
Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Dreamy Wednesday - Eclectic...

Today I am dreaming colors. Strong colors. Eclectic combinations. Big, bold patterns.
I smell spices from East and South, hot and sticky Mediterranean air.
I can feel warm salty ocean water and hot sand under my feet.
I can taste fresh and cold refreshing Gazpacho, an ice cold beer in a busy bar.
I can hear the beat from music, cars beeping and people laughing on dark streets.
I can see sun tan women in beautiful, colorful dresses, blinding you with a white smile.
These prints brings me somewhere else. Somewhere hot. Somewhere exotic and different.

Today I dream of making quilts from fabric designed by Jennifer Paganelli...
They are scrumptious.
They are delicious.
They are absolutely fabulous, brave and just like a big gorgeous and self confident pink elephant in a dull airport!!!
Maybe I can't resist buying some of these fabrics. Not after playing around making digital quilts...

Big thanks to you all for your sweet comments that fills up my inbox. Every single word from you is a blessing to read. Love to you all. Hope your weekend was fantastic. Mine was. See you soon again.


1 comment:

  1. What fabulous fabrics, they are stunning.


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