
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Before the storm...

The minutes before a storm... It is fascinating how at first everything is dead calm and quiet. And then suddenly the sky turns all grey and heavy. Soon the wind starts. First a little shy huff. Followed by bigger huffs to soon be a continuous strong storm wind. The trees are bending, the bushes moving. Erratic, strong. Like they want to shake something unwelcome off. And then the rain comes. Big drops soon turning into a heavy shower almost hitting the ground horizontally. Nothing is safe. Things tip over, falls with bangs to the ground. Tumbles across the garden to smash into the walls and stay still. Branches are breaking... We are crossing fingers that the tomatoes will stay tied up.

And at this time I was photographing my latest quilt top pinned on the clothes line. Needless to say it was going absolutely bananas in the incoming wind. Wild like a loose kite. I wish I could have gotten the focus just right but I think the pictures speak for themselves anyway. It was a magic moment. And for the showing off of my stripy blue Tilda quilt I think she is doing dramatically well so far. What do you think?


PS The tomato plants did stay up but my geranium flower plants tumbled over. Luckily they are an easy save. The storm was longed for. Finally the air is getting fresh and crisp again after a week of that sticky gooey Mediterranean heat wave that we have had.


  1. Isn't it lovely to have the rain and clearer temperatures for a day or two now?! Did you recognize the "Cruise of the lake" pictures that we both share?! Your garden looks so happy in the rain! Have a lovely cooler Sunday.

    Would you consider taking the word verification off your blog - it is acting as a deterrent to leaving comments?! This is my fourth try!

  2. Wooosh!.....and the summer starts to leave space to the autumn....!!!
    Dramatic pics of the blanket!!! love them!
    xxxx Alessandra

  3. I don't tend to but many new fabrics at the moment but think the Tilda designs are beautiful. We've been having some very dramatic storms too! Ada :)

  4. I love the way the atmosphere suddenly changes when a storm comes. Yesterday we had the longest thunder and lightening storm in a long time. Lasted about an hour!! Love storms. Xx

  5. the quilt looks beautiful! i´m looking forward to see it finished :-)
    lg pami

  6. Your quilt top looks so pretty blowing in the wind. It is going to be gorgeous!!

  7. Well, you are lucky, we had very little rain this morning here in Florence, the sun is out again, and ferocious.
    Tilde promises to be another success, I do love the colours!

  8. I love the big storms we have here in Florida, they roll off the coast, their dark beautiful clouds, and winds billowing. W are expecting rain from Tropical Storm Issac sometime tonight, that kind of storm I could do without. Love your thrift finds, boy was it your lucky day.

  9. oh my goodness! good job it didn't blow away! The quilt I mean. That would have been a great tradgedy. Your vegetable garden is amazing! so organised and happening unlike mine....Heather x

  10. Such great shots of your quilt top!! Have a lovely week! xo Heather

  11. just nominated your blog for an award!! ;oD
    xxx Alessandra

  12. Summer storms can be pretty impressive. We've had a few of those lately. Recently one knocked our power out for a week... sheesh!

    I posted a photo of an crazy storm we had at our house recenly in this post:

    Scary stuff, but we made it through.

  13. I love the fabrics you've used for your quilt top and I just love seeing it blowing on your washing line! Maggie xx


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