog!
    Gill xx

  9. They are all so gorgeous hanging up in the sun. I love the blue with pink flowers.

  10. They are just beautiful! What a find. I know that feeling of waking up with ideas flowing... hope you had a nap x

  11. Fina! Ska du behålla dom som dom är eller göra nåt av dom?

  12. I actually didn't know such pretty hankies existed! What great finds! Rachel x

  13. So very sweet!! Lucky you...

  14. What an amazing sight! It brings me back in years...I love the flowery 'liberty' hankie most, but it is true that the choice is difficult.
    It happens to me too to have those creative urges during the night, but usually they help me to fall asleep because all the worries disappear like magic...

  15. Gorgeous collection. Great photos. Terrific share!


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