
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Thrift treasures - blouse jackpot!

A woman is on her way to the toy store with an over exited 8 year old boy in the back seat
sitting next to his baby sister. He is dying to purchase a LEGO airplane for the
money birthday gift he received from his Mormor (Grandma).
"MARKET!!!" shouts the woman who is his mother. "We have to stop darlings. Mama will be quick." Some sighs and upset noises appears in the back but the mother of the two poor children
ignores it and ruffly pulls over in a safe parking spot.
The kids are dragging their feet while the woman puts on her radar for treasures.
No fabric, doilies, yarn or embroidery treasures in sight. No blue china...
A couple of framed rose illustrations is spotted as well as a children's story book from the 70"s
with gorgeously funky illustrations of rock climbers, flowers in the Alps and more
from the Swiss landscape and nature. It ends up in her basket.
 And she spots clothing. Lots of it.
She happily leaves the market with an empty cash wallet after purchasing a bunch of cute summer items to add to her wardrobe. The kids who patiently been carrying bags and waiting for their moms shopping spree to be over, get spoiled with toys, lollipops, chewing gum, AND ice cream.
Everyone is happy.
The woman tries on her clothes at home and everything is a perfect fit. Lucky girl!
She absolutely adores this white embroidered blouse with its tulip sleeves and cute neck detail.
The birds are just oh so darling cute!
This floral tunika with the folkart embroidery around the square neck line is to die for.
"Scandinavian meets Mediterranean"
, she thinks and that is perfect as two of her children
are born in Mallorca, a beautiful island outside Spain's east coast.
This shabby chick but elegant rosy blouse with puffy short sleeves and ruffle bottom,
will for sure become a favorite with jeans. She could need a pretty shawl with that too...
And the cute floral pattern in this tunika is to die for. Just to good to be true.

So the woman - me - is very happy with her treasures. Often clothing can go wrong as it is hard to know the fit of the items. But this time it was pure jackpot. The second one of the week I believe.

Do you ever thrift shop for clothing? And do you have any tricks for knowing it will be a perfect fit without being able to try it on? I am curious to know...

Oh, the price? Did I forget to tell you? This is the best part - 4 CHF a piece!
"Ain't that just fab-fantastic!!!"
says the girl who LOVES a bargain. ;D Twink.

♥ Annette ♥


  1. Oooo! What fantastic finds! I have never looked for clothing at thrift stores, but I definitely have to now :) I adore all of them, but the bird is my favorite! You lucky girl!

  2. Fabulous finds! And I bet they look adorable on you!! Heading to the thrift stores today...hope I have your luck :) xoxo Debbie

  3. Great things you found there! WOW! I think I like the white blouse best... hopefully it will be wormer, soon as I still waer my fleece jacket and it is raining, hmm.
    Have a nice weekend! Simone

  4. I love the bird shirt! I wish I could find stuff like that.

  5. they're great finds annette and lovely additions to your summer wardrobe..jane

  6. Oh how cute. You really have some pretty finds.
    I love to thrift shop but it is sparce where we live.

  7. What a brilliant haul Annette! They are all so pretty, and such a good price! I expect your kids know their Mum by now!
    Every now and then I have the urge to thrift shop clothing and last week I found a few things too, 3 tops for less than half the price of a new top!
    I just try to get my size and if doesnt fit it usually gets adopted by my teenager or put back in the charity shop!
    Have a good week!
    Gill xx

  8. Wow! Those are too good to be true! What an awesome find. I haven't been thrifting in ages! You've inspired me to go shopping this weekend or next week!!! So excited :)

  9. These are such a lovely array of blouses. I recently found 2 that I really love and are just as comfortable as my pj's (but make me look far more presentable... haha).


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