
Friday, October 12, 2012

Close to deadline freeze...

It is like having travel fever. I still have things I want to make for the market. Just a few more items. But I just can't. I am in a "freeze" mode. I just can't get ready... Not yet.

I am walking around in restless circles, moving piles of fabric from one corner of my cutting table to another without even cutting anything. I am looking at ready cut pieces ready to be assembled and find myself hanging them over my creative cupboard doors instead of actually putting them together.

I get sucked into online shopping of fabric instead of actually looking through my own stash for inspiration first. My mind is designing a new pillow every 5 minutes, but only in my head. I am designing fabric, a Christmas line, in my head... But everything just stays there - in my head.

I am thinking I should write a list of all my items, make price labels, make new business cards, a presentation of my work for my table... But I can't even think past no 1 on the list at this point...

I nibble in the cupboard and fold a bit of laundry, hang out with the kids and have a laugh. Get back into my sewing corner thinking  "Now I am ready to make something. Just something!" but the second after I am drifting out in the living room and the family commotion.

I find myself with the crochet hook in hand, making yet another granny square with no purpose in mind... The mixing colors magic has a calming effect on me. It helps me breathe... Although I am not sure I am so happy with my square yet...

I think I have enough for the market on Sunday, I really do. It is just my first market, a time to learn, experience and see if I like it. I should be proud of myself, I have worked hard. My favorites are my buntings and my cute notebooks. And the pillows. And the baby blanket. Well, I guess all of it are my favorites. It is supposed to be like that, isn't it? I should be my own biggest fan. :D

This is all about the close to deadline experience. Still I have so much to do and get nothing done. I have always been like this. I just have to wait until the last minute to finish. And when the last minute appears I am like Miss Super Lady. Efficient, quick, focused. I finish. Just in time. And that will happen even this time. Just not right now... Later. Anyone feel the same?

Thank you so much for all your support. You are all truly the absolute best. Where would I have been without you I sometimes wonder. I certainly wouldn't have come this far this quick in my creative journey. I owe you all a big big thank you for always being there, supporting me and letting me know even little me counts in this big world we live in. Love you all! ♥♥♥



  1. Annette, you will be amazing I just know it. Everything you make is so beautiful, creative, colorful....I could go on an on. Just enjoy yourself, you are wonderful.

  2. oh, i´m looking forward to the market, too...
    you´ll make it! it is so exciting to read your posts... i´m looking forward to your next post...

  3. Thank you SO MUCH Annette, I thought it was just me, now I know I'm not going mad, or if I am at least I'm going mad with someone else too!
    Your fair will be great, try not to stress, this is your first one, you will learn things from it, just try and enjoy it! Let us know how you get on! Ada :)

  4. Vad roligt det låter med marknad. Du kommer att klara detta galant. Du har ju så mycket fina grejer, klart de köper. Ta lite kort, jag vill så gärna se ditt stånd, vi åker till London på lördag så tyvärr kan jag inte komma live och titta.
    Ha det bra och hoppas vi ses på jobbet någon gång.....
    ps. Jag fick dina mail häromdagen, min website är omgjord så mailadressen var borta, nu är den igång igen.
    Kramar från Emma

  5. Ooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!
    I like everything, everything, everything!! You always do nice things ... I love your blog! Congratulations, Annette!

  6. All the best with sprinting across that finish line! I like your stuff too!

  7. I remember I was still working on the last geological sections the same day of my degree in Geology...!!! And I did it!!
    And now is still the same: I do better in the last hours left!!!
    You are the same: something in common, then!!
    Good luck with your first market and enjoy it!!
    xxx Alessandra

  8. You have made beautiful things :-)

  9. Hello Annette, My name is Sophie and I'm from Hungary. I didn't write you yet, even if I'm reading your blog since months. I'm not really that writing type. But I wanted to tell you, that your works inspired me sooo much, that I already made a few quilt blankets and I'm just about to learn how to crochet and make such a beautiful pillow cases, like the one with the daisy squares. I always wanted to learn these things but I taught I still have time until I'll have my own children and make something for them. But you just gave me so much joy with your lovely pictures and posts that I felt I just want to create right now! and I'm still very excited about your new projects, I have already a lot in my head too! :)
    So with all this I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU and don't be afraid of the market I'm sure that all your items will be sold in a rush! They are just fabulous!

  10. I know the feeling. I´ve been to markets like that four times now and now it´s getting easier! Your products are so beautiful that you´ll be the best! I wish you all the best! =)

  11. Hi Annette, well done for all your hard work, you probably need a breather! I remember hearing that when we finish something we have begun it can then become free to be part of our story and move forwards with us, wishing you all the best, Heather x


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